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Minor Character Appreciation Thread

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On 4/14/2024 at 10:38 PM, Etrurian emperor said:

I'd say Lang scores a lot of points. He's an overly evil douchebag, but in a role and position where he's exactly what he's supposed to be. Lang's meant to be so evil that it shows how far Hardin has fallen, and be powerful enough to be an early game antagonist. In both aspects he succeeds. I think the key aspect to his success is that unlike many villains who hold this role Lang is never depicted as incompetent, allowing him to be a serious threat. 

I fully agree that Lang is great (honestly, Book 2's story becomes weaker almost the moment he's dead), but I'd say he stretches the category "minor villain" a bit. While there's never the illusion that he's the Big Bad of the entire game, he's still the major antagonist for almost a third of the game. Heck, I'd even say that he's the Book 2 villain with the most presence, even compared to the official main villains Gharnef and Medeus.

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On 4/12/2024 at 3:27 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I cared enough to put make her a portrait and put her in my bad guys hack lol

I may have to play this hack, although I have never really gotten into any FE hacks.


On 4/12/2024 at 7:13 AM, Nauriam said:


I also want to mention Ronan who has a total main character look, but is just hilarious across the board stat-wise. If only Kaga had invented magic bows yet. I think Ronan's 3 movement stars, 3% movement growth, and general silliness is very charming.

Ah a classic. I know the youtuber Mekkah is open about him being a fan of Ronan as well. I have always made it a point of using a different bow unit each run for funsies, so I know the shenanigans Ronan and his high movement stars and growth can get up to.


On 4/12/2024 at 8:05 AM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

Another minor character I really like that I want to highlight is Isadora. She's criminally overlooked among the other Blazing Blade characters. She's a really fantastic character with a multitude of surprisingly varied supports, they range across several different topics that are all personal to her and really define her character. She's one of the most developed characters, but it's understated and hidden because she's a minor character and by the time you get her, you'll probably already have Kent, Sain, or Lowen trained up.

I am glad someone gave her a more thorough mention, beyond my little one line note about liking all the Kinships Bond units was not enough.


On 4/12/2024 at 8:41 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

The Fates bossmen are funny because I find them all to have just plain better designs than the playable cast of Fates. Same for the generics. Then among the playables, the Corrinsexuals have better designs than the non-Corrinsexuals, who in turn tend to have better designs than the royals. It's like the more important you are in Fates, the worse you look lol

Anyway, all this to say, yeah, Candace is really cool. Again, we need more unconventional designs, body types, imperfect people. Variety is the spice of life, dammit!

Despite not having used them much, I have a real soft spot for a fair number of Fate's capturable bosses. A fair number of them have some really silly thing of note about them, but two I think I will briefly highlight are Nichol and Gazak. Nichol I just find hilarious for how unabashedly and comically evil he is. The man's death quote is literally: "So hope triumphed in the end? Not cruelty? It seems I backed the wrong horse. Alas, no turning back now...". Why this literal cartoon villain is recruitable in any way is baffling in a hilarious way. As for Gazak, I love how he is just casually name dropped in the middle of a paralogue he isn't in, because the noble Arthur is mistaken for this villain because they have that same distinctive cleft chin, despite them in all other regards looking nothing alike, they don't even have the same skin tones to them. Honestly I could add little thing that make me like quite a few of the capturable bosses, but I will stop it off with these two for now.


On 4/12/2024 at 6:32 PM, Fire Emblem Fan said:


With Selphina, there isn't a whole lot to go off of simply because Thracia 776 was before the era of support and/or base conversations, and a lot of the cast only got a few lines of dialogue, if even that. But Selphina was lucky enough to get a little bit more. She has a history with Finn through Ethlyn, and her attitude towards him makes her stand out, whether or not the attitude is justified. She gets just enough in the game that I can get to know her character, enough that she leaves some sort of an impact. She's cool.

Another unit I came to appreciate thanks to my insistence on using a new bow unit on every Thracia 776 run. She was the bow unit on my ironman run of Thracia, and she made it all the way to the last chapter, before the last great bloodbath of the run, but her death helped secure my bloody victory. Also, I do kind of like when Fire Emblem includes married characters in it, and her marriage to Glade is an interesting little detail for the both of them.


On 4/13/2024 at 1:55 PM, Etrurian emperor said:


In Engage it would be Morion and Seforia, to the point I'd probably have preferred them over their kids. Morion's weird contrast between being a warmonger while at the same time a really chummy guy is interesting, and its actually quite sweet how the ultimate macho man is so loving towards Alcryst who's anything but. I think he deserved better then become a moron and die. 

Seforia meanwhile is a character that just seems a ton of fun which we didn't get to see much of since she stays in the castle all the game.

It is utterly baffling that Seforia isn't a playable character. They would barely have to change anything at all, and as it stands, she is just forgotten by the story for no reason.

As for Morion, I find him to be a fascinating character due to how the more toxic and positive aspects of masculinity class within him. It is very clear that fatherhood has brought forth this conflict, for example we can see him push past his obvious discomfort with talking about feeling for the sake of helping his children. We hear about him being a monster on the battlefield, a monstrous beacon of masculinity, but we only see the deeper strength of a loving father. It is a tragedy that he can not escape those toxic threads, as he willing kills himself by walking into what he knows is a death trap (he even takes multiple measure to make sure his death wont materially impact his children...), because to do otherwise would be "cowardly". 


On 4/13/2024 at 11:00 PM, buttmuncher.ops said:


for riders in the sky, i have a soft spot for Est as i actually trained her against all advice. really needed to know what the triangle combo was about on my first playthrough of my first FE. in addition, i remember that either her or her sisters having some drama with Abel & Cain. by comparison, the royal family of Minerva & Michalis was Always Sunny, I'm Sure

I am surprised I am not seeing more Est like characters showing up in this thread, but it is nice that the original is getting a bit of love in here. Also you might be thinking of how Abel marries Est between Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem, although thing don't end up going all that well for the couple.


On 4/14/2024 at 10:46 AM, ping said:

I'd like to bring up a very minor Genealogy villain in Clement, one of the squabbling nobles in Agustria. The guy has a total of four lines, but still manages to stand out as an enemy that isn't exactly devious, nor this noble Camüh whose loyalty forces him to fight against our hero. He's just an unfortunate guy at the wrong place at the wrong time: He observes a brewing fight between Heirhein (Elliot and his father Marsaille Bordeaux) and Nordion (Eldigan) and prudently decides to see who will have the upper hand before deciding who to support. The problem: Sigurd is present and he won't go until he has seized every castle in a 100-mile radius. Clement thinks there is just a squabble between two neighboring noble families... and the next thing he sees is a foreign invasion literally at his doorstep, he feels forced to defend against it (I mean, understandable), and five minutes later, he has a Silver Sword in his gut. Poor guy. I just think that, in a series full of dastardly curs and noble Camühses, it's beautiful to see a guy who just takes the worst possible moment to be smart and cautious about something.

Yeah Clement is a great little "villain", destroyed by what would normally be a very healthy sense of caution. I agree whole heartedly


I guess I can add a few more to the pile here with FE7's Legault. Its his history with so many of the villains so very interesting, as despite his very minor role, his  past as a former Black Fang member gives him a boss quote with almost all of them, which gives us an insight into what they were lie before Nergal corrupted the organization. Plus facial scar are a fascinating feature to me that I regularly add to characters when I am able to.

Here is a rare Awakening option added to the mix, with Kellam. I love the joke about him never being noticed, and all the little ways they commit to the bit, by hiding him in the background of an early scene where they know most people will miss him, to the way the enemy AI of his join chapter even ignores him makes it all the more hilarious. I am not the biggest fan of a lot of the Awakening character's gimmick, but this one is a grade A bit, and I almost feel bad for breaking it by talking about him.


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8 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I am surprised I am not seeing more Est like characters showing up in this thread, but it is nice that the original is getting a bit of love in here. Also you might be thinking of how Abel marries Est between Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem, although thing don't end up going all that well for the couple.

face adversity against all odds, correct? how many in a cadre? what is fire emblem all about, from the original? don't let the unit you fall in love with: die

i guess Abel is Camus as Est is to the Lance. or are you from the Lamia squadron, haha, i hate to say it: the snake in the grass going for the throat of what should be called a..Regulum? or Genealogy

i bet your name is a shoutout to Eldigan. in indignation you shake your head? why i say Eltoshan, is beyond me, right. as you look at my Member Badge, one more time

"i got the Cross Knights up at Fort Silvail, Sigurd" - Fox
"for what" - Lion
"Deep Six Day" - Fox

"quiet, both of you" - Usagi

a script in progress by black.ops, the Mamba Hunter of SF (joshua-VincentASM-Integrity) & GameFAQs (cjayc)

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5 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

face adversity against all odds, correct? how many in a cadre? what is fire emblem all about, from the original? don't let the unit you fall in love with: die

i guess Abel is Camus as Est is to the Lance. or are you from the Lamia squadron, haha, i hate to say it: the snake in the grass going for the throat of what should be called a..Regulum? or Genealogy

i bet your name is a shoutout to Eldigan. in indignation you shake your head? why i say Eltoshan, is beyond me, right. as you look at my Member Badge, one more time

"i got the Cross Knights up at Fort Silvail, Sigurd" - Fox
"for what" - Lion
"Deep Six Day" - Fox

"quiet, both of you" - Usagi

a script in progress by black.ops, the Mamba Hunter of SF (joshua-VincentASM-Integrity) & GameFAQs (cjayc)

apologies if my tone seemed rude haha. but i really, really enjoi dat dere roleplay my ninja, hahaaaa

hey @Eltosian Kadath mind doing me a favour? what's your opinion of Camus & Navarre saving the Dancer in Book 1 vs Book 2. same scene, different books. i played it only in FE3 haha its so inspirational. DM me if you want to know more

thanks, whether you do or don't

here's insight into my next meme and why i laugh so much hahaha: "i live in Los Angeles and i'm bilingual in Bangladesh"


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20 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:


i bet your name is a shoutout to Eldigan. in indignation you shake your head? why i say Eltoshan, is beyond me, right. as you look at my Member Badge, one more time

The Eltosian part of the name is an old translation of Eldigan's name, from before there was even a translation patch that reached the ending, let alone successfully translated the ending itself.


15 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

apologies if my tone seemed rude haha. but i really, really enjoi dat dere roleplay my ninja, hahaaaa

No worries. I don't think I followed it all perfectly, but the playfulness of the word play made it clear the tone wasn't meant to be cruel.

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One of my favorite characters in the series, if not my favorite period, is Arran, from Archanea - specifically, his New Mystery of the Emblem inception. The concept of a Jeigan whose bad potential is justified not by age, but by a terminal illness, is quite interesting, and it makes him the one FE unit for whom death during the campaign can be argued as a fine ending to his character.

This is already pretty neat, but in New Mystery he gets a support chain where he discusses what it means to be a knight with Kris. He once served an unnamed lord somewhere in Archanea, and he believed absolute, blind loyalty to one's liege was the duty of a knight. Basically, he used to be a Camus. But one day, said lord ordered him to put down a rebellion. They were only peasants, starving after a bad harvest and making themselves heard to survive. Arran followed the order. Wracked with guilt, he wandered the world until he met Marth. Serving him, he discovered the true meaning of being a knight.

"A knight isn't a puppet that blindly follows orders. That is not loyalty. To fight for a cause I believe in, under a liege I believe in. That is what it means to be a knight."

Still one of my favorite lines in the series to this day. By the time you get his A support with Kris, he's likely already close to falling off. Him dying a hero's death shortly after this conversation is a truly compelling end to his character arc. Or, you can keep him until the end so he can get a glimpse of the peaceful world he helped created before he succumbs to his sickness. There is no cure and no way to save him, but however he dies, he dies happy and without regrets.

Beautifully tragic concept for a character that was greatly expanded upon in the remake. New Mystery supports are a bit hit or miss and there needed to be more Krisless supports, I won't deny it, but there are still some gems to be found there. As cool as the concept is, without the FE12 support he'd just be a guy that doesn't speak a word in the entire game.

On 4/20/2024 at 10:53 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

I may have to play this hack, although I have never really gotten into any FE hacks.

Haha, well, it's just a little FE6 redux. I just added a few bossmen from other games to bolster the playable cast. Ended up adding one for each game.

42 minutes ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

... shoutout to my girl Orochi for being a neat lil mage. Omnyouji, I guess.

Just the Hoshidans in general for being a largely inferior squad of units, who are so much fun fixing.

I have a huge fondness for Setsuna. Her voice lines melt my heart and she's a fun project. I know everyone's always raving about archer Mozu, but I prefer Setsuna. She's not even that bad. She has boatloads of speed, so all she needs is a stronger bow to alleviate her lower strength.

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33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

One of my favorite characters in the series, if not my favorite period, is Arran, from Archanea - specifically, his New Mystery of the Emblem inception. The concept of a Jeigan whose bad potential is justified not by age, but by a terminal illness, is quite interesting, and it makes him the one FE unit for whom death during the campaign can be argued as a fine ending to his character.

This is already pretty neat, but in New Mystery he gets a support chain where he discusses what it means to be a knight with Kris. He once served an unnamed lord somewhere in Archanea, and he believed absolute, blind loyalty to one's liege was the duty of a knight. Basically, he used to be a Camus. But one day, said lord ordered him to put down a rebellion. They were only peasants, starving after a bad harvest and making themselves heard to survive. Arran followed the order. Wracked with guilt, he wandered the world until he met Marth. Serving him, he discovered the true meaning of being a knight.

"A knight isn't a puppet that blindly follows orders. That is not loyalty. To fight for a cause I believe in, under a liege I believe in. That is what it means to be a knight."

Still one of my favorite lines in the series to this day. By the time you get his A support with Kris, he's likely already close to falling off. Him dying a hero's death shortly after this conversation is a truly compelling end to his character arc. Or, you can keep him until the end so he can get a glimpse of the peaceful world he helped created before he succumbs to his sickness. There is no cure and no way to save him, but however he dies, he dies happy and without regrets.

To add to this, while he's certainly not a minor character, I do like how Athos just dies at the end of the game. But he's still a playable character that you took to the end of the game, and thus he's still entitled to his own ending card, wherein all they can tell us is "yeah, he died. You were there, you saw it." Well I try to put an amusing spin on it, but really they do genuinely make it work. The whole "we won the final battle, but important ancillary guy died!" is a very common trope in video games in general, it's quite surprising Fire Emblem only did something like that once.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

He once served an unnamed lord somewhere in Archanea

I wonder where. He does specify that he's an Altean Knight when Marth actually meets him Shadow Dragon. But if course Already is a good guy nation with no bad aristocratsTM. And he says another kingdom. If New Mystery was more interested in utilizing it's full cast Tellius style, it probably would have been Lang that ordered it and Arran could have a personal thing with him. Still, on the other hand, the world does feel bigger when it's not anyone you meet and just some guy that exists somewhere. Still, I'd like the country to be specified. I nominate Gra.

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Beautifully tragic concept for a character that was greatly expanded upon in the remake. New Mystery supports are a bit hit or miss and there needed to be more Krisless supports, I won't deny it, but there are still some gems to be found there. As cool as the concept is, without the FE12 support he'd just be a guy that doesn't speak a word in the entire game.

People love to blame Kris for everything, but there was really never a chance of having a full support catalogue in a game with 70+ characters. That being said, I think everyone should have had at least one Kris Convo and one non Kris Convo at minimum.

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I think Hapi counts as relatively minor. While she does have a support with Dimitri they're not quite so tight with each other as Constance is to Edelgard, or Balthus to Hilda. Among the wolves she's a bit isolated.

What is to be appreciated about Hapi is that she does things well that could have gone very wrong. On the whole Hapi is an example of a bad idea done well. Her gimmick of summoning monsters when she sighs makes her come across as someone's bad OC but despite this she works as a character. What helps is that more time is devoted on how her gimmick shapes Hapi and how the world sees her rather than there being too much time devoted on her dumb OC gimmick. That Hapi's so dour because she's been betrayed several times over her stupid gimmick is more important than the stupid gimmick itself. 

As a character Hapi is very much a cynic, and things brings the risk of coming across as a boring, unlikable killjoy but Hapi avoided this trap. While distrustful Hapi herself is pretty friendly and can make strong friendships with her polar opposites like Constance or Ash, and rather than roll her eyes at everything Hapi seems plenty able to enjoy herself in different things such as food, stories or painting. 

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have a huge fondness for Setsuna. Her voice lines melt my heart and she's a fun project. I know everyone's always raving about archer Mozu, but I prefer Setsuna. She's not even that bad. She has boatloads of speed, so all she needs is a stronger bow to alleviate her lower strength.

Agree, but Setsunas problem is less Mozu... and more so the pineapple with a special bow. Making Mozu an archer in Brithright... I mean yeah, it´s still Archerzu, but eh. Hard, eh.

And Reina. Can´t forget would be but not actually granny Reina.

...And Shura? AM I remembering things right?

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22 minutes ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

Agree, but Setsunas problem is less Mozu... and more so the pineapple with a special bow.

I often forget royals exist.

22 minutes ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

...And Shura? AM I remembering things right?

Shura exists for like five minutes in Birthright.

22 minutes ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

And Reina. Can´t forget would be but not actually granny Reina.

...Fair. Fair.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I often forget royals exist.

How? Not like they ever remove their mouth from your crotch.

In any case, considering a playable character to be "minor" doesn't make sense to me.

Unless maybe it's something like a guest unit. Like Lea's grandmother, for example. Doesn't even get a name.

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47 minutes ago, BrightBow said:


I don't like them, I don't use them and I don't give them the time of day.

47 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

Not like they ever remove their mouth from your crotch.

To be completely fair, to get this line of dialogue you need to go up to him (presumably bringing your crotch along) and talk to him. A situation easily avoided by not going up to him and talking to him, like I do with all the royals.

48 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

In any case, considering a playable character to be "minor" doesn't make sense to me.

Unless maybe it's something like a guest unit. Like Lea's grandmother, for example. Doesn't even get a name.

Grandmother is so cool though. She smuggles a mop into prison so she can tidy up her own cell. Then she gives said mop to Emma and Emma cleans house with it. And then she recruits Lea! Is there anything this woman cannot do?

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be completely fair, to get this line of dialogue you need to go up to him (presumably bringing your crotch along) and talk to him. A situation easily avoided by not going up to him and talking to him, like I do with all the royals.

But this whole affair is how you get resources.

Not like there is a convenient "collect everything" button.

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1 minute ago, BrightBow said:

But this whole affair is how you get resources.

Not like there is a convenient "collect everything" button.

True... It's not like there's a cheat code I can use to give myself all the resources so I don't have to ever bother with Fates's stupidest mechanic. Of course, how could there possibly be such a thing in my completely legit Nintendo PC that I use to play this game. Haha. Haha...

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Grandmother is so cool though. She smuggles a mop into prison so she can tidy up her own cell. Then she gives said mop to Emma and Emma cleans house with it. And then she recruits Lea! Is there anything this woman cannot do?

She also gives a massive support boost to Lea.
Not quite as high as the one Barzelphen gets from Benette, but it's still insanely beefy.


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I hesitate to mention any Three Houses/Hopes character since most of those characters are beloved, and several have some major enough ties to the main protagnists and/or plot that I don't really know how "minor" they are. However, I will give a mention to Hanneman. Hanneman is a good character that I think is very overlooked. He has a good pool of supports, he has genuine chemistry with multiple characters (not exclusively romantic, just chemistry in general), and his background really puts into focus some of his quirks. Hanneman is good, and he didn't deserve to get the shaft in Three Hopes.

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I'll second Arran as a neat concept, although I want to add my own cent on one point:

On 4/24/2024 at 6:49 AM, Saint Rubenio said:

Beautifully tragic concept for a character that was greatly expanded upon in the remake. New Mystery supports are a bit hit or miss and there needed to be more Krisless supports, I won't deny it, but there are still some gems to be found there. As cool as the concept is, without the FE12 support he'd just be a guy that doesn't speak a word in the entire game.

I think Arran is a case where being a Kris-only support works well, because he has ample reason to be distant from his peers. If not for wanting to keep his terminal illness hidden (lest he be condemned to die in quarantine), then for seeing himself as unworthy to ride shoulder-to-shoulder with them due to his tainted past.

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Matthis is a character I've always felt gets too much hate. People compare him to Makalov and meme on him for his AI shenanigans, which to be fair are pretty funny, but I don't see how he's all that similar to Makalov?

He's just some cowardly dude who hates warfare. He was left holding the bag when Lena escaped Macedon and Michalis. It's implied Michalis despises him and sent him to the frontlines to die. So he has plenty of reason to be soiling his pants. Even so, he hears his sister out, trusts her judgment and rather than try to run away he decides to join Marth because he'd rather "die as one of the dashing than one of the dastardly." That takes some courage. In the sequel he hears Julian out, despite the fact that he clearly doesn't think too highly of the thief, and joins up for the sake of finding Lena - again, he could've just ran away and he kept on fighting. When the chips are down, the guy has some bravery in him.

I do think his support with Kris in FE12 is a little... bleh. Falls back too hard on the tired old "overprotective brother" gag, makes a joke out of his laziness while ignoring his previous shows of bravery and he spends too much time calling Lena "cute" - though I believe there are cultural differences not properly captured by the old fanslation there. But even then, at the end he decides he trusts Kris and says he's okay with them courting Lena even if Kris is a girl, which shows that Matthis supports gay rights, making him one of the most based characters in the entire series. But of course, we all know she ends up going with Julian, which no doubt led to countless awkward family dinners filled with thievery jokes.

Lastly, people gang up on him for being a bad unit. This is a claim I cannot contest but every single time I've used him, no exaggeration, he's grown into an absolute demigod. Everyone I've pressured into using him has had the same experience, too. I don't know how it happened. I guess all it took was for someone to earnestly believe in him.

On 4/26/2024 at 3:40 AM, Fire Emblem Fan said:

I hesitate to mention any Three Houses/Hopes character since most of those characters are beloved, and several have some major enough ties to the main protagnists and/or plot that I don't really know how "minor" they are. However, I will give a mention to Hanneman. Hanneman is a good character that I think is very overlooked. He has a good pool of supports, he has genuine chemistry with multiple characters (not exclusively romantic, just chemistry in general), and his background really puts into focus some of his quirks. Hanneman is good, and he didn't deserve to get the shaft in Three Hopes.

As someone whose favorite Fodlan character is Hanneman, I will never forgive Koei.

I could understand if they cut half the cast for time/budget or something like that. But they only cut four characters from Houses. They can't have saved much time and budget by cutting four characters, especially when they still had to program and voice act them for their bit parts. It genuinely feels like they just cut them out of spite. Well joke's on them, I'll never buy the game

10 hours ago, X-Naut said:

I'll second Arran as a neat concept, although I want to add my own cent on one point:

I think Arran is a case where being a Kris-only support works well, because he has ample reason to be distant from his peers. If not for wanting to keep his terminal illness hidden (lest he be condemned to die in quarantine), then for seeing himself as unworthy to ride shoulder-to-shoulder with them due to his tainted past.

If I had to add one Krisless support for everyone I do feel he could've had an interesting talk with Samson, being that they used to be neighbors and they did on some capacity know each other, since they namedrop each other when recruited in the first game.

That being said, in Arran's case I agree he doesn't need a Krisless support as much as most. Not only because of what you say, but also because they use the one support so well. What could another support really add? Just go over the backstory again? The support is so incredibly good that I genuinely don't think he needs more. Save the writing chops for Cain. Now there's someone who desperately needed another support where he doesn't just talk about training with the avatar. Why not Abel/Cain, IntSys?

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1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Matthis is a character I've always felt gets too much hate. People compare him to Makalov and meme on him for his AI shenanigans, which to be fair are pretty funny, but I don't see how he's all that similar to Makalov?

What shit stats do to a mf or not being a christmas cav, Hardon joins immediately after too

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1 minute ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

What shit stats do to a mf or not being a christmas cav, Hardon joins immediately after too

All you need to do is believe in him. Look at my sig - that Matthis killed "greatest knight in the continent" Camus so fast, he couldn't even say his battle quote. No rigging or any other shenanigans involved, I just believed in him and he rewarded my faith.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

All you need to do is believe in him. Look at my sig - that Matthis killed "greatest knight in the continent" Camus so fast, he couldn't even say his battle quote. No rigging or any other shenanigans involved, I just believed in him and he rewarded my faith.

He killed the least worthwhile simp? Are you... really proud of that?

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1 minute ago, Imuabicus der Fertige said:

He killed the least worthwhile simp? Are you... really proud of that?

I mean, certainly, he's not as powerful as the Warlord of Grust, Yubello, but he's still a pretty tough opponent and Matthis just dunked on him.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

If I had to add one Krisless support for everyone I do feel he could've had an interesting talk with Samson, being that they used to be neighbors and they did on some capacity know each other, since they namedrop each other when recruited in the first game.

Hey, hey, hey, I made a thread for that talk two months ago. Post there if you want to talk about adding Krisless supports!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That being said, in Arran's case I agree he doesn't need a Krisless support as much as most. Not only because of what you say, but also because they use the one support so well. What could another support really add? Just go over the backstory again? The support is so incredibly good that I genuinely don't think he needs more. Save the writing chops for Cain. Now there's someone who desperately needed another support where he doesn't just talk about training with the avatar. Why not Abel/Cain, IntSys?

Supports don't necessarily have to be a two way street. I think it's fine if some supports are basically about one person while the other is just a sounding board. Like, there's certainly a lot more that can be delved into about Samson's backstory. His Kris support is a bit underwhelming, being basically entirely about his romance with Sheema, but dancing around actually talking about her because she might be dead (at least from what I recall). As far as Samson goes as an actual person, we know basically nothing about him. All that Sheema stuff is recent in his life, what was he doing before that? Where is he even from?

All that being set, mechanically Samson would be a terrible support for Arran, as Samson is a late game unit and Arran is an early game unit, and unlike a lot of Jeigans, you absolutely are meant to stop using Arran at some point.

Edited by Jotari
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Stahl, even though you appear in one story bit and then never brought up in your game on your own again, and can be possibly ignored entirely after that, you deserve all the love in the world. He is adorable, he is loving, and I wouldn't change him for the world.

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