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Posts posted by Kobazco

  1. Thanks for the update as always. I did discover two more issues though

    1. Lute loses con when she promotes to Druid F

    2. Whenever you reset the game, Tethys' Dragonstone loses a bunch of uses. It seems to be random as the first time it happened to me it was from 69 to 6 and on the second test it was 74 to 10.

    Huh. I've never actually seen the dragonstone bug. But that does remind me I need to force Myyrh back into the dancer class. I'll go check the Druid F right now and upload a patch if needed.

  2. Alright new patch time then.


    • Recruit class (Amelia) now has proper map sprites.
    • Amelia's Fighter class now promotes into female Hero and Warrior properly.
    • Female Pirate has proper map sprites.
    • L'arachel's AI in Ephraim route has been fixed.
    • Allows Female Pirates to promote via Ocean Seal. (Amelia's Fighter class currently promotes via a Knight's crest. Sorry)








    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qslf7sho4gcqf6g/Weapon_Reversal.ups

    Will work with current save files. But the Knoll issue will only take affect if you load a save before you recruit him. Sorry.

  3. I did manage to recruit L'arachel but it required a lot of luck with the rng since she tends to run straight for the enemies on the middle ship. She also needed to get hit for just enough for her AI to prioritize healing than fighting.

    Cormag and Marisa were also recruited although in the latter's case, it required me to draw her to the left of the map with an unequipped Vanessa.

    Yeah L'arachel will def need an AI change. Sorry about that.

  4. Currently up to the end of Chapter 12, some more feedback;

    1. Maybe you can give Gheb a 1-2 range weapon instead of a Shamshir and a Killing Edge, the fight was basically me praying that the rng cooperates.

    2. Cormag takes a bit too long to get into position in 10B, try placing him a little closer to Duessel so he can contribute a bit more in the chapter.

    3. L'Arachel was very difficult to keep alive in 11B thanks to the Steel Bow giving her -4 AS in conjunction with the very strong promoted monsters. The Elder Baels were definitely a source of a lot of resets.

    4. While it is nice to see Marisa be a pegasus knight, her AI kept suiciding on my characters. The boss is a joke because it doesn't move and only has 1-1 range without any form of healing or defensive terrain as a bonus.

    Tana promotes into Wyvern Lord (and only gets +1 Con out of it) and Great Knight instead of Paladin and Great Knight.

    Thanks for the feedback. Now lets see here.

    1. Yeah maybe I could go back and replace the Shamshir with a wind edge or one of the other 2 ranged swords.
    2. Were you able to get Cormag still? He should be close enough to get there before the rest of the pirates.
    3. I haven't actually been able to test L'Arachel with the new class I gave her. Does she end up suicide into enemies thanks to her long range? I know I had issues in Eirika's route with her new class and had to change the AI.
    4. Marisa didn't cause me too much trouble, unless you are talking about Eirika's route. In Ephraim's all you have to do is bait her out with a unit and then have Ewan talk to her. I've changed her AI in Eirika's route so she can't attack to avoid fustration. I'll go ahead and take a look at the boss of that chapter as well.
    5. Lastly, I thought had locked Tana's promotion into Great Knight only. As of now I haven't had the chance to re add axe Paladins to the game as I've been busy with school and such. Sorry about that!

    I'll work towards getting a new patch tonight with the main focus being the Axe paladin class, and adding Axe Cavaliers to the list of units that are weak to mounted weapons (such as Horseslayer). Also I might have some time to add in map sprites for classes that don't have proper ones yet.

  5. Get beta testers if you do weapon reversal for FE7

    And what's that supposed to mean? Even project haso it's problems when first released, and I've worked tirelessly for the past two months to release something I've been delaying for upwards of 2 years now. On another note, you would be a terrible beta tester. Your feed back is "it don't work"

    On a different note, I forgot to make female brigand promote to female warrior. My bad

  6. I'm really enjoying this. A couple things I noticed just recently, however:

    1) Amelia doesn't seem to have a fighter sprite: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zkd2fganse0r81z/Fire%20Emblem%208%20-%20Weapon%20Reversal_327.png?dl=0

    2) When I killed this knight with a handaxe with pirate Amelia, my game softlocked: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qe50lhr23ctdekh/Fire%20Emblem%208%20-%20Weapon%20Reversal_359.png?dl=0

    Huh... Maybe thats the issues with the Pirate animation. I knew there were some. When you reset did it work? Also there is currently no female fighter animation.

  7. I've played this hack up to Chapter 8 and here are my thoughts so far;

    1. Decent difficulty so far although its really easy to tell which characters were in classes with really good bases in the original game. Vanessa and Colm are the MVPs of my team so far.

    2. Ross basically has no real choice when it comes to his promotion tree. The lack of alternative characters to steal things with and the glut of useful items so steal (such as the Body Ring in Chapter 8) means that thief is the only good choice. I'd recommend that you either turn some of the stealables into regular drops or change someone else into a backup thief so that players who want to make Ross into a myrm don't miss out on all of the goodies that you added along with the ones already in the original.

    3. Lute's base con is way too low. She loses 5 AS from the lightest dark tome which is ridiculous, at least bump it up to 5 or something. Some other characters could use some minor con bumps as well since they have some huge penalties.

    Definitely looking forward to see what you've done with the endgame.

    Thanks for all of the feedback. Now lets see...

    1. Yeah Colm was one of my better units until he got outclasses by some others late game, and Vanessa was decent. She capped speed pretty fast.

    2. So far my alternative has been chest keys having 5 uses, but yeah I agree there is a problem when it comes to stealing.

    3. Surprisingly Lute in my first play through doubled a lot of enemies with Flux for quite a while. And I never gave her the body ring. I have to agree tho, on my second play through, she is doing quite bad.

    Oh wow... I just realized female Shaman has a base con of 3 while male Shaman has a con stat of 7. I'll go ahead and up the con for female Shaman up to 7 right now.

    Here have a new patch for your troubles. It will work with current save files and give Lute the con she needs. Fixes all the promotion gains and cons for female Druid and Summoner as well.


  8. Yeah, I did. That's why I was suprised that was still happening to this point.

    Btw, got new patch, Tana still has her Bow weakness.

    Yeah I don't know what points to weakness to bow/wind weapons. I'll have to move Axe cavalier to another class sometime. For now it shouldn't be that deadly since there are little bow users I hope. She wont be weak to them on promotion.

  9. Lute still has generic male shaman map sprite and battle sprite.

    Ross is a phantom when not selected in the map (only as a Journeysword (Don't know the proper name))

    Also Ross loses con when promoted to Thief and doesn't gain any other stats. When promoted to Myrmidon doesn't gain any stats either but doesn't lose con.

    Would put images, but I don't have the way to do it right now.

    Did you download the latest patch from like uh... 3 hours ago or so?

  10. Fast updates incoming!


    • Endgame is one of the most interesting chapters I've ever edited. No spoilers though, get there and see for yourself!
    • Female Warrior is now in the game.
    • Female Pirate is now in the game.
    • Female Hero is now in the game.
    • Non nomadic nomad(?) is in the game. (Unpromoted ranger of sorts)
    • Bow and Lance Paladins are in the game.
    • All of Amelia's promotions work (Besides Super Trainees, don't use those.)
    • New challenges await! (Final Chapter)
    • Valter's palette is done.
    • Orson's palette is done.
    • Caellach's palette is done.
    • Selena's palette is done.
    • Vigarde's palette is done.

    One little sneak peak:


    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/tee3t3angttk95c/Weapon_Reversal.ups

  11. Oh boy huge patch.



    • All of Ephraim route chapters (Yes including Final Chapter) are now finished!
    • Previously broken promotions were hopefully fixed!
    • New secrets! (Sorry!)

    A special surprise awaits those who get to the final chapter. Get there and see for yourself... In the meantime I leave you with a hint and some other screenshots!

    What's this?


    Here have some more:




    • Female Warriors, Fighters, and Pirates.
    • Split promotion for axe cavalier
    • New archer based class and promotion for one of your units!
    • And more I don't remember!

    Link to new patch :http://www.mediafire.com/download/tee3t3angttk95c/Weapon_Reversal.ups

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