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Posts posted by Kobazco

  1. A while back, I was fairly certain I saw somebody working on a Conquest Styled Birthright, in which enemies have skills etc. Well I can't find that project anywhere, and I'm fairly certain the creator has taken it down sadly. So I decided to begin work on my own!
    Images Within:
    NN1BGbV.png A4pCcVZ.png 14CeZdY.png
    List of Possible Changes to come:
    • Complete Rearrangement of enemies.
    • Skills on Enemies.
    • Conquest enemy only weapons.
    • New enemies on chapters.
    • Changing of AI where possible and applicable.
    The first 3 chapters of Birthright Lunatic are now available! Download should be attached below.
    Current Changes:
    Chapter 6 Change list:
    • Ryoma and Xander are now in the top part of the map much like they are in Conquest, this makes the chapter not impossible anymore.
    • Added a fighter and outlaw that are paired up near Leo.
    • Gave all of the enemies skills.
    • Gave Ryoma Astra for this chapter.
    Chapter 7 Change list:
    • Completely reworked the layout of units and pacing of this chapter.
    • 3 rows of units wait in the bottom right part of the map, coming at you in waves from left to right on turn numbers as follows; 3,6, and 9.
    • Silas and his squad will begin moving on turn 12.
    • Removed the Outlaw that steals the armorslayer until I can find a way to make him appear later in the chapter to match the new pacing.
    • Units in this chapter will not just all run into you one at a time, many of them will wait until you are range, and will go for good dual attack chances. (Example: Poison Strike Outlaw attacks first, allowing a fighter to follow up for more damage and supported by the outlaw.
    Chapter 8 Change list:
    • Mainly focused on the Seal Resistance into Magic +2 and Malefic Aura traps towards the back of the level.
    • Movement +1 units to help get around the desert faster.
    • Still mostly on Iron weapons.
    • A Dual Yumi Archer with Lancebreaker. (Might be too strong)
    CFW Method:
    • Get NTR CFW if you don't already have it.
    • Place the 2 folders in the download into the root of your SD card.
    • Place SD card back into 3DS.
    • Launch NTR CFW through selector whatever you use for it.
    • Launch Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright or Special Edition (Will NOT work if Birthright is a DLC.)
    • Work your way to Chapter 6: The Path Is Yours on Lunatic.
    • Have fun!
    • Chapter 6 is finished. (NOTE: Hinoka and Takumi CAN DIE in this chapter on Classic, and will return later. Don't be afraid if they die (One of them is very likely to.)
    • Chapter 7 is entirely reworked and tested. (Please give feedback here, too hard? Too easy?)
    • Chapter 8 is finished but largely untested. (2 Archers have Spy Yumi's they can't yet use.)
    Requirements to play this:
    • NTR CFW
    • Hans if you really wanna try rebuilding a romfs.
    Chapter Previews:
    I am not the perfect level designer. If anyone has any ideas about level design and balance, please give me suggestions!


  2. Oh goodness what am I doing back here.



    I plan on looking back on all of the feedback to practically redo Ephraim route, and finally finish Eirika's route. Looks like I'll have to replay through the entire game though anyway.

    Don't expect anything too fast. I'll try to work on this as much as I can today though. I've gotten some inspiration. Although I can't garentuee anything I release will be tested, as my save file is started from scratch. I hope everyone here is looking forward to this hack finally being finished!

  3. Axe cavaliers were not made until I was mostly done with Ephraim chapter, thus why none are present throughout his route at the moment. In Eirika's route, they are practically everywhere. Once I'm done with the hack in its entirety I'll go back and balance out the Ephraim levels and add some axe cavaliers here and there.

    The female pirate animation has been known to have bugs... I don't know why this is. Sorry about that. Ewan is supposed to go monk I just haven't been able to update the promotion gains for that class yet.

  4. Alright before I get into all of this great feedback I'm going to start off by saying a few things.

    First off, thanks so much for the feedback, a lot of it is good, although some is outdated it seems. There's a point I need to get across first though, and that point is that I currently do not have any means of continuing this hack until my new laptop arrives on this coming Wednesday. Now without further ado...

    Regardless, I onwards to actual things! Ameila is broken. Not her stats, she’s been above average, but that’s how most Traines turn out for me, either above average, or way above average. Rather, her animation is broken. If Ameila uses hand axes, and the red unit she fights doesn’t counterattack inbetween her doubling, she soft-locks the game. It is so frustrating! I’m banking on Female!Berserker not having this bug, otherwise Ameila is never using Hand Axes or Tomahawks.

    This one is strange. In my run before my computer broke, Female Warrior animations worked flawlessly. I'll have to take this up with the animation creator, after all, the animation is unreleased as of this moment. Rest assured, the Berserker animation works perfectly.

    The boss of chapter 9 could have had a minor improvement. The boss should have had the Wo Dao as the dropped item, the Killing Edge equipped. Just as a minor reward for players who killed the boss without having Seth or Ephraim with a Swordreaver sit there and wail on him, while Neimi heals/mends.

    Are you talking about Gheb? I'm fairly certain before my last few releases I went back through chapters 1-9 and nerfed them all from their broken selves. I don't think Gheb should still be that stupidly strong.

    I’ve looked at the list of units you reclassed, and a few questions. The Pegasus Knight Tri-Attack. Franz and Marissa can be Falcon Knights, and Colm a Wyvern Knight, so is it doable? Or was it entirely scrapped out, just because it’s so dumb. Or does Franz become a Wyvern Knight, and Colm a Lord, and those 3 attack together? Or is Renec there? I have no idea.

    I currently have done nothing to the triangle attack, and as such have no clue how it works. You could try the original trio of Vanessa, Tana, and Syrene as they still have the triangle attack ability attached to them.

    What is up with the Warrior as a unit in Chapter 13? Haven’t started, but that’s over the top. He’s level 11, and has stupid high stats because my growths go 20 Fighter Growths, promotion gains, then 11 Warrior growths. Too good. 29 strength is a beast. Gonna be a ***** to take down… And Calleach…. OMG, he’s a ****ing joke. 9 skill? Really? Make him a Rouge if that’s a problem. There is no reason to have him have 9 skill. Silencer being unfair is all I have for a reason, but Rouge says ‘**** that!’ and get’s similarish stat caps.

    The warrior is likely just a mistake of me making a unit a warrior instead of a fighter. Also one thing I've learned is that Rogue/Assassin base stats and growths are hilariously pathetic. Caellach ends up having alot of different stats better in exchange for skill however.

    Forde has been useless. The everlasting ‘Hot Dog Knight’ Is terrible. He has no speed, so he is doubled and can’t dodge. He has no def (Ross has more Def, and Ross is a Myrmidon!), so he can’t take hits. He doesn’t excel at all in Attack or Skill, so nothing their either. The only good thing is he isn’t slowed by steel lances, but Joshua is better everywhere, and after the speed loss, Joshua still has higher attack speed.

    I also had trouble using Forde at all, he turned out to be dead weight and instantly sent to the bench. Expect him to receive a few small buffs.

    Axe!Ephriam for best lord! This guy has basses and growths that put everything to shame. Aside from res, he’s within 4 of capping everything (Well, res and HP, but who caps HP unpromoted?)

    Ross’s stats to growths make no sense, although it could just be luck. Does anyone know if Classes in SS have growths? Because Ross has a 30% or 35% to get speed on level up, but he capped it at 14. That doesn’t happen. Ever. Ross usually sits around 15-20 speed as a 20/20 Berserker.

    Why does Cormag suck so much? His stats at 15 were much worse compared to level 15 pirate Ameila. Cormag had only more HP, Str, and Con, but Con and Str were by 1, and HP was by 5. Everything else was between 2 and 12 (4 if you don’t include luck) worse than Amelia’s! It makes him… hard to use. Buffing his Con, maybe by 1 or 2, and reducing hers by 1 would make both viable. I don’t know his Bases on Erika’s route, so I’m afraid I can’t say if he suffers this problem there. But Brigand!Cormag seems amazing. You should do that on Erika’s Route. But for Cormag’s Beserker and Warrior promotion, he should definitely be wielding Steel Axes, no AS loss.

    Garcia, Vanessa, Moulder, and Natasha. All units I normally use… All now formally introduced to the bench…

    Autur, Neimi, Tana, and Seth. All units normally benched… All introduced to 300 axes, because that’s the first weapon that came to mind when I typed this… Bow!Jagen!Seth is best Jagen.

    Since most of these comments refer to stats, I'm just gonna go over them here. I have NOT edited anyone's original base stats/growths. As from what I have heard, Sacred Stones does not use the class growths apparently. The problem likely is most of the unis' bases in Sacred Stones are catered around their class bases. At the very end of the making of this hack, I can go back and balance some general stats. Also strange you would say that about your units. For my first run, Garcia, Vanessa, and Moulder were all some of my most used units.

    How does L’Archel’s Prmotion’s work? She’s a Ranger, but Ranger’s don’t promote. I can’t find using Nightmare what her class promotes to. And if you just say look at the Spreadsheet, that says she’s a Nomad, not a Ranger. And Palidan’s use Swords and Lances. No bows. And the sheet says she promotes into Ranger. And Sniper. I’m confused.

    Sorry that I haven't taken the time to update the spreadsheets. L'Archels's class is supposed to be that of the Nomad, and it only uses bows until promotions. She promotes into a Ranger or a Paladin with bows. Everything for her should be working as intended, except I think she requires a knight's crest instead of orion's bolt to promote.

    Another point I saw mentioned elsewhere, It's likely a good idea for me to make Dozla a Rogue. I'll go ahead and do that sometime.

  5. Dang, I haven't started Eirika's route, otherwise I'd help you out.

    By the way, loved the twist on the final chapter. I tend to do my max-leveling in Creature Campaign, they were almost too tough for me.

    Ran across one minor bug during CC btw, Swordslayer gets effective bonus against female Berserkers. Nothing serious, but thought you'd like to know, if you weren't already aware.

    Yeah nothing in cc has been done yet actually. Sorry about that. Glad you enjoyed the final chapter though!

    Also this just in, my new laptop arrives October 3rd so updates will likely resume around then.

  6. I've got some bad news. The rest of Eirika route and any further patches are on hold since my computer no longer works and I lost any progress I had. Luckily the latest patch wasn't too far from where I currently was in editing so once I get a new computer I'll resume work asap. The only thing I'll need is a save fIle from somebody that goes up to chapter 17 of Eirika and endgame of Ephraim if they have it.

  7. This is mostly an oversight of the story elements that are shifted around at the hacker's convenience but this gave me a hearty chuckle:



    EDIT: Also, Ewan doesn't seem to have promotion bonuses or a correct palette.


    Oh... Thats stupid of me. I completely forgot that monk doesn't have any base promotion gains since I've had so much trouble even getting Ewan to work properly. Sorry! I can't patch it really at all today. Maybe later tonight tho.

  8. This is mostly an oversight of the story elements that are shifted around at the hacker's convenience but this gave me a hearty chuckle:



    Oh wow I always skip the story parts that is pretty funny lol. Maybe I should buff Caellach could be buffed... But it would make another part of the game quite difficult. I'll see what I can do with maybe some passive stat boosters.

    Been having tons of fun with this game so far, bout to play the last two chapters later today.

    I'd recommend adding another thief if possible. I know units are a bit tight in this game, but maybe if you're up for it, you could give another class the ability to steal, possibly a promotion branch for the brigand. Have brigand go berserker, and robber or something, similar to swordmaster/assassin, except the new class would get steal, rather than lockpicks, and maybe something else small, equivalent to assassin's silencer.

    Also, not sure if you already have plans for them, but the Halberdier and Dragoon could use a crit bonus or a skill. Hoping if one of the two of them get a crit bonus, you choose the Dragoon, cuz I really like that crit animation.

    Not sure if this issue is present in the most recent patch, but the gargoyle animation freezes the game, at least on my flashcart it does. Not a big deal, as I've noticed they aren't in the main story, but thought you'd like to know.

    These problems are present in the vanilla game, so if you don't wanna touch them, I understand. But Ephraim's caps are super bad, and some bosses are underwhelming. Calleach in particular suffered from the change in base stats, though he wasn't too tough to begin with.

    All that said, I've been enjoying the game quite a bit, thank you for your hard work.

    Thanks for all the feedback! I won't be able to release any patches today, but I'll address these points.

    Finding a solution for the thief situation has been tough. But maybe I could give brigands/zerkers steal? I don't want to get rid of their warrior option.

    I wanted to give the Dragoon pierce, but apparently its a lot harder to do than it sounds. I'll probably end up giving them the +15 crit bonus while Halberdier stays how it is right now.

    Yeah the Gargoyle animation broke along time ago when I was trying to fix animations when promoting. They would crash the game lol.

    I did notice Ephraim capped str, but that was it really. My Ephraim didn't end up capping anything sadly.

    Oh trust me. You will love the final chapter. Good luck!

  9. So me and a couple of friends are working on a Fire Emblem fan game that will literally be the most the most unserious FE group you will have ever controlled. It is currently still under going production and I will try to post updates on it as it goes by. We look forward to releasing this sometime in the future.

    This is Tresh,signing out


    Mods that are under production would usually go under Fan Concepts. Don't worry about though, I'm sure a mod will move it? Just letting you know for future reference. The mod sounds like it could be interesting once we see some screenshot or plot details etc.

  10. Amelia doesn't gain any stats, and loses 2 con when promoting to hero.

    Vanessa's berserker sprite looks broken, I don't think it's suppose to look like this.


    I've fized any palette issues in the latest patch. I'll look at the hero promotion gains as well.

    Edit: still have not released the latest patch though

  11. Don't know if it has to do with my emulator, or my game, but I was never able to get neither the Female Shaman sprite, nor the color palette for her to work. I guess that if in a next patch remains the same then I'm just gonna continue like that.

    As I said Bow Paladin works and looks pretty cool. My L'Arachel in particular got RNG blessed so she is very useful.

    If you downloaded the new patch after you had already recruited somebody, their class/stats will not change since it is dependent on your save file. The only way to see her female shaman class would be to restart to a save before recruiting Lute.

  12. New report.

    Marissa's palette sprite as a Falcoknight is kinda glitchy, while her Wyvern Knight one looks like Valter's palette (no sure if intended)

    Does Lute have a Summoner color pallete? I wasn't aware of the new patch and didn't get the chance to see her as a Druid :l

    Tana promotes to Great Knight and... Wyvern Lord? I guess Axe Paladin is still not in the game, but is still funny.

    Other than that, I liked the Bow Paladin a lot. And the color palette for Knoll as a Monk looks pretty cool.

    Something strange has been happening to certain palettes. I've noticed it as well. Lute does have a Summoner palette, although right now I'm working on inserting the female Summoner sprite itself. Yeah sorry axe paladin is not in the current build. Also how is Bow Paladin? I haven't been able to use our bow knight yet.

    Sorry to kinda kill things, but in the new patch Eirika looks nothings, she has blonde hair and red armor??????

    Yeah in the current version, Eirika's proper palette crashes the game. I haven't been able to send it to Datagne yet to fix it.

  13. Sorry for the head's up, but it seems that Myrrh doesn't in fact turn into a dancer when she joins. On that note, I now have two Manaketes.



    Dang. I keep having troubles finding out where the hell Myrrh's class ACTUALLY is dictated. She is quite literally everywhere within this game. Guess I'll go check back again. For now you might have to deal with no dancer. I've uploaded a lot tonight but we shall see.

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