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Everything posted by Reganis

  1. I tried doing these myself time after time, and I always failed. So I'm going to ask for some proffesional (did I spell that right?) help. I need Hector Lord using a sword (Mercenary's sword?) and dismounted Nomad Trooper Rath, using sword and bow. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. Pretty good. Reminds me of my Goatee Shin sprite.
  3. So you're 14? yay! that means I'm older! XD

    ...It also means a grand piano is about to fall on my head!

  4. You've got two choices. FEditor Adv, or compressing it in. this tutorial should help you compress it.
  5. Hmm... These are pretty good. But I think your pallete for Ena should be pink
  6. Have a generic happy birthday comment

  7. Holy crap, I did that exact same thing! And I was real pissed, cos Jaffar's my favourite FE7 character. So I restarted
  8. September, eh? I'll import it when it comes out. Screw waiting for an Australian release if we ever get one...
  9. Dieck. Echidna for second because she's the only female hero
  10. Reganis

    My stuff

    Time to revive this. Zeiss decided he wanted to reclass to a hero. I got the idea from G-Dragon... Anyway, here it is At the moment, I have no idea what I should do now. Any suggestions?
  11. Ike, Mist, Black Knight. CrashGordan's gonna hate me...
  12. It's a perfect counterpart for my more manly Lucius But... There seems to be a lack of shading where the feather meets the hair. Maybe it's just me, though. As for Lute... let's just imagine that the next FE game is a sequel to Sacred Stones, and it's 20 or so years in the future, and Lute is going to return for this game. So you could make an older Lute. Or, Lute went evil and she's the main villain. You could make an evil looking Lute.
  13. the new look Natalie has a chunk missing where her shoulder should be
  14. Reganis


    Yeah, that would help
  15. This is just plain bullshit. Nothing more, nothing less.
  16. Male: Haar Female: Jill Undecided: Lucius Black Knight
  17. Happy Birthday

  18. Reganis


    I'll throw in something about Lyn helping Mario in a Smash tournament a while back, and that Lyn's house is close to a bandit stronghold, so she asked Mario to look after her house Any contributions will help, but at the moment, I especially need a Mario.
  19. Reganis


    I've just done some quick edits to the prologue, so you can see what I meant about letters explaining the CGs. For now, let's just pretend that the really badly recolored Lyn is Mario... This probably won't be the text I use later on though. I just wanted to show everyone my plan for CGs... what do you think?
  20. Reganis


    These are great! Thanks for the contribution I dont mind that they wont blink.
  21. Reganis


    Yeah. Though I may change some parts of it. This was a joke.
  22. Reganis


    Captain Falcon and Zero Suit are good (though I may have to touch up soem shading on Zero Suit) For Link... Something about his hat bothers me... I may use the two Gerudos for the desert level Or the ice climbers Anyways, thanks for the contribution!
  23. Reganis


    Ok, Thanks. This is a great idea. I get home from my grandparents this afternoon, so I'll start working on it then.
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