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Gamefaqs has done it again


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I can never tell if they're being sarcastic on that board...

They're all being sarcastic, everything the TC posted is pretty much obvious stuff.

Are you upset at the topic post or the responses?

I'm betting it's the responses.

Edited by Boo
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I deserve a medal for my contribution to making that board how it is. It was even better before the European release; the on-topic topics were outnumbered by awesome topics by like 20-1. srsly.

Let me guess: "awesome" in your case being "lol, we turned it into a 4chan thread"?

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I enjoy reading the occasional serious debate topics there, and sometimes get a chuckle out of the rest. But I wouldn't ever want to post in that hole.

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When I saw the thread title I was expecting it to be about the reviews. Which I was going to say is nothing big as it happens with every game release these days you'll get a whole load of poor scores in the first week. At the end of the day having to see a load of troll reviews puts me off wanting to write any reviews as I'll get:

-No views for it not being a troll review

-Critism by the people who do read it (you're problem is structure/no structure, I'm a gramma nazi and yr gramma stinks)

Plus the whole I keep changing my mind about scores :(

As for the board. I went there on Friday and I ended up saying in one of the tropics "No wonder they call this place lamefaqs".

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