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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. It's also possible to take advantage of the natural circles in the map for kiting stuff if you manage to wait out the reinforcements. You've got considerable room for kiting at the start, too- if you focus your heavy hitters on the left side and clear everything there out on turn 1, and then have the other two sides aggro their enemies and then book it left, you can fight the dudes chasing them split into two waves with your whole team per wave. Then run up the LHS as fast as you can to stop the Thief (you've actually got a good amount of time, and can intercept him at the halfway point if you like).
  2. It's not going to go back down (unless your team has a serious problem with magic... This chapter has one of the highest concentrations of Tomes in the game). If you want to train, get your training in here. There are only two more chapters that aren't Kill Boss, so you could just start rushing, I guess.
  3. No offense but I actually see him around more than you.
  4. No, because Elwind (or better: Rexcalibur and possibly Celica's Gale) can be bought from Spotpass for cheap. You can't buy Rally Str (short of recruiting someone with it from Spotpass, but that falls against most people's definitions of nogrind). If the Elwind itself were that important, I'd just trade it to Robin right away- but I find it to be of best use staying on Ricken because three mages is better than two (when playing offensively). Thus Ricken is really just a drop-in Wyvern chipper for Cht.5, and if I'm using Miriel he's a weak tome replenishment after that (Robin usually reclasses after Cht.5, and I don't usually wind up in a Tome class).
  5. I'm honestly not sure how that adds up to Awakening when there's a dedicated forum for it that you didn't use. So you posted in the wrong place, no need to pretend it's his fault. On topic, I've occasionally forgotten to do something important with a unit who's been inactive for several turns in maps with a lot going on and proceed straight to EP, but it's not very common and usually only hurts in Lunatic+.
  6. Teams take random amounts of time to appear on each file. Your Hard file probably just got it first- wait a little while and see if it shows up.
  7. Lucina has DSt+, and I care about that more than anything anyone else has to offer. Not that she doesn't have great mods (as Sumia/Avatar!Lucina, at least) and plenty of good classes/procs, of course. Even Morgan has only +4 Mag/Skl/Spd on her at best, and that's not enough to make up for DSt+.
  8. Donnel's Paralogue opens after clearing Cht.3. I don't particularly know or care about archetypes, but... Wouldn't having the unit's stats be further behind than average compared to the rest of your team as far as new recruits go be more important than simply joining late? As I see it joining late with medium stats when the rest of your team has high stats is exactly the same as joining early with low stats when the rest of your team has medium stats.
  9. Libra's strength isn't really his growths. It's his easy access to Monk's useful skills and ability to build support points without partaking in combat.
  10. Reason has no place in for fun playthroughs. Do whatever you want. That said, I wind up using it most on VIrion!Nah, most standard Noires, and occasionally on Morgan-F for low deployment runs of Apo. It won't make too much of a difference ingame because you're grinding so much, though, so I'd just put it on whoever looks best with it (that would be Nowi, as she has a custom standing victory animation that you rarely get to see and is really nice).
  11. Marth "saving" Chrom is called gameplay-story segregation (it's more obvious later on in a cutscene where you get a scripted dual guard against an attack that would quite likely do 0 damage). Yes, you can raise everyone to their stat caps now. The exact mechanics are kind of complicated, so don't sweat it. Growth rates still do matter because there's no way you want to minmax everyone during the main story (it's tedious, makes the rest of the game tedious, and doesn't even have a payoff unless you have DLC). There are always very easy ways of bringing up super weak units to par with the rest of your team even if the Risen outgrow them, so don't worry about that either.
  12. It's the absolute best thing ever for all of one chapter (endgame).
  13. Hrrm. One option is to carry a Second Seal and switch Kjelle to DF (or potentially Valkyrie if Donnel) right before the Thronie fight. She'd get a little extra offense out of bypassing WTD and having a better weapon and Mag stat, and it's not like you're concerned about prep times if you're going to be packing legendaries so grabbing another Wedding Bouquet shouldn't be a big deal (she doesn't even need extra levels, 30 Bride -> 1 Valk -> 1 Bride works).
  14. I was bored and did some fun math regarding DS and support levels. There are 90 enemies in S.Apo. Assuming one is running a standard Avatar-M based team with Nah on hard support (Leads are all standard galegirls and Sumia), there will be 10 different units who ever get to take a lead position. Assuming all pairs are treated with equal preference for getting kills, this means each lead will be getting 9 kills per runthrough. To look at this another way, each pair will be getting an average of 9 kills per runthrough- 15 each for the double Galepairs and 10 each for the singles. Now assume that each lead is running a proc that lacks 100% activation rate (Luna, Astra etc). Say I set a target so that each lead needs to have at least some% chance of not failing a single proc during the entire course of a runthrough, and also assume that each lead will be getting off all four attacks. Actual chance of killing enemies is being ignored for now, all I care about is the odds of getting at least one proc over four strikes. The results (given by the formula 100(1-(1-x/100)^4)^9) are... Interesting. A 48% proc rate yields a 50.49% success rate. A 58% proc rate yields a 75.25% success rate. A 68% proc rate yields a 90.95% success rate. A 73% proc rate yields a 95.32% success rate, and the "standard" 80% proc rate yields a 98.57% success rate. This applies to everything with a % chance of happening, not just procs- most notably DSes. Now, let's assume the team in question is relatively balanced (leads should never have to attack their PavGis except against NS). Lucina will always be around to deal with the one or two tougher threats with perfect reliability and it makes sense that the player would want to use their weaker pairs against weaker things, but for reliability's sake let's test out one of the weakest viable pairs around (damage output wise) on an enemy on the stronger scale of things. I'll use Donnel!Noire@DF (LB/GF/All+2/Luna/Anathema) x Libra!Inigo@Hero (LB/GF/Agg/AF/Vengeance) vs Wave 4's B.Lance Pavise+ Soldier (who, but the way, has a 20 higher average damage output than Anna and 10 more Def). His Def is 65, Res is 50 and he's got a Lance. Noire and Inigo both have 5/15 Braves. Noire's Atk: 42(base) +3(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +3(pairup) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +11(Celica's) =83 Inigo's Atk: 42(base) +1(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +5(AF) +2(tonic) +19(B.Axe/WTA) =99 Damage: 16 from Noire, 17 from Inigo. Noire will do 64 by herself, so only one DS is needed from Inigo to finish the job. Yes, I know I put Agg in the back for that. But if I'm banking on the lead getting four hits and the support only getting two, it actually does less damage that way. Were Inigo up front, there's be an extra 10 damage out there from two more Agg attacks. Basically, as long as you're smart about PavGis, even a fairly weak pair can fell a very tanky enemy with doubling + 1 DS. So, back to teams in general: If we take DS as our target among 8 leads (Lucina and Sumia have free 100%, so they don't matter to these calculations), rates as low as 70% suddenly give remarkable reliability for the map as a whole. What if you wanted a DS rate high enough that all six pairs could reasonably expect to have a perfect Apo at the same time? 69% proc rate? 51.27% success rate. Every other clear of Apo, on average, will be perfect running on DS rates that can be obtained using C supports. 77% proc rates? 81.73% success. That's better than Stone Edge for the price of a B support. 88% proc rates? 98.52% chance of getting a perfect (no dropped kills) run on S.Apo, right there. Who needs S supports? All this isn't to show that S supports are useless, just what can be done without them (or procs. Notice the absence of Luna activations in my Noire calcs). This won't work out on low stat challenge runs thanks to one DS not being enough to get by there, but should both be solid evidence against the possibility of "ruining" a team and might open new options for teambuilding- specifically, having children fight with their parents to reduce preparation time should one not want to make a master team file, and making 2nd gen Morgan much more viable. Also as a note, the places where doing things increases/decreases the reliability of this: pairing Lucina with a Galeboy boosts the reliability considerably, boosting one unit's DS above the average at the cost of lowering another's DS lowers the reliability and reducing your team size actually marginally increases it (due to more work being shifted onto Lucina and Sumia, who have perfect reliability). Having Nah lead isn't taken into consideration, but as long as she doesn't drop any kills her husband would have gotten thanks to Agg I don't think it will change anything. Finally, increasing the DS on double Galepairs makes a bigger difference than it does on single Galepairs.
  15. And equally importantly: how useful is that niche? Seeing as Int revived his Lunatic+ topic, I've been going through myself looking for more unorthadox things that could potentially improve reliability, and was greatly surprised at how much of a difference Ricken's chip damage makes in the possibility to clear Cht.5 using primarily offensive strats (so as to work with lower Def on Avatar and allow for saving him and Maribelle without Par.1's Rescue staff, thereby saving it for later training of Maribelle). This is definitely a niche case but also a very useful one. Anyway, I'll throw Tiki into consideration: while she does have the largest support pool of the limited support units, any potential contribution she brings to the table outside 0% growths is likely outweighed by the difficulty of her Paralogue. Unlike Donnel, who merely requires a lot of patience and tenacity at worst to train, P.17 is capable of flat-out no-selling certain teams on Lunatic(+) no matter what you try to do.
  16. That support is pretty much universally reviled. You won't find any fans of it here. How about Apo before Cht.5? I believe his S supports are already done.
  17. Apo is fully doable with just parents, no Avatar and no S supports, and still isn't that difficult if you know what you're doing. Don't reset unless you care about having a really good team in addition to doing Apo. That said, Awakening has a ton of replay value and doing another playthrough really isn't a bad idea at all. Out of those fathers, Maribelle will do fine with anyone but Kellam and Inigo will do fine with anyone except Virion. Some of the pros and cons of each: Olivia x Libra: makes a good mixed Inigo who's particularly well suited to Dread Fighter. None of his stat mods will be above 3 though, so he's lackluster if you're looking for someone really special. Then again, most Inigos are. Olivia x Henry: Slightly more dynamic mods than Libra. He'll want to be in a physical class though (thanks to not having Tomefaire) like Berserker or Hero. Olivia x Kellam: Your only option to get Luna on Inigo. He'll be pretty slow, but oh well. He has Tomefaire and will be able to go either magical or physical. Maribelle x Virion: Brady already has everything he wants skill-wise, and this just gives him some extra Spd/Skl and cool hair. The Wyvern tree is also present and is fun for messing around, but he won't want to use it in Apo. Maribelle x Libra: Offers 1 more Mag than Virion, and gives you the choice of running Vengeance over Luna- though I wouldn't recommend that unless you really know what you're doing- it'll help but not nearly as much. Maribelle x Henry: Same as Libra, but gives a little Str which makes non-Apo postgame more interesting. Overall, I'd recommend Olivia x Kellam and Maribelle x Virion, since they're the lowest maintenance of the bunch.
  18. Are you kidding? It's been like 30 hours since the last post. Dead as a doornail. Flavia's utility for me has been pushing Basilio out of being doubled by the Lunatic Cht.23 Assassins, which is a fairly large boon if you want him to help out during enemy phase. More significantly, in Lunatic Cht.24 she both keeps him from being doubled by the Valkyries and allows him to double all GKs (including the boss) and Wyverns. Considering as he is effective against both with Hammers and Bows, this can lead to a lot of ORKOes. But yeah, other than boosting Basilio's Spd she's not very useful. Then again, most of the limited support units in Awakening are relegated to special niches at best, so she's not exactly alone in that.
  19. http://serenesforest.net/awakening/miscellaneous/streetpass/
  20. It's not a game-breaking glitch if it can't be encountered accidentally. Game-breaking glitches are things like the XY Lumiose save glitch or the Skyward Sword Goron glitch, not things caused by the user tampering with things they weren't intended to have access to. I could probably find half a dozen of those "glitches" in ten seconds by entering random garbage into an action replay and seeing what happens. If I sound salty, don't take it personally. I just happen to dislike cheat devices with a passion after a long history of playing Pokemon and am amused when they bite people back.
  21. Boss convos are still there, but it's fairly rare for anyone but Chrom to have them. There's one other unit who joins fairly late in the game who has a few, and one or two major plot bosses who have more than one, but the days of the new recruit smack-talking whoever was harassing them are sadly gone. Yeah, that's a Streetpass team and if you don't live in the middle of nowhere you're going to see quite a few. If you don't want to deal with them you can just dismiss them from the menu to get rid of them, or ignore them completely.
  22. Looks pretty clean and well-formatted to me. Style wise, there are two minor changes I'd make. First, you'll want to name your sets- it doesn't matter much on Lucina because all of hers do pretty much the same thing (Aether/Luna lead), but will be useful for other units who have more varied approaches- also for other units consider doing skill builds Smogon style where you have each skillslot on one line and all the options for that slot there- it helps to reduce the length of your guide and make your set analysis more concise. Second, you're referring to both MU and Avatar- it looks more professional if you only do it one way. I prefer not to use MU because that term actually specifically refers to FE12's Avatar- it's just a vestige from Awakening's prerelease community at this point, and while everyone knows what it means it's technically not correct. Robin and Avatar are both good ways to refer to him/her.
  23. Sounds excellent. Feel free to talk about anything you like about the game, first playthrough playlogs are always interesting. The game does push Chrom x Sumia a lot but nothing bad happens if you don't do it. You can also do Paralogues whenever you want. They'll stay around until you complete them, so if you want/need to go train your team more you can do that and just come back.
  24. Luna is better when the foe's Def/Res is higher than your alternate Atk stat. Your alternate Atk stat gets an automatic +25 boost from LB/Rally/Pairup/Tonic so is generally at least 55 (assuming not GK) and ranges up to 15-20 higher depending on whether you're in a balanced Atk class, have a balanced pairup or have balanced Atk mods. In Apo, 55 is on the higher scale of defensive stats- while there are a few enemies that are higher than it, most non-Bosses are only +1-3 points on it while stats ranging as low as 40 are very common. So unless you're fighting the stronger Bosses on their stronger defensive stat with no special alternate Atk boosts, Ignis is on par with or better than Luna- and of course it's way better everywhere else. In fact, there are no enemies with both defensive stats notably above 55- the highest secondary defense in Apo is Ikeadin (Ragnell Paladin)'s Res at 57.
  25. Those results look like about what I was expecting, though Aether/Ignis will probably have slightly higher output than Aether/Luna. Things in Awakening always round down, by the way. Also keep in mind that Anna has a Throne which provides +3 unpiercable Def/Res (so she'll have 58 vs non-Luna and 30 vs Luna). No such thing. Awakening's inheritance system is too dynamic for there to be The One Team. Sumia's mods are much better than Olivia's, Sumia gives Lucina better skills than Olivia does, and Chrom gives Cynthia both better mods and skills than Henry (her second best option) and his skills are also better on her than they are on Inigo. Avatar actually isn't the best spouse for everyone, even taking opportunity cost for other units into account. He can't pass Aether to Cynthia, which she wants more than anything he has to offer. There are also quite a few children (Everyone except Lucina, Noire, Nah and Gerome, as a matter of fact) who get nothing of use from Avatar outside of +1/2 in a certain mod due to already having access to all the optimal skillsets their mods support.
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