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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Fuck I'm late Arguing about Lilina and debunking the most common misconceptions about her? It's like I traveled back in time. 1/10, -1 bias point from an actual 2/10. The lengths people are willing to go to make it look like Lilina is anything but garbage is unbelievable. The amount of favouritism it takes to make Lilina even remotely acceptable turns units like Ward and Bors into absolute powerhouses. There's only a couple worse units in this game, and funnily enough, one of them joins in the same chapter (Wendy), and the other is pretty much like her if she joined 8 maps later and took up Dark magic instead (Sophia). Here is a unit that is ORKO'd by every single enemy you encounter for a long, long time, yet needs to be close to enemies to even do anything (unlike say, a dancer). Get that through your head, please. That alone should dock around 5 points off her score!
  2. I love it when you heal something with Lana and she gets an HP level-up, then you heal it with Julia and she gets 20 EXP and an HP level-up, and then you heal that with Lana again... But yeah, pretty good. 7.5/10
  3. do i regret trolling all the rate the unit threads now? nah i don't think so.
  4. Best: They're all pretty mediocre come to think about it. Guess I'll give this one to Farina, cause wings and whores. Worst: hUgh.
  5. Anouleth likes double Ds? What? 4.5/10 horse and bad-ish combat with amazing gonzales support
  6. He's alright. Mediocre offense but he can move around and tank stuff cause he has the best class in the game.
  7. Yeah, that is a good point. Now for the most part you aren't actually going through weapon uses faster as long as you're getting the same amount of ORKOs (you aren't, but let's say you are). However, you'll need to completely unequip everyone you're not deploying in order to have access to their gear either in your deployed units or your supply convoy, which isn't always conveniently on your way on maps, if at all. In addition, your good weapons will be spread very thin. If you only have one Fire Sword, you might have 10 people who want to use it, then 9 of them are out of luck. But if you're only using, say, 6 combat units, it's really just a race between 2 of them and they can trade it around fairly easily, whereas the other 4 will prolly be weilding prf weapons, axes, lances, magic, etc.
  8. Maybe if you go at super turtle pace this somewhat applies, but as it is using that many units WILL make your units relatively weak. Your units do not start close to capping those stats at 20, and they do not automatically have 4 scrolls in their inventory every time they level up. By using so many units, you actually have to face the challenge of raising units, because let's face it, beyond the top 10 units or so you will find mostly units that start out bad or okay. Fergus, Asvel, Othin, Brighton, Dean, those kind of units are ridiculous even at base level. But then you get to units like Halvan that are alright at base or even levels but not that awesome, needing to get lucky for ORKOs. And then there's Karin who needs to get a ridiculous amount of overleveling to get good, and shitty ones like Kein that start out underleveled and aren't even amazing at even levels. Plus, by raising that many units, you are actually accepting that you're going to be benching at least a third of them in a lot of maps. That doesn't sound like a very, well, efficient use of your EXP. I'd rather have 1-2 units of my star team of 8 sitting out than 5-6 out of 15 units. Note how a lot of maps, particularly gaidens, don't even let you deploy this many units. Also when you do get to deploy a lot of units, a lot of them end up doing nothing (or nothing that isn't trivial) cause there's usually at least one badass in there taking out an army on enemy phase, and the rest is just there for show. Which brings me to another tip to manage fatigue: actually don't deploy people who have a lot of fatigue if you do not expect them to contribute in maps. Think of a map like 8x or 10 where there's a lot of narrow corridors and not a whole lot of enemies that you're going to fight head on with your group. Units twiddling their thumbs all map could've been resting off their fatigue.
  9. He's good compared to other scrubstitutes (love this term) with horse and Pursuit and stuff but that huge lack of bow selection... 4.5/10 edit: bumped him up a bit. cant have him be worse than lakche...
  10. How do you even give this thing a higher rating than Roy and Ward? Dorothy is the Wil of FE6. 2/10
  11. I kind of disagree with this. Being aware of fatigue is fine but you don't need anywhere near this amount of "trained" units, and even with prepromo fill-ins this is too much. The better way to fight fatigue is to not fight every enemy you find (which also helps conserving weapon uses), and try to funnel the fatigue so that it ends up being superfluous. For example, if your Fergus just got 20 fatigue through fighting a whole wave of enemies and is close to falling over, either just have him take as many more enemies as possible or let him fight just enough so that he can participate next map. This spares your other units, and lets you get rid of a huge chunk of fatigue by letting Fergus sit out once. Generally I end up saving most of my S drinks for lategame where you need all those low HP staff chicks, but don't be afraid to use one when you need them. In fact, "don't be afraid to use anything if it helps you" is a great tip for all FEs, but FE5 in particular. Those prf weapons have 60 uses for a reason. Use them whenever they help. Especially the Hero Lance, I have never come close to seeing that thing break because of the indoor maps.
  12. I don't think Lester loses steam per se when it comes to raw combat parameters, but just being able to attack only once per turn is kind of annoying. Still he will ORKO pretty much anything with Hero Bow all game long and he's on a horse. 7/10
  13. No this time it wasn't. Just in past threads.
  14. He's bad because he has no Pursuit, that's pretty much the whole story. Like, he's worse than Noish was in gen 1, and Noish wasn't very good. 3/10
  15. Nah, just some bad memories of people going like oooooh Delmud i don't like him he isn't as great as my awesome Lakche-kun who overkills those brigands so much better with her Hero Sword while Delmud does not with his Iron Sword how terrible
  16. Mount, good combat (having Pursuit and B in something is really all it takes in this game, but still), and Charisma. How can you go wrong? I will never understand people giving Delmud a mediocre score. 8.5/10
  17. Pretty good for Normal Mode. Not Lilina though, and terrible on Ilia route. Banana. 4.67/91.52 (3 points for bias)
  18. If you're doing combat 101 as an upcoming FE unit, and you notice things aren't going so fine, don't be like Lot, Wendy, and Oujay. Do a career switch before it's too late. It will be worth it in the end. Don't believe me? Ask these people. Thany: I was pretty good at speed class but everytime I got hit I would just roll over and die, and I couldn't pierce anyone's armor. Learning how to fly saved my life. Ellen: I would have gone nowhere with my awful speed growth, even though I managed to do pretty well when it came to base stats. But I woke up in the hospital after every sparring match even after we practiced without weapons. That's how I was inspired to learn how to use staves. Good job Chad. You're pretty useful. 6/10
  19. No Mia posts so far? Shame on you, SF. I expected better.
  20. Raven you're supposed to rate him out of 10, not list the character's hit rate.
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