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Posts posted by Kobazco

  1. Wow... Okay, I hate to be a butt here. but there are a lot of things I see that definitely need help. Tons of grammatical errors like random capitalized words for starters. The plot I just don't understand. I steal some food from a baker and then I'm being arrested for something else? idk, it seems you had the idea for your plot and just gave it all in the prologue, which makes it seem quite rushed. and why is it a seize mission? I see a bunch of other things going on but i suppose that's enough for now.

    Yeah I know I saw all of those grammar errors and stuff and was planning to fix them, though I have been very lazy around this project lately.... The plot, well I was trying to say that he steals the food and runs away from the baker and them Empire soldiers come to the town at the same moment looking for Takeshi and his friends as they deserted the army. I'm getting to fixing the grammar errors I know of now.

  2. The patch is glitchy as heck and I can't get past a soldier without screwing it up...

    Also, there are errors in the text and the cavalier guy doesn't even have a name.

    So basically, I can't play it.

    I did notice it said the Rom was too big or something so the patch didn't fully go idk. The first solider can be passed by going on a forest.

    Edit: the rom being big probably has something to do with me adding/exextending the animation index. Will fix when I get home in about 10 mins. Should fix all of the text errors.

    2nd Edit: I see what you mean. My patched game crashes after being fought... Looks like I'll have to completely redo the rom..... God damnt xD

  3. Well, I've been extremely lazy and just recently started working on this again, and the prolouge is almost done! I just need to get 2 or 3 more potraits done a few more text and events and everything should be great! :D

    Heres some screen shots :D

    FireEmblem_01_zps857ee4bb.pngHere we have what the main lord promoted is going to be, Rogue from FE8 sacred stones. The Palette is NOT the final palette, this is an example.

    FireEmblem_04_zps324b2a79.pngHere is the main lord's unpromoted palette. The enemies palette is curentlly messed up as i was messing around with generic palettes :D

    FireEmblem_02_zps01592a33.pngAnd Heres some text in game! :D

  4. I'm a complete noob when it comes to editing text and stuff and i made this piece of shiz

    Heheh... This baker is so dumb![.][A]
    Stealing from him is a piece[A]
    of cake! Literally![A]
    Hey! What do you think your doing?!?[A]
    Shoot! He actually caught me![A]
    Time to Go![A]
    Get back here Takeshi!!![.]
    Thats it! Thats the last time[A]
    you steal from me![A][X]
    When i save it or press the apply button it changes to this and when i run it in game it crashes.
    Heheh... This baker is so dumb![.][A]
    Stealing from him is a piece[A]
    of cake! Literally![A]
    Hey! What do you think your doing?!?[A]
    Shoot! He actually caught me![A]
    Time to Go![A]
    Get back here Takeshi!!![.]
    Thats it! Thats the last time[A]
    you steal from me![A][X]
    Please help this noob thats very bad at this.. :D
  5. Also every once in a while after randomizing, ill get this error

    1 errors encountered:
    File Fire Emblem.txt, Line 230, Column 45: Didn't reach end, currently at Comma(,)
    No data written to output.
    This is the only error ive ever gotten and it seems to pop up every few times i randomize it.
    FireEmblem_02_zps7d5cf77a.pngI had rebecca as a shaman and that male animation just wasnt gonna work for me xD
    FireEmblem_04_zps46c008e3.pngAnd Dorcas as a Monk brakes the game when he fights....
  6. My bad wasnt really complaining about palettes just mentioning...Whatever Oswin is... One thing that you guys should try to prevent is people having the same class they usually get. I just had the 3rd run to chapter 12 in eliwood mode where someome had the same class that they normally have xD.

  7. So apparently there's a bug where the enemy-only classes like soldier and brigand can't promote. We'll fix that, probably by making all promotion items into earth seals.

    Brigands can promote with Earth seals, for me i have brigands and i went into nightmare and made ocean seals brigand compatible. But we really need a soldier promotion because i have a lvl 20 sain soldier and i have no idea how to put halbieder class in the game xD

    EDIT: Ive also noticed that Oswins pallette for almost every class is messed up. I got him promoted once to swormaster but he actually loooks REALLY good as a swordmaster :D. And for all of the people complaining about Guy Lucius and other custom animation people, just go to their character info in nightmare and change their animation from their custom one to default. :D

  8. Well im on chapter 25 of Eliwood mod, and everything works perfectly. People that have been reclassed to hector lord ect can use heaven seals perfectly. Eliwood and others can promote with the promotioin items such as elysian whip and others. The only problem is Serra's broken as shit res. Also I've noticed alot of similar classes. I have atleast 10 axe users and only 2 sword users. I have noticed that at the begining of Eliwood mode the characcters are simliar, like my eliwood was a fighter then marcus was a warrior ect. People would be the class after or the same class in the order or something. Like i had a bandit then got a pirate as my next unit, and i noticed in nightmare class module Pirate is right after brigand. Dont know if somethings wrong or its just my shit luck. But otherwise everything is great! and please fix hector mode or something :D

  9. We need to see the full event file as well as the actual text you have at 0x800, thanks

    The text 0x800 is just the default 0x800 right now and the whole text is

    #include EAstdlib.event
    ORG 0xD80000
    POIN Turn_events
    POIN Character_events
    POIN Location_events
    POIN Misc_events
    POIN TrapData TrapData
    POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad
    POIN Good Good Good Good
    POIN Opening_event Ending_event
    UNIT 0x03 0x02 0x00 Level(1, Ally, 0) [17,12] [17,12] [0x01] NoAI
    UNIT 0x5F 0x38 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [4,12] [4,12] [0x14] NoAI
    UNIT 0x5F 0x38 0x00 Level(1, Enemy, 0) [4,13] [4,13] [0x14] NoAI
    LOU1 Good
    LOU1 Bad
    TEX1 0x800
    // Events
    // Manual Movement
    // Scripted Fights
    // Units
    // Shop Data
    MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset
  10. So everything has allways gone fine for me when making meh events, but now for somereason I'm having trouble with text events. It has always worked for me b4 and I've tried getting a new rom several times ect.

    LOU1 Good
    LOU1 Bad
    TEX1 0x800
    I've tried it with a background as well, and the background will load but no text will appear. Without background the text doesnt appear and the game practically freezes.
  11. You say its goning to be painful? What's that, very painful and hard too (I LOVE BEING FUSTRATED sexually)? OMG UR TALKING ABOUT LUNATIC LEVELS OF DIFFICULTY Exclamation Point Redundant Exclamation Point x 10 I AM SO HYPE! Stories are for english majors anyways, manly men don't need them! And what do you know, ive always wanted to play an fe that's absurdly hard, because I can relate to those types of things (especially when I think about this hack! Have you started on it yesterday or today? Because I am already hype for SUPER EXTRA HARD HACK!Redundant Exclamation Point

    Real talk though, could be interesting to see a more gameplay oriented hack that isn't a rebalance. Although from the sounds of it, looks like you don't really care so perhaps this isn't the best place to look...

    Actually i just finished finals today, and I dont have school on monday so I prob will start making it.

  12. Welllllllllll this is prob never gonna be worked on unless i fell like being an ass so expect.. very... slow .progress... I'll prob just go work on project Juan most of my time :D

    Also Klok your hack also looks really good I love any type of hack or anything that includes random classes or weapons ect. RANDOM = FUN

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