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omfg pics of me inside


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Are you fucking kidding me? Square's as bad as it gets!

Square-Enix tortures their fans passively.

Nintendo mocks them on public and tortures them actively.

There is a clear winner in this battle of evils.

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Based on the topic title I sort of expected this to be funny but it got screwed over too quickly =\

Sadly, because people ruin it :/. I was thinking about doing a tinyurl link with the topic name as the text to trick someone into seeing a picture of some really fat woman or something, but I was like "eh, my art topic needs some love"

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“Bless me Repairman, for I have sinned.”

“Tell me of your deeds, my son”

“I… I was plugged into a device I was not properly formatted for… I have been weak, Repairman.”

“The Internet forgives all, my son. Say ten Hail Microsofts and repent your actions, then be absolved. May you walk no longer in the path of the unrighteous. ”

Edited by Le Communard
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*Admrial Daala makes the sign of the CPU.

"Hard Drives save, my sons"

Don't try and frighten us with your sorceror's ways, Admiral Daala. Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen datatapes, or given you clairvoyance enough to find the Rebels' hidden fortress.

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