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FE set in the Dark Ages

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4 hours ago, Jotari said:

The reference goes over my head,

The Fromsoft Games have a lot of VERY loosely connected lore, and having something appear once or twice, or even just be mentioned once seems entirely in line.

4 hours ago, Jotari said:

though I will clarify that I don't think your suggestion for more draconic dragon civilizations is bad, it can certainly be done, but I just don't see Fire Emblem doing it.

To be clear, i didn´t mean a pure dragon civilization, though that could certainly be interesting - I´m more so interested in the way a Fire Emblem would look like, when the Top Dogs are Dragons, y´know? Nagas Holy Kingdom before during and after the Wars against the Earth Dragons, or Duma and his sister whose name if forgot and some such.

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