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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. Who doesn't solo Hard/Cla when given enough kills to get ahead of the curve?
  2. It's serious. Feet were gone in Awakening because they thought the 3ds couldn't handle it and wanted to save the processing power for other things. Now that they've had more time to work with the platform and know it better, it's apparent that feet aren't a problem so they're in, regardless of system.
  3. We know nothing about how Validar even got the Plegian throne. He probably was playing dirty, though, so it's quite likely that inheritance would mean nothing. And Plegia couldn't function as a country in the first place- there's nothing there but sand, bandits and cultists. It's never been anything more than a no-man's-land with an ominous castle in the middle.
  4. The DLC maps aren't affected by Lunatic+ skills so you can still train there normally. But why would you want a 100% DS pair somewhere else? Avatar-M is kind of a really good hard support as-is. VVDS+ with Laurent? Avatar-M has the same Mag and can pull it off just as well. It doesn't need to be perfect, she can have up to 13 HP for it to work. Anyway, here's two ways to do it. Method 1: Unpaired un-rallied Danced Severa@Wyvern's Atk: 46(base) +2(mods) +10(LB) +5(LF) +2(All+2) +2(S.Dance) +17(Gae Bolg) +1(WTA) =87 Def: 46(base) -1(mods) +10(LB) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +2(S.Dance) +5(Gae Bolg) =66 The Wyrmslayer++ Trickster takes 11 damage from this. His Atk is 107 against Severa, counting his +5 Vengeance boost. This does 41 damage, and he'll attack again for 41 more on EP leaving Severa with 3 HP, which falls neatly inside her KO range for NS. Note: if using Lon'qu!Severa, don't apply the Spd tonic until after this battle. Otherwise she'll double him and increase his Vengeance damage, causing him to kill her. Virion!Severa is fine though. Method 2: Unboosted Severa's Atk x an unequipped Stahl!Yarne@Berserker: 46(base) +2(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(pairup) +5(LF) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) =87. That's 92 with an unforged Bronze Lance. This does 18 damage to a normal Sniper, so Severa takes 18 back from Counter. On her next attack, she gets a +9 vengeance boost and does 23 damage. This needs to be a KO, so the Sniper needs to have between 39 and 61 damage already done to it. This should be a fairly standard range for weaker pairs, so it's easy to set up. After Galeforce, she switches to a +3/25 Silver Lance and attacks another Sniper. Her Atk is now 87(base) +18(S.Lance) +9(Vengeance) =114, so she does and takes 29 damage leaving her at 38 HP (+23 Vengeance boost). On the second attack, she does 36 damage, leaving her at 2 HP (in range for NS KO) and the Sniper with 15 HP. Olivia can then KO the Sniper (85 Atk is needed to OHKO him, which she hits perfectly- 40(base) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +2(tonic) +23(5/15 Alm's Blade) =85), activate Galeforce, and Dance Severa to get the NS KO. In both cases Severa still needs to get two consecutive DSes from Yarne, which is a little shaky as both of them are in low Skl classes. The setups are quite safe though as long. Also, 1HP is possible to reliably obtain using custom Rallybots and multi-turn setups, but those aren't independant of the rest of your team so I'm not focusing on them (bar Olivia of course because she's pretty standard).
  5. I think the idea is that it was Chrom's jerkish dad, but the game really gives no elaboration whatsoever. As far as I'm concerned, she's only in Ylisstol because Lucina says she's coming and Lucina knows the future, so she's kind of obligated to show up.
  6. Yes. The difficulty goes down a bit during Cht.7-11 and you really want to have a really strong unit for running interference and walling and the like to aid in feeding exp to the rest of your team in the way you want. You can (and really should) train 1-2 other units from earlier (not counting Lissa because she doesn't need kills) but don't go overboard. I consider 5 pairs to be the highest you can go without seeing a significant difficulty increase around Cht.12-17. This includes children, though it's perfectly viable to bench a parent pair or two to make room for the kids. Nowi and Panne are really great for vanilla Lunatic, but fall off a bit in Lunatic+. Sumia and Cordelia have high potential for both, but are slightly more vulnerable to being RNG screwed. Miriel is valuable earlygame and gives a very good child, though what she has to bring to the table is generally more useful on Lunatic+. Lissa and Maribelle don't take combat exp to train and you should definitely use at least one of them. Chrom is force deployed so you'll obviously want to at least keep him viable. If you're going for high deployment I'd advise using Avatar-M because there are a lot more good females than good males in Lunatic(+). Vaike has interesting potential but is an earlygame unit who would be competing for exp with several others. Fred remains relevant long enough to easily build up an S support, and Gregor comes strong enough to get going without too much effort. Libra also has staves for easy training/support building, I like dropping him on Lissa.
  7. Well, let's see about that. Lon'qu/Virion!Severa@Wyvern Lord@Gungnir (LB/GF/LF/Vengeance/All+2) x Stahl!Yarne@Berserker@5/15 Hector's Axe (LB/Agg/AF/All+2/Hit+20). Severa has a perfect Vengeance boost. I'll assume perfect RNG excluding crits. Severa's atk: 46(base) +2(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(pairup) +5(LF) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +23(Gungnir) +42(Vengeance) =152 -70 /4 =20 Yarne's atk: 50(base) +5(mods) +10(LB) +10(Rally) +10(Agg) +2(All+2) +2(tonic) +23(Hector's Axe) =112 -70 /4 =21 20+21+20+21 =82, which is more than enough for a KO (Severa has 12 HP of leeway- 146 Atk is required for 19 damage and she's got 152). Swap in Str+2 on Yarne over Hit+20 for more room, and upgrade to VGM for even more. Of course, this is assuming physical. Magical, you could paste him without a proc. Edit- never mind, you said <75 Spd. Still, I bet Henry!Nah's critstacking build could give a decent shot at taking him down without 75 Spd.
  8. I find it to look more like the final section of FE7's opening cutscene (with the divine weapons). But I definitely am getting a Micaiah vibe from the dancer. Wrt auras: Outrealms?
  9. Leif's Blade has the same activation rate as Despoil. It'll only give you less gold than Vaike gets if your Lck is lower than his. You can buy them from Spotpass Leif if you don't have enough Renown, but 1,500 is honestly not a lot and you should really consider spending 5 minutes to grind it out (just recruit Spotpass Wolt 30 times in a postgame file for 600 gold apiece, then beat Grima to save it).
  10. You could always just do Lunatic+ with grinding. The Outrealm Gate is pretty easy to reach with any asset/flaw by now.
  11. No there aren't. Most of the LPers with capture cards moved on to the next big thing (Animal Crossing/XY) long before anyone knew anything about Lunatic+, and why would you have a capture card if you're not an LPer? Using Vaike for Despoil isn't really a viable tactic when you've got an Avatar right there who can use Leif's Blades from Spotpass right off the bat, and will have much better Lck and killing potential. But using Avatar to get money is a thing- you won't get boatloads but you will get enough for maybe an extra forge or something else nice.
  12. Outside of Apo? Yarne has like nothing for non-Apo postgame- Taguel reeks so he's stuck with Trickster, Assassin, Warrior and Berserker (the last of which is pretty bad outside Apo due to being axelocked). Gerome, meanwhile, comes with plenty of self healing options, Wyvern/Deliverer for high movement, Hero for good stats all around and Sage if he wants to go magical. Fatherless Yarne is definitely in greater need of things for non-Apo postgame than Gerome is, even though he's way better in Apo itself. Is that taking into account that you also get diminishing returns from adding more attack pairs to your Apo team? I find the potential increase from Donnel!Kjelle to Gaius!Kjelle to be slightly more than going from Bench!Noire to Gaius!Noire. Lon'qu!Severa@Hero with All+2 hits 75 with a +0 support. Her speed is pretty much unsinkable. Not Severa. The returns for her class set and mods don't justify that hair. I've had better luck with Stahl!Severa as an ingame/early postgame unit than as an Apo unit, actually.
  13. All right, I cleared the lower half and all the reinforcements from Cht.5 without Rescue. I used the Gradivus from Renown so it's a little above the Bullion(L) limit but that lance is definitely worth it (seriously going in blind it would probably save you more time than the time needed to grind the Renown to get it). What I'm doing is using Fred x Chrom (they don't have a C support yet for me, so consistency might be improvable there- or it might not matter) to handle the four left mooks. By standing them in the middle tree (Bronze Sword equipped) with Lissa to the right, they take only one Barb fight on turn 1 and generally manage to knock him into Gradivus KO range without taking damage, as long as he doesn't have Hawkeye/Counter. Fred was only doing 12 damage though so Counter isn't too big of a deal. For the rest of the enemies: Fred doubles the DM with a Chrom support and can 2RKO him with Gradivus (a Javelin forge might also work, didn't test), and OHKOes the Myrm as long as it doesn't have Pavise+. If the Myrm lacks both Pavise+ and Luna+ it's almost completely harmless. From there some combination of kiting into the corner with Lissa healing and an optional Lon'qu x Vaike for an extra PP KO on a weakened Barb, they clean up nicely by turn 3. Meanwhile Robin x Sumia (no support yet either, more potential improvements- my Sumia is Lv.5) fly northwest of the Myrm and blast either him or the Barb- whichever is more dangerous- with Rexcalibur (no Aegis+) or Celica's Gale (Aegis+). The other one and the DM die on them on EP. It's quite a bit hairier here than Fred's side, but with possible help from a freed up Fred to lure a foe and OHKOes from Rexcalibur on Counter Wyverns, Robin can tank everything with careful use of the Fort/Vulneraries and PP KOes on bigger threats, they can hang on long enough for Maribelle and Ricken to slip by. Maribelle can survive a hit from the Elfire Mage, and Ricken can set up a dangerous Wyvern for Lon'qu to KO if you can get a pull. I had most of everything cleaned up by turn 4, which gave me enough freedom to kill the reinforcements through kiting and PPO alone. It's very helpful to remember than Wyverns never come out of the bottom left Fort, so killing the things that come out the next turn with ranged weaponry is completely safe. Turn 9 and everything is gone, with no (barring 90+% misses) chance of death for the last three turns. And done. Lissa is Lv.11, I think I'll use both healers and take this run as far as I can for experimental purposes. Using a +Spd/-Skl Avatar-M, and going for a Galeforce strategy. I haven't decided yet exactly how much I want to abuse Staff exp.
  14. I think I'll test that right now. Edit- new idea for Pro: instead of attacking the top Myrm with Fred, leave him (with a Lissa support) two tiles to the left of it, and have Robin x Chrom wait in the one safe space in the corner. It's slightly less Luna+ tolerant and Chrom won't get any exp for hitting a Myrm, but it makes the Barbs behave much more nicely (no chance of having to step inside the Mage's range for Robin to get the PP kill on one) and gives Robin a much greater chance of getting the Elwind Mage KO. Edit 2- argh at Cht.2 and I've got 16 Spd and only 8 Mag and 7 Def. Why must my stats be so lopsided? OK, that attack pattern is not going to work. It's possible to clear out the first three enemies that way and survive the next EP (requires either Fred to survive two mooks on EP or use a very strong 2-range weapon- like a forged Short Spear or the Gradivus), but then your whole army is right in the middle of the map with a pile of things on either side of you. There's probably a way to handle that (starting with doing it with fewer/more mobile units), but it requires a lot more testing which requires a more consistent turn 1. Fortunately that strat has Robin pulling nowhere near his/her weight so there's room for improvement.
  15. Something I'd like to do if I ever get the time is do a whole bunch of Lunatic(+) runs in which I either consistently use the same team, or swap out Donnel for one of the members, and do it enough to get a sense of how much and in what direction using him impacts my reset count.
  16. Virion is either high or top of the list for every single one of them, so save him for last to clean up. Vaike will either want to go on Nah or be benched as well, and Kellam can't compete with any of them. Stahl does well on several of them, but he's probably the best place to start anyway- I'd put him on Yarne to simplify things. That means with Gerome you have a choice of Henry or Virion. If you give him Henry (Hex/Anathema Berserker), then Nah will need Vaike and Severa and Brady get equal dibs on Lon'qu and Virion. If Gerome is given Virion, he'll be a Bowfaire Warrior, and he'll definitely want to support Lon'qu!Severa. This means Nah has her choice of Henry and Vaike (both are great) and Brady takes Libra for a slight mod boost. He could also get Henry in that scenario if Nah isn't using him, but she has first dibs if she wants him. Basically, your options are: Stahl!Yarne Henry!Gerome Vaike!Nah Lon'qu/Virion!Severa Lon'qu/Virion!Brady -or- Stahl!Yarne Virion!Gerome Vaike/Henry!Nah Lon'qu!Severa Libra/Henry!Brady In the second set, Stahl and Virion are also interchangeable as they serve basically the same function. It depends entirely on which of the two children you'd like to have one extra Skl and which one you'd like to have two extra Str. Both of them get everything else they need, both for Apo and non-Apo postgame.
  17. Maybe. But postgame criticals aren't exactly an issue in Awakening thanks to the much higher stat caps- in the past, Skl/2 -Lck worked out just fine because if you've got 15 Skl and a 5 crit weapon against 10 Lck, you've got listed crit and are dangerous. Or maybe you've got only 10 Skl against 15 Lck, but you have a crit+10 skill? Breaking even, all you need is a weapon. Killers are legitimately scary. But postgame in Awakening, you're looking at a 45 Lck cap, with a potential 24 more from LB and Rally alone, and of course more for pairup, tonics, etc- and the omnipresent Dge+10 bonus from pairup. Even with just base 45 and a support, that still takes 50 Skl with a killer weapon just to have a chance. Apply everything else, and enemy crits are completely nonexistant no matter who you are. In fact, ingame there are only two places where getting critted is even a concern: the boss on Lunatic(+) Prologue (though not only can you reduce his crit to 0, but actually survive one from him if you got good levelups) and base Tharja if you want to train her. Enemies are still easy to crit though thanks to pairup and a lot of common aura skills giving +10 crit. If you want my honest opinion, the real best reason to train Donnel for non-Apo postgame is to equip the Vengeance axe for a 100% chance of cut-ins (AT is good here) to have him keep yelling that critical quote over and over. It's really amusing.
  18. I can give you a better reason why the second pic is an earlier map than the first one. Look at the color of Kamui's HP bar. In Awakening, the left side shows unit affiliation and the right side shows max HP- and the Kamui in the first pic has more HP than the one in the second pic. Felicia's is higher too. I thought they were too at first, but on closer inspection that sprite looks like it's a lance using infantry unit. And why would you get two pre-promote Assassins so early on?
  19. That would be extremely annoying. Imagine the amount of unwanted flashing S-rank icons there would be. FE4's jealousy system is certainly something that could fit in, though. Anyway, mechanically Awakening's worked just fine, though I would like to see some content alterations so supports with units who are already S-ranked don't seem as awkward and the supports mention events that happen in the main story. Adding additional post-S supports would also be nice, but would also take a lot more work.
  20. FE4's Naga is definitely the same one from Marth's games.
  21. Donnel actually is pretty close to the bottom of the barrel in minmax potential. If you're going to put in the effort to fully train someone, why not train someone with more potential?
  22. Yeah, stat thresholds and all that, but most of the same basic gameplay strategies still apply. You can still go at the same speed, still have to spread your exp out the same way, and whatnot.
  23. 22? I don't think that chapter has any reinforcements.
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