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Everything posted by Czar_Yoshi

  1. They look like they use mostly the same engine, so it probably shouldn't be too different. Then again, the potential for what you would actually do with them would also be fairly similar. I'm predicting people will try to swap characters between the two and othewise stick with whichever one is further ahead. I know I'll mostly be messing with Awakening.
  2. A defensive/survivability nerf... Is not something Bows really need. There are a lot of ways to get around implementing one (starting with map design and enemy placement, which it looks like this game is indeed going to do), but it's going to be a net drag on the player if Lunatic+ makes a return. Trading items away for EP would become a lot more important.
  3. A little more: Pretty sure that thing around the Dancer's neck is the Fire Emblem. It's certainly the resident plot artifact that reacts to dragons. Check out the different colored auras near the end of the trailer. Are they significant, and do the two swordsmen have different ones?
  4. Alright, time for super minor nitpicks and overanalysis and whatnot from me. 1:31- Is that a Thief with a Bow? Also, that map looks a lot like Defense, which could mean more objectives. 1:39- There's something on the ground on the left side of the river. It looks like a new design for shiny tiles. 1:41- There seem to be a good deal of promoted enemies early on- but with very different placing styles from Awakening's promotes and much earlier appearances. This could indicate different enemy layout design, 3rd tier classes or plot significant units playing a role mid-map, all of which would be good things. 1:51- There's something that looks like a Taguel to Ganz's right. But it's also holding a sword... 1:52- That Marx fellow's headband/circlet thing has an extremely similar design to Nowi's. In fact, I think it's exactly the same. Manaketes and whatnot fighting untransformed, please? 1:53- No pants. I really hope that one gets changed. 1:55- That's definitely a Knight and it looks like a toned down version of Awakening- not all better but still getting there. 1:59- Did that Risen's head fall off when it was defeated? Finally, while there are a few clips of units fighting together and getting DSes/DGs, there's no map footage of units being paired up.
  5. OK. Can I do a System Transfer from a 9.4 sysNAND 3ds to a 9.4 emuNAND 3ds?
  6. That won't be enough. This is how urban legends are born- leave it as it is and there will be fanon that this dancer is/is related to Ninian even if the game explicitly takes place in another continuity. Anyway, the gameplay footage in the trailer was clearly on a regular XL screen (note the different camera design for the new 3ds) so it's definitely not going to be new exclusive. Oh... And the music reminds me of Skyward Sword, and there seems to be a greater abundance of colored hair.
  7. Wait, they actually changed the written script for FE13 mute? I thought they just removed all of Avatar's voice effects.
  8. Apo has two different difficulty levels (Normal Apo and Secret Apo), but they're triggered by how many turns you clear the first round in, not the difficulty you're playing on normally. Normal Apo is on par with Lunatic+ in skills and a step above it in stats, Secret Apo is a step above Normal in both. Building a team specifically designed to handle the bosses and stat thresholds trivializes the map, even with insane challenge runs. Going in blind, there's nothing you can do to make it easy (though you can still beat S.Apo on your first try if you fully prepare). A Cht.24 team could handle N.Apo if you had a lot of experience with it and specifically made your team with it in mind, but not if you were going in blind. To handle S.Apo, it would require incredibly tight exp distribution, growth manipulation, extremely high turncounts, and an extremely specific team (so basically no). It's possible to do, but I would strongly recommend against it (if you're going no DLC at all- which is what that sounds like- you'll also be missing Aggressor and All+2, which are also very important for getting kills and clearing thresholds). You definitely couldn't do it blind. That said, the enemy data is here. It's up to you whether or not you use it.
  9. Yup. I don't care about weaker threats (no Braves doesn't affect my defensive capabilities), what I want to get rid of are the things that can 2HKO me or that I can't 2RKO with reasonably bad RNG. Anyway, it was just an idea. If you don't like it, that's cool.
  10. It's fairly possible that all but Walhart's group eventually come automatically. Your best bet if you can't hold your ground (requires a lot of Galeforce) is to rush to a corner and turtle there.
  11. And also hog up a rare and valuable Master Seal at the time when you've only got one and at least three other units who really want to promote (assuming Anna has been unkind).
  12. You could have just linked here, you know. Anyway... Having a few negative stat mods is not a bad thing. Having no high ones, however, definitely is- by normalizing your units and trying to remove all weaknesses, you're also removing all their strengths, and due to the way the game works having no weaknesses isn't really a strength, let alone one that makes up for having no others. That said, what tends to be good or bad depends on what you're doing. Ingame (especially on Lunatic(+)), +Def and +Spd tend to dominate as assets, while Skl and Lck are the most acceptable flaws. +Mag is also very powerful on Hard, but Hard generally isn't tight enough for there to be too much of a difference (outside of things like Walhart), and +HP can be useful on Lunatic(+) earlygame as well. Postgame (Apo), there's not much reason not to take -Def as your flaw- it won't change the number of hits you die in (pretty much always 2 or 3 there), and the only penalty to your offensive stats is -0.5 Hit which is practically nothing. -Res/Mag is also a good flaw for Avatar-M when marrying Lon'qu!Severa (Morgan's Spd will be 5, and she's got no real use for any more than that)- which of the two you pick depends on whether you'd rather have -1 Ignis damage or -0.5% magical DG, but otherwise -Def is the best. Asset wise, any of +Str/Mag/Skl/Spd are very valuable depending on what kind of set you're running: +Str/Skl for supporting Severa/Kjelle, +Mag/Skl for supporting Lucina/Cynthia, and +Mag/Spd for Avatar-F or extreme challenge runs. Should you be doing a challenge run (of any sort), of course, conventional wisdom goes straight out the window to be replaced with whatever your individual needs are. The only other situation in which weird combinations might trump conventional wisdom is when marrying Nowi, thanks to her extremely bizarre mod spread producing a pile of genericness when mixed with a normal Avatar and some interesting effects when treated otherwise.
  13. They're still a few chapters before Hit+20 and Silver++ weapons, so Cht.19 should be tankable with some work. But don't aggro anything you don't need to. Bows are great. Everyone thinks they're just for Counter, but limiting EP combat is the real reason why Bows are great. Owain does indeed generally wind up as a support bot in my Lunatic(+) runs. Fortunately, there are a lot of very good girls that are easy to come by in Lunatic, so that's not exactly an unwanted position.
  14. Unpaired EP setups. When I see a target I want/need it for, the turn prior I drop the Vengeance user in range of a mook, Rescue the support away, let them take damage, and next turn I immediately pair up and attack the Vengeance target, heal with Fortify and have a regular pair take the mook. It does help to have a good deal of Staffbots for this. In addition, there's a lot of damage flying around anyway because it's very rare to see a 2HKO, so it's pretty common to get 1-turn boosts that last up until healing- in that case it's less about planning where the boosts will happen and more about capitalizing on them when they do. Oh, and I sometimes skip Rally Def for lower DG rates.
  15. So give the worst units in whatever categories you play most.
  16. Yeah, DF Inigo is a bit of a special case. Since his mother's Atk mods are both 0, he'll be underwhelming compared to the other galeboys if you try to specialize so he might as well go mixed. Kellam!Inigo is OK at it, Libra!Inigo is pretty good (I'd call him the best DF behind Stahl!Owain (Chrom is a special case, as always)).
  17. No Pairup is nice for Hard and Apo, but I don't really like it elsewhere. Not being able to pass units in chains cuts down quite a bit on maneuverability, which gets on my nerves during later chapters and certain DLC maps.
  18. Alright, I've been keeping my 3ds on 9.2 but it's getting annoying because I can't use the eShop to download the ORAS patch. Would anyone mind giving me a runthrough on how manually upgrading/downgrading the menu versions work?
  19. What? Libra!Inigo has far better things to be doing with his time than VV.
  20. While it's true that the Spirit Talisman maps scale with difficulty... They're still perfectly doable. I've cleared LB3 fresh out of Cht.4 on Lunatic+ before.
  21. What exactly does he alone haveout of all the Spotpass units making him that much worse than them? He's certainly the cheapest unit in the game, but that's a good thing. Renown grinding would take quite a bit longer if you had to step up to Mist thanks to the extra cash requirements.
  22. Donnel!Brady? Where do you get that? I've never seen him recommended before. Vaike only has +3 Str, by the way. AI doesn't play FE well? Even more of a test of the unit's invincibility threshold. It would equalize quite a lot of units were the player just able to kite everything while getting them going, but that would just be more effort over the "easiest" route of zerg rushing/standing still that you then wouldn't be keeping track of. The only thing this method really has over looking through bases and whatnot is that it produces a hard number that you can use for comparisons rather than a pile of merits/flaws that everyone weighs differently. There's no innate advantage of being a female support, it just works differently enough from being a female lead that it counts as a separate category, and so Noire both is the worst lead and the worst support. Noire comes with procs while Nah comes with TF- but neither actually matter unless they can be used to complete a set. In Nah's case, her TF can get a proc and +Spd magical class to use it. In Noire's case, her proc and high Mag can't get both a TF and a +Spd magical class to go with them. Physically, they're tied in Skl and can both get procs on good support classes, but Nah beats Noire in Str every time. Again, I'm counting female leads and female supports as separate categories. But even if they weren't separate, I'd still rather have a good support than a lackluster lead- Apo has limited deployment that tends to get in the way when running a full team, and I want to get the most out of the units I choose to deploy. I'll take someone who's good at their job over someone who's bad at their job any day, even if the good one's job is arguably less useful than the bad one's (which I could debate too. I've dropped GF from units who already have it in favor of more important skills more than once before).
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