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Death Note movie


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There's a Death Note movie playing theaters in the U.S. on May 20th and 21st. It's just those two nights and it's live action. Does anyone else know about it? And does anyone know if it will be in english?

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that's what i thought.... but the animation for Ryuk and Rem look really cool. I saw pics on photobucket

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that's what i thought.... but the animation for Ryuk and Rem look really cool. I saw pics on photobucket

I actually saw the movie. My roomate downloaded it and it was subbed. That's probably what theyr'e gonna do. It's not too bad of a rendition of Deathnote, but the anime and manga are better. Plus it animes always get ruined when they're dubbed. Cept maybe Trigun. That's the only dubbed anime that I can stand. It's way more intense when the japanese actors are saying it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Saw the movie and it was actually really good AND funny! The voices that were dubbed in english were the exact same ones in the anime, so that was good. There were some changes, but overall I thought it was pretty good. I'm sure the other fans in the theater did too, haha

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Everyone cheered whenever a new character made an entrance

That's always really fun. I was at the Musical version of Young Frankenstien, and whenever they said a line that was in the movie, people cheered. There was even a standing ovation when the monster said: "Puttin on the Ritz!!!"

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One of my friends downloaded it a while ago, she said it wasn't very good, it was really weird and not following the story completely. The idea seemed rather foolish to me.

Although we could be talking about different things XD But I think it's the same thing.

Edited by Hydrohs
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One of my friends downloaded it a while ago, she said it wasn't very good, it was really weird and not following the story completely. The idea seemed rather foolish to me.

Although we could be talking about different things XD But I think it's the same thing.

I dont think so. The story was pretty accurate. I mean there were some changes, but nothing too bad

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