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Pre banner discussion Thread: Mythic Hero of January 2024

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

The 10 elites are in a weird place in that they actually appear in the game with actual classes and weapons and stuff. But they use generic artwork. Which seems more a death sentence to them than not appearing at all. And of course their leader Nemesis was a Grand Hero Battle. Would be super weird to make freaking Charon a Mythic when Nemesis wasn't and Charon doesn't even have a face. Nemesis absolutely should have been a Mythic though. His GHB slot was wasted on him. Could easily have been someone like Lonato or Kostas. Or even just any of the numerous playable characters.

As for the for the four Saints, Seteth and Flayn are already in the game, so it would depend on how willing they are to fudge the "not in the game already" standard for us to see Cichol and Cethlainn. Hopes at the very least gave them blond character designs to use for that purpose. All in all they're in the same boat as Sephiran and his alias Lehran. The other two sains suffer from not having human designs, though they do have the statues which give us some indication. It's a real shame Hopes didn't give them proper human designs for the Arval paralogue.

My overall point though is that the list of Mythics from the games is thinning and if they want to make use of the past heroes concept, they need to start putting more of them in now, otherwise we'll end up running out of characters featured in the games in a few years and then it'll be nothing but past heroes. And of those past heroes the Crusaders are the most populous bunch.


 Yeah, Nemesis should've been a Mythic for sure, I guess he can still get a Mythic alt for him, if they're desperate for more familiar options (instead of throwing us a bunch of faceless and only mentioned characters), but I'm not sure if this will happen.

 WHAT?! Seteth and Flayn are part of the four Saints?! I'm not extremely familiar with 3 Houses lore, so I wasn't expecting this at all (I knew they were dragons and somehow associated to Rhea though). I think the statues would probably be enough of a design reference, as far as I know the only time we ever see Ullr is on a sorta vague artwork (that I don't know if came from one of the mangas or if it was just an official artwork) and they never even mentioned if she was a woman or a man, so essentially they made it all up for FEH too.

 I bet that the next Fire Emblem game will have some candidates because of this (and if it's a FE4 or a FE6 remake, I bet they'll show the faces of the 12 Crusaders/8 Legends, just for this purpouse, in case FEH manages to be alive and well until there). Speaking of this, doesn't Engage have a few candidates outside of Veyle? I'm not all that familiar with that game but I wonder if they didn't do it.

 Also they really could've saved Myrrh and Fae as mythics instead of Legendaries.

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It should go noted that Seiros and Rhea are adjacent to each other in the Catalog of Heroes. The order is:

Seiros, Harvest Rhea, Fallen Rhea, Rhea

In other words, they aren't really bothering to hide the fact that they're the same character. 

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10 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

It should go noted that Seiros and Rhea are adjacent to each other in the Catalog of Heroes. The order is:

Seiros, Harvest Rhea, Fallen Rhea, Rhea

In other words, they aren't really bothering to hide the fact that they're the same character. 

Nice to know, there's been a long time since I don't go into the Catalog of Heroes. When I go back into the game (as I don't have my phone with me on the exact moment), I'll go check if they count Eyvel and Pirate Brigid as the same person too (and Edlegard and the Flame Emperor, Zelgius and Black Knight, Alfonse and Líf,... basically everyone with an alias I can remember). At least they didn't shove Seiros between two Rheas though.

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If we get two, I also think we'll get another mixed banner. Nergal and Athos would be great, but doing two different games allows them to appeal to two different audiences so I think they'll follow what happened last year and do the same. Following a similar thought, I do think they'll also try to have different aesthetics and themes to their choices like how Gotoh was a kind wise sage vs. Fomortiis' big bad demon, though I don't think it'd be the exact same since there's very few characters that come to mind with the same surprise factor and appeal as the latter (offhand, it's just Grima and Loptyr, the latter of which would be muted since he overlaps somewhat with Medeus). 

If they're willing to make a human form, then I think Soan could slip in somewhere. He'd definitely have a surprise factor since there's still doubt around him, and a cool lion would be pretty striking even with Caineghis in the game and they refuse to add Giffca or Skrimir.

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15 minutes ago, Medeus said:

If we get two, I also think we'll get another mixed banner. Nergal and Athos would be great, but doing two different games allows them to appeal to two different audiences so I think they'll follow what happened last year and do the same. Following a similar thought, I do think they'll also try to have different aesthetics and themes to their choices like how Gotoh was a kind wise sage vs. Fomortiis' big bad demon, though I don't think it'd be the exact same since there's very few characters that come to mind with the same surprise factor and appeal as the latter (offhand, it's just Grima and Loptyr, the latter of which would be muted since he overlaps somewhat with Medeus). 

If they're willing to make a human form, then I think Soan could slip in somewhere. He'd definitely have a surprise factor since there's still doubt around him, and a cool lion would be pretty striking even with Caineghis in the game and they refuse to add Giffca or Skrimir.

If we do get Soan then please, please don't make him colourless. Not all the armoured beasts have to be colourless.

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1 hour ago, Medeus said:

 there's very few characters that come to mind with the same surprise factor and appeal as the latter (offhand, it's just Grima and Loptyr, the latter of which would be muted since he overlaps somewhat with Medeus). 

If they're willing to make a human form, then I think Soan could slip in somewhere. He'd definitely have a surprise factor since there's still doubt around him, and a cool lion would be pretty striking even with Caineghis in the game and they refuse to add Giffca or Skrimir.

There's also Nergal (please be Nergal, please be Nergal...), while he's not a demon he was completely consumed by dark magic and became as heartless as can be (yeah, I'm trying to convince myself as much as possible that it'll be Nergal...).


1 hour ago, Jotari said:

If we do get Soan then please, please don't make him colourless. Not all the armoured beasts have to be colourless.

 There's no colorless slots free this month, it can only be any other color but colorless so if it's Soan that won't be a problem he'll have (unless the rerun table happens to be wrong but I don't think this happens, can't be 100% sure though). But yes, it's stupid that the only armoured beasts we have are colorless, I get that they're like just 3 but still, it's starting to look like the green calv bow shit.

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If I'm counting right, the missing weapon/movement type combinations are:

  • Red/green bow armor
  • Blue dagger armor
  • Red bow cavalry
  • Blue dagger cavalry
  • Red/blue/green beast armor

That's 8 out of the 96 possible combinations (24 weapons and 4 movement types).

The lack of variety of beast armors is the most striking, and I hope they add more at some point.

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29 minutes ago, Othin said:

If I'm counting right, the missing weapon/movement type combinations are:

  • Red/green bow armor
  • Blue dagger armor
  • Red bow cavalry
  • Blue dagger cavalry
  • Red/blue/green beast armor

That's 8 out of the 96 possible combinations (24 weapons and 4 movement types).

The lack of variety of beast armors is the most striking, and I hope they add more at some point.

Trouble is there's not a lot of sensical beast armours. We have Soan, as discussed, Skirmir, Giffca, Miklan, Dedue and Aelfric. That's pretty much it. Monica's father turns into a giant bird that could be flying or beast if they really want to use a character with generic artwork, but the chances of that are so remote I can only call it a personal pipe dream. So six potential armoured beasts at best, and we're not even sure we'd even get Fallen Miklan, Dedue or Aelfric, they might just give us Lance of Ruin Miklan as a GHB and call it a day. Even Soan is an uncertainty due to no human form. Skirmir and Giffca are the only ones with a gauranteed in due to playable status. Even if all six of them get in and even if all of them are different colours, it won't surpass the number of colourless beasts armours already in the game. And I have doubts all of they'd be able to resist making all of the remaining six something other than colourless, because it's not a coincidence the three we've gotten so far are colourless. It's because they are just plain the most saleable for such a high value unit type, because it is kind of just better than being coloured. Like most stiff they'll probably just resort to fixing the imbalance with seasonals. Looking forward to bikini Caineghis on the next summer banner. It's either that or go non canon routes with Fallen characters like Beast Marianne. But fallen banners are already their main source for armoured beasts. I guess if they're willing to give Maurice a human form he's another candidate, though that would be super weird given all the other elites use generic artwork and he'd probably be better than Nemesis.

Imo from the start gauntlets and beast units should have been combined into the "Strike" weapon type and the transformation mechanic should have been available to a wider range of weapon types like Rinea and Dragon Laguz. That would just open a lot of doors.

Edited by Jotari
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17 minutes ago, Othin said:

If I'm counting right, the missing weapon/movement type combinations are:

  • Red/green bow armor
  • Blue dagger armor
  • Red bow cavalry
  • Blue dagger cavalry
  • Red/blue/green beast armor

That's 8 out of the 96 possible combinations (24 weapons and 4 movement types).

The lack of variety of beast armors is the most striking, and I hope they add more at some point.

Yeah, and even some of types that we do have are still very scarce (such as any colored cav dragon, also we just have 2 blue bow cav, from the top of my head). They've been expanding the colored bows and colorless tomes on the past few years (maybe we can have hope for cav dragons too, after it stopped being OC only with L!Ninian) but it seems like the interest stops there (from IS's part of course, not ours).


5 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Trouble is there's not a lot of sensical beast armours. We have Soan, as discussed, Skirmir, Giffca, Miklan, Dedue and Aelfric. That's pretty much it. Monica's father turns into a giant bird that could be flying or beast if they really want to use a character with generic artwork, but the chances of that are so remote I can only call it a personal pipe dream. So six potential armoured beasts at best, and we're not even sure we'd even get Fallen Miklan, Dedue or Aelfric, they might just give us Lance of Ruin Miklan as a GHB and call it a day. Even Soan is an uncertainty due to no human form. Skirmir and Giffca are the only ones with a gauranteed in due to playable status. Even if all six of them get in and even if all of them are different colours, it won't surpass the number of colourless beasts armours already in the game. And I have doubts all of they'd be able to resist making all of the remaining six something other than colourless, because it's not a coincidence the three we've gotten so far are colourless. It's because they are just plain the most saleable for such a high value unit type, because it is kind of just better than being coloured. Like most stiff they'll probably just resort to fixing the imbalance with seasonals. Looking forward to bikini Caineghis on the next summer banner.

 Yeah, more seasonal units looks like the best option to enlarge the options. Also, they could always do some OCs too (they've already been doing a bunch of beast OCs in general - despite the fact that Embla and Askr were described as part of the "four dragons" in the beggining of the game- to have more options of laguz), it'd be a terrible waste if none of the beasts on this book were armoured.

 At least with colorless beasts we have something resembling a reason to keep it, but I'll never get why 90% of the colored bow cav units have to be green.

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4 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Trouble is there's not a lot of sensical beast armours. We have Soan, as discussed, Skirmir, Giffca, Miklan, Dedue and Aelfric. That's pretty much it. Monica's father turns into a giant bird that could be flying or beast if they really want to use a character with generic artwork, but the chances of that are so remote I can only call it a personal pipe dream. So six potential armoured beasts at best, and we're not even sure we'd even get Fallen Miklan, Dedue or Aelfric, they might just give us Lance of Ruin Miklan as a GHB and call it a day. Even Soan is an uncertainty due to no human form. Skirmir and Giffca are the only ones with a gauranteed in due to playable status. Even if all six of them get in and even if all of them are different colours, it won't surpass the number of colourless beasts armours already in the game. And I have doubts all of they'd be able to resist making all of the remaining six something other than colourless, because it's not a coincidence the three we've gotten so far are colourless. It's because they are just plain the most saleable for such a high value unit type, because it is kind of just better than being coloured. Like most stiff they'll probably just resort to fixing the imbalance with seasonals. Looking forward to bikini Caineghis on the next summer banner.

It's not just that, but also the matter of the existing ones all having been dumped into the same color.

But yes, alts will likely end up needing to be part of it. In addition to seasonals, I imagine we'll eventually get a Rearmed Three Hopes Fallen Edelgard, who can help fill in as well as offering the relevant Arcane weapon. And I do think Fallen Dedue is likely to show up eventually - he's part of a dwindling number of house students to have only a base form. (The others are Hubert, Petra, and Linhardt.)

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8 minutes ago, Othin said:

It's not just that, but also the matter of the existing ones all having been dumped into the same color.

Oh it's super because of that. Edelgard and Fomortiis in general were just designed to be ridiculous units. And Askr is pretty solid too. All four of these ideally should have been different colourless. It would have just been better game design if you could rely on a colour to counter these units. But making them just more amazing means they're more saleable. Hence, grey. Which is the precise same reason I expect at least some of the remaining six contenders to be grey, if not freaking all of them. It's just too tempting form a marketing perspective.

^^^Edited into the above comment is my speciation about non canon beast Marianne and a link to my suggestion that beasts and gauntlet units should have been combined from the start, a thread that was wildly unpopular.

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8 hours ago, Othin said:

It's not just that, but also the matter of the existing ones all having been dumped into the same color.

But yes, alts will likely end up needing to be part of it. In addition to seasonals, I imagine we'll eventually get a Rearmed Three Hopes Fallen Edelgard, who can help fill in as well as offering the relevant Arcane weapon. And I do think Fallen Dedue is likely to show up eventually - he's part of a dwindling number of house students to have only a base form. (The others are Hubert, Petra, and Linhardt.)

But can you give say, rearmed blue armoured beast weapon to another beast unit that is not armoured? Because if not then it'd be pretty much pointless to make an armoured beast rearmed weapon. I know that none (or at least almost none) rearmed weapon hás restrictions on the movement type, but since beasts have a different type of effect upon transformation, depending on their mov type, I can't help to wonder if they'd allow unrestricted inheritance between movements like this.


8 hours ago, Jotari said:

Oh it's super because of that. Edelgard and Fomortiis in general were just designed to be ridiculous units. And Askr is pretty solid too. All four of these ideally should have been different colourless. It would have just been better game design if you could rely on a colour to counter these units. But making them just more amazing means they're more saleable. Hence, grey. Which is the precise same reason I expect at least some of the remaining six contenders to be grey, if not freaking all of them. It's just too tempting form a marketing perspective.

^^^Edited into the above comment is my speciation about non canon beast Marianne and a link to my suggestion that beasts and gauntlet units should have been combined from the start, a thread that was wildly unpopular.

 I think that unfortunately better game design, for a gacha game, is just releasing a unit that is harder to kill with most of the units that are already on the game so later they can release another unit that can counter it and sell this one like crazy too because everyone is tired of the first one, so technically they're probably doing the "right" thing I guess...

 I took a peep at your other thread (just didn't read the responses yet, only the main post), I actually found that your point was pretty solid, now I wish they had done that (found the lack of responses a bit weird too, maybe it was bad timing and a bunch of people were creating new topics on those days so yours was quickly shoved out of the front page, idk). Even if they didn't want to merge Gauntlet and Beasts units, I wonder why they didn't release Gauntlet as their own thing then. I guess that Rinea could be released as a normal beast unit now if they wanted, on the despair for options (and then they just give her an animation that is not a beast, like how F!Alear and Sothis transform but don't have a dragon form). I figure they're not thaaat desperate for then now, with the amount of beast OCs they're releasing (and then all the alts they can give them) and on the next FE- if it's not a remake- maybe they'll add a lot of beats just thinking of this problem, if FEH is stil going strong (not sure if they'd let FEH affect the plot of a mainline game, it'd be a bit weird, but I've seen people saying that they did it with Engage by adding a bunch of Legendary options on purpouse, though I can't form an opinion of my own on this cause I'm not familiar with Engage in the slightest). Until today I find it hella weird that they kept saying that Askr and Embla were two of the four dragons but now they're beasts... But alas their designs are cool so I won't complain.

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23 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

But can you give say, rearmed blue armoured beast weapon to another beast unit that is not armoured? Because if not then it'd be pretty much pointless to make an armoured beast rearmed weapon. I know that none (or at least almost none) rearmed weapon hás restrictions on the movement type, but since beasts have a different type of effect upon transformation, depending on their mov type, I can't help to wonder if they'd allow unrestricted inheritance between movements like this.

With Eitr and Arcane Nihility, only Beast Cavs can inherit Arcane Nihility.

If I counted correctly, there are only 20 Beast Cavs (including Eitr herself) total while there are 1,055 units overall.

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49 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:


But can you give say, rearmed blue armoured beast weapon to another beast unit that is not armoured? Because if not then it'd be pretty much pointless to make an armoured beast rearmed weapon. I know that none (or at least almost none) rearmed weapon hás restrictions on the movement type, but since beasts have a different type of effect upon transformation, depending on their mov type, I can't help to wonder if they'd allow unrestricted inheritance between movements like this.


 I think that unfortunately better game design, for a gacha game, is just releasing a unit that is harder to kill with most of the units that are already on the game so later they can release another unit that can counter it and sell this one like crazy too because everyone is tired of the first one, so technically they're probably doing the "right" thing I guess...

 I took a peep at your other thread (just didn't read the responses yet, only the main post), I actually found that your point was pretty solid, now I wish they had done that (found the lack of responses a bit weird too, maybe it was bad timing and a bunch of people were creating new topics on those days so yours was quickly shoved out of the front page, idk). Even if they didn't want to merge Gauntlet and Beasts units, I wonder why they didn't release Gauntlet as their own thing then. I guess that Rinea could be released as a normal beast unit now if they wanted, on the despair for options (and then they just give her an animation that is not a beast, like how F!Alear and Sothis transform but don't have a dragon form). I figure they're not thaaat desperate for then now, with the amount of beast OCs they're releasing (and then all the alts they can give them) and on the next FE- if it's not a remake- maybe they'll add a lot of beats just thinking of this problem, if FEH is stil going strong (not sure if they'd let FEH affect the plot of a mainline game, it'd be a bit weird, but I've seen people saying that they did it with Engage by adding a bunch of Legendary options on purpouse, though I can't form an opinion of my own on this cause I'm not familiar with Engage in the slightest). Until today I find it hella weird that they kept saying that Askr and Embla were two of the four dragons but now they're beasts... But alas their designs are cool so I won't complain.

Yeah if they want to give us Base Rinea I could see her being a beast unit. I didn't think we'd get her once we got that dancer Rinea or whatever she was, but given how few Valentian units there are now, getting her witch form seems pretty realistic. Tome would make more sense but they've fudged far more details before. She could also be a good flying beast unit. There aren't a huge number of them from the games since Tellius is the only place they can draw from unlike the other beast movement types. That's why we've gotten a rotation of Birds on he pirate banners (meanwhile they've neglected the actual birds left in the game because they blew their load way too early by having Tibarn and Naesala on the first Laguz banner instead of Janaff and Ulki).

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38 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Yeah if they want to give us Base Rinea I could see her being a beast unit. I didn't think we'd get her once we got that dancer Rinea or whatever she was, but given how few Valentian units there are now, getting her witch form seems pretty realistic. Tome would make more sense but they've fudged far more details before. She could also be a good flying beast unit. There aren't a huge number of them from the games since Tellius is the only place they can draw from unlike the other beast movement types. That's why we've gotten a rotation of Birds on he pirate banners (meanwhile they've neglected the actual birds left in the game because they blew their load way too early by having Tibarn and Naesala on the first Laguz banner instead of Janaff and Ulki).

 Oh yeah, Tellius are the only games with flying beasts... no wonder that they've been doing a bunch of flying beasts OCs, I wonder if this means they might be up for doing more armoured beasts on the near future (as in, in this book) then, since they're aware that they're lacking on flying beasts and are trying to fix it.

 Also, now that they released that DC seal that is not usable by beasts (and the Dragon DC seal too), beasts are the only close ranged weapon tyle that don't have easy acess to DC, so they could make use of the type of beasts that already have DC on their weapons by default: the armoured ones. I think I'll choose to illude myself and wait a bit to see if they didn't release this sword/lance/axe DC seal (instead of a "physical meelee" DC like Distant Foil and Distant Ward) just because they're about to release a beast unit that they'll expect us to want, in part, for being of the few beasts that can use DC easily (that'd mean an armoured beast). I'll wait a bit because the last few times I did it, I surprisingly ended up not disappoiting myself (that was when I started to officially wait for beast units to get better stuff and then the same for staff unit, and both happened very soon after I started, and recently I started to wait for more good dancers too and it's been happening). Of course, I'll not fervently hope for it and then become sad if it doesn't happen, just choose to to wait a bit for this possibility.

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I don't know who can be the new mythic. We only know that according to the Datamine is a Light Mythic Hero. Could the banner have 2 Mythics? Maybe, it's possible. But so far, a single Mythic is guaranteed, and it will be Light.

Why we know the Mythic will be Light? Because we have the next Light/Dark bonus units in the data and the Offensive Bonus Mythic slot is empty.

Would be cool to have Athos, considering the theme of the Seasonal Banner. He would be a Blue Tome unit in this case.

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15 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I don't know who can be the new mythic. We only know that according to the Datamine is a Light Mythic Hero. Could the banner have 2 Mythics? Maybe, it's possible. But so far, a single Mythic is guaranteed, and it will be Light.

Why we know the Mythic will be Light? Because we have the next Light/Dark bonus units in the data and the Offensive Bonus Mythic slot is empty.

Would be cool to have Athos, considering the theme of the Seasonal Banner. He would be a Blue Tome unit in this case.

Hmmmmm, I wonder if they'd make Athos both a Light Mythic AND a blue tome at the same time instead of the more obvious Anima + Red tome. Think I'm more convinced it'll be Sephiram/Lehran at this point, as his affinity is Light in FE9 and 10, and he could be either a blue beast or a blue tome I guess. Either this or a more... Unlikely and hard to guess option (which are always welcome too).

 I'm still praying for Double Mythics and that one of them will be either Athos or Nergal though. Or, I guess there's also the possibility of only one of the Mythics be blue, and the other be red and have the light affinity, idk.

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53 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

I don't know who can be the new mythic. We only know that according to the Datamine is a Light Mythic Hero. Could the banner have 2 Mythics? Maybe, it's possible. But so far, a single Mythic is guaranteed, and it will be Light.

Why we know the Mythic will be Light? Because we have the next Light/Dark bonus units in the data and the Offensive Bonus Mythic slot is empty.

Would be cool to have Athos, considering the theme of the Seasonal Banner. He would be a Blue Tome unit in this case.

Does that datamine rule out the possibility of also getting a Dark mythic?

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1 hour ago, ARMADS!!! said:

Hmmmmm, I wonder if they'd make Athos both a Light Mythic AND a blue tome at the same time instead of the more obvious Anima + Red tome. Think I'm more convinced it'll be Sephiram/Lehran at this point, as his affinity is Light in FE9 and 10, and he could be either a blue beast or a blue tome I guess. Either this or a more... Unlikely and hard to guess option (which are always welcome too).

 I'm still praying for Double Mythics and that one of them will be either Athos or Nergal though. Or, I guess there's also the possibility of only one of the Mythics be blue, and the other be red and have the light affinity, idk.

I didn't think of Lehran as a beast unit. He can't transform during the course of Radiant Dawn, but they could make his past self (or distant epilogue future self maybe) a Heron complete with some kind of broken dance ability.

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57 minutes ago, Othin said:

Does that datamine rule out the possibility of also getting a Dark mythic?

Aether Raids bonus units (Week of Jan. 30-Feb. 5):

  • Light mythic placeholder (no data found)
  • Medeus - Earth-Dragon King
  • Reinhardt - Thrud Reborn
  • Tina - Playful Scamp
  • Safy - Font of Piety
  • Lara - Step Lively
  • Perne - Dacian Scoundrel
  • Inigo - Flower Picker
  • Marth - Hero-King
  • Anna - Commander

So yeah, Medeus bonus defensive Mythic.

So if we get another Mythic, it would be Astra or Anima.

Or even... a Legendary Hero, of the Fire Blessing.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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23 hours ago, Jotari said:

Trouble is there's not a lot of sensical beast armours. We have Soan, as discussed, Skirmir, Giffca, Miklan, Dedue and Aelfric. That's pretty much it. Monica's father turns into a giant bird that could be flying or beast if they really want to use a character with generic artwork, but the chances of that are so remote I can only call it a personal pipe dream. So six potential armoured beasts at best, and we're not even sure we'd even get Fallen Miklan, Dedue or Aelfric, they might just give us Lance of Ruin Miklan as a GHB and call it a day. Even Soan is an uncertainty due to no human form. Skirmir and Giffca are the only ones with a gauranteed in due to playable status. Even if all six of them get in and even if all of them are different colours, it won't surpass the number of colourless beasts armours already in the game. And I have doubts all of they'd be able to resist making all of the remaining six something other than colourless, because it's not a coincidence the three we've gotten so far are colourless. It's because they are just plain the most saleable for such a high value unit type, because it is kind of just better than being coloured. Like most stiff they'll probably just resort to fixing the imbalance with seasonals. Looking forward to bikini Caineghis on the next summer banner. It's either that or go non canon routes with Fallen characters like Beast Marianne. But fallen banners are already their main source for armoured beasts. I guess if they're willing to give Maurice a human form he's another candidate, though that would be super weird given all the other elites use generic artwork and he'd probably be better than Nemesis.

Imo from the start gauntlets and beast units should have been combined into the "Strike" weapon type and the transformation mechanic should have been available to a wider range of weapon types like Rinea and Dragon Laguz. That would just open a lot of doors.

Popping back to this topic for a bit just to say another potential Armoured Beast would be Anthony, that kid from Fates. Faceless do have armoured movement and the bulk to justify being armoured despite Anthony's base form being just a kid. On the other hand, it'd be a hard sell to put such an irrelevant character on a banner, so he'd end up just being a GHB unit. But it would be nice to have a beast armour on GHB that isn't super amazing but has the advantage of easy access.

Gooran uses an axe, but I could see them turning him into Armoured Beast too, just for the sake of it.

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1 hour ago, Jotari said:

I didn't think of Lehran as a beast unit. He can't transform during the course of Radiant Dawn, but they could make his past self (or distant epilogue future self maybe) a Heron complete with some kind of broken dance ability.

I was thinking about his past self, yeah. Somehow him having a premium dance/sing skill flew over my head, but I'd take it in a second as I love these broken refresh abilities (on an unrelated note, I've been waiting for years for someone other than Nils to have a refresh Play ability, when the fuck will this happen, IS?! Oh yeah, they could just add Ephin as they should've done years ago). I think that they could and should even do both Lehran and Sephiran as units with OG alts, one being a beast and the other having a staff/tome (probably just make one of them be Mythic though, like Rhea and Seiros).


 (spoilers about RD so I'll keep on a spoiler tag for who doesn't want to be spoiled- or rather, we're on a Mythic Heroes thread so there obviously gonna be some spoilers of everying, I mean't being spoiled in detail):


 Also, epilogue self as a heron how? Can he possibly get his powers back someday? Thought that they'd be gone forever because of his interspecies relationship with Altina and all? I'm not a specialist on the lore of Tellius as I didn't play the games myself (though I do know a lot because I was massively spoiled, and watched some scenes and conversations, etc) but from the stuff I know- and even a relatively quick google search just to be sure I'm not asking something stupid that has an extremely obvious answer- I never knew of any mention of a Laguz being able to get the powers back after being victim the curse (or phenonon or whatever) that comes from the union with a Beorc. I guess unless if you interpret the part of his epilogue that mentions him being healed as him getting his powers back.


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4 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

I was thinking about his past self, yeah. Somehow him having a premium dance/sing skill flew over my head, but I'd take it in a second as I love these broken refresh abilities (on an unrelated note, I've been waiting for years for someone other than Nils to have a refresh Play ability, when the fuck will this happen, IS?! Oh yeah, they could just add Ephin as they should've done years ago). I think that they could and should even do both Lehran and Sephiran as units with OG alts, one being a beast and the other having a staff/tome (probably just make one of them be Mythic though, like Rhea and Seiros).


 (spoilers about RD so I'll keep on a spoiler tag for who doesn't want to be spoiled- or rather, we're on a Mythic Heroes thread so there obviously gonna be some spoilers of everying, I mean't being spoiled in detail):

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 Also, epilogue self as a heron how? Can he possibly get his powers back someday? Thought that they'd be gone forever because of his interspecies relationship with Altina and all? I'm not a specialist on the lore of Tellius as I didn't play the games myself (though I do know a lot because I was massively spoiled, and watched some scenes and conversations, etc) but from the stuff I know- and even a relatively quick google search just to be sure I'm not asking something stupid that has an extremely obvious answer- I never knew of any mention of a Laguz being able to get the powers back after being victim the curse (or phenonon or whatever) that comes from the union with a Beorc. I guess unless if you interpret the part of his epilogue that mentions him being healed as him getting his powers back.


I don't remember an explanation for how it happened, but there's a far-future epilogue scene where a winged Lehran talks with a revived Asheruna.

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11 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Aether Raids bonus units (Week of Jan. 30-Feb. 5):

  • Light mythic placeholder (no data found)
  • Medeus - Earth-Dragon King
  • Reinhardt - Thrud Reborn
  • Tina - Playful Scamp
  • Safy - Font of Piety
  • Lara - Step Lively
  • Perne - Dacian Scoundrel
  • Inigo - Flower Picker
  • Marth - Hero-King
  • Anna - Commander

So yeah, Medeus bonus defensive Mythic.

So if we get another Mythic, it would be Astra or Anima.

Or even... a Legendary Hero, of the Fire Blessing.

Hmmm, Anri would be a fitting Light Mythic, especially following Medeus.

I just hope if that's the case it's not another hard counter like Freyr to Elimine. 

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18 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

Aether Raids bonus units (Week of Jan. 30-Feb. 5):

  • Light mythic placeholder (no data found)
  • Medeus - Earth-Dragon King
  • Reinhardt - Thrud Reborn
  • Tina - Playful Scamp
  • Safy - Font of Piety
  • Lara - Step Lively
  • Perne - Dacian Scoundrel
  • Inigo - Flower Picker
  • Marth - Hero-King
  • Anna - Commander

So yeah, Medeus bonus defensive Mythic.

So if we get another Mythic, it would be Astra or Anima.

Or even... a Legendary Hero, of the Fire Blessing.

Anima? Good. One more reason to feed my baseless hunch that it'll be Athos (and then become disappointed if it's not him).


12 hours ago, Othin said:


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I don't remember an explanation for how it happened, but there's a far-future epilogue scene where a winged Lehran talks with a revived Asheruna.



Oh, ok, makes sense. In Sephiram's epilogue it does mention that he was healed by Galdr at the Serenes forest so perhaps it could be that (although I didn't account that healing could give his powers back, or if it could then why he wouldn't have done it sooner). Or maybe Sephiram only ever lost his powers (like his Galdr and ability to transform) but his wings were never lost and he has been just hiding them under his clothes somehow (I mean, I find it strange to picture his wings just... falling off, if that's not the case, or idk, his back absorving his wings), he still lived a ridiculous amount of time so I think that it's possible that his Laguz physical and biological traits could have not been affected, only his powers. I mean, it's just especulation, he could have gotten his powers back somehow for sure (maybe Ashunera could just give them back or some shit too, idk) but now I wonder if his wings were just never lost on first place.

 I mean Sephiram has normal ears but Lehran has pointy years BUT I've found this thread with people giving examples where he bad wings after having theorically lost them... Well, anyway, sorry for rambling. Better not break my head with it, guess IS would probably just make a pre-losing-his-powers Lehran either way...


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