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"The Garreg Mach Bulletin" - A Weekly Email Retelling of FE16


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I've lurked around these parts for a long time, but never thought to share anything until now. It might be the biggest writing project I've ever taken on before, and it's in a pretty unconventional format...

The Garreg Mach Bulletin is a weekly email newsletter in the style of something like Dracula Daily, if you're familiar with that. Every Monday, I've been sending out a bulletin on behalf of the Officers Academy, slowly reliving the events of Imperial Year 1180 from Three Houses to celebrate the game's five-year anniversary (get it?). It's all written as a completely serious college newsletter, with messages from staff members, announcements, weekly sections... and as the year progresses, I'll be adding sections like the advice box and student columns. What's more, emails also get sent out on every character's birthday, with a very special message from them!

Sharing a project like this has proven difficult, because as somebody who's used to writing fanfiction, there isn't a great platform to share something like GMB. Even if you don't feel like signing up (although now would be a great time, given that the events of the game are just beginning and Byleth's about to take over the bulletin), I'd love to have some eyes checking out the pieces I've written for it already.


It would be great to hear some thoughts!

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Just read the first issue - fantastically novel concept, will be interesting to see how the format adapts to the increasingly extraordinary events that occur over the course of the year!

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Appreciate you saying so! Hoping it'll be exciting to get into story events and hear about them solely through the Church's heavily-controlled versions...

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