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Listing and Sorting Magic by Type (Main Series Only)

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I was thinking about how many tomes there are in Fire Emblem, and was wondering how many spells were in each type. Anima, Dark and Light… then I split anima into the normal Fire, Thunder and Wind/Ice. 
Then there were tomes I didn’t know what to do with. So here’s what I have:

Fire: Fire, Elfire, Bolganone, Valflame, Meteor, Forblaze, Rexflame, Arcfire, Cymbeline, Katarina’s Book, Nurufire, Dying Blaze, Micaiah’s Pyre, Ragnarok, Ember

Notes: Celica has a special version of Ragnarok, but its technically not a tome so I didn’t count it.

Thunder: Thunder, Elthunder, Thoron, Mjolnir (Legendary and normal), Bolting, Dire Thunder, Rexbolt, Arcthunder, Superior Jolt, Katarina’s Bolt, Speed Thunder, Robin’s Primer

Wind/Ice: Wind, Elwind, Tornado, Blizzard (Siege and Archanean + 3H Tome), Excalibur (Multiple Legendary weapons + Normal Black Magic), Forsetti, Grafcalibur, Fimbulvetr, Aircalibur, Rexcalibur, Arcwind, Shaver, Merric’s Book, Yurublizzard, Wilderwind, Celica’s Gale, Missiletainn, Disrobing Gale, Cutting Gale

Notes: Wind and Ice magic are basically interchangeable in the series. 

Light: Light/Lightning, Aura, Resire, Serephim, Naga, Divine, Purge, Aureola, Shine, Luce, Ivaldi, Rexaura, Valaura, Thani, Creiddylad

Notes: Nosferatu is basically two different spells with the same name. So I normally call it Resire to differentiate it. Resire covers Nosferatu in FE 1-5, FE9-12 and Three Houses, and Engage.

Dark: Swarm, Imhullu, Jorgunmund, Fenrir (Siege and Normal Tome), Hel, Loptyr, Poison, Stone, Flux, Nosferatu, Eclipse, Apocalypse, Gespent, Ereshkigal, Luna, Gleipnir, Naglfar, Worm, Carreau, Verrine, Balberith, Ruin, Waste, Goetia, Grima’s Truth, Mire (Siege and Black/Reason Magic), Aversa’s Night, Miasma, Death, Medusa, Banshee, Dark Spikes, Hades, Bohr, Quake, Obscurite

Notes: Dark magic is the MOST inconsistent thing. Oddly enough it has multiple spells that do the same thing, and multiple spells that turn to and from siege tomes. Tellius added a lot of new dark magic that really didn’t get used… like at all. Worm might be Jorgumand, just localized for Tellius, but not sure.

Unlisted/Anima: Starlight, Moonlight, Sagittae, Agnea’s Arrow, Surge, Elsurge, Nova , Tiramistorm

Notes: A couple of these could be reorganized but I categorize them as “pure” magic, as they really don’t represent anything but magic and stars or space. That COULD be considered light magic, but these don’t fit that style. Agnea’s Arrow is a bit of an exception as I could see it being fire magic. Tiramistorm is just cake though, so just defaulting to anima. Could be fire magic because you bake a cake?

Scrolls: Rat Spirit, Ox Spirit, Tiger Spirit, Rabbit Spirit, Dragon Spirit, Calamity Gate, Snake Spirit, Horse Spirit, Sheep Spirit, Paper, Malevolent Text, Monkey Spirit, Bird Spirit, Ink Painting, Izana’s Scroll

Notes: These are odd. Rat Spirit is Ice, and Tiger Spirit is thunder, Bird is Wind. Those are clear enough, but the other elements have a fire animation in various colors. Note sure how to include them really… Calamity Gate and Malevolent Text could be dark? Izana’s Scrolls and Paper are just… odd.

Unknown: Glower, Ginnunganap, Brynhilder, Iago’s Tome, Odin’s Grimoire, Elivagar

Notes: I haven’t seen Glower before, but I could assume its dark magic? Brynhildr, Iago’s and Odin’s tomes all seem like dark magic… but Fates specifically says they aren’t dark magic. They have a category for Dark magic which these spells aren’t in, but these spells clearly dark magic otherwise. Elivagar also seems like dark magic, but also wind? Heroes hurts my brain, but I have to include it because Engage is here. Ginnunganap is the most complex because only Sorceror’s (Fates Dark Magic users) can use it… but not because its Dark magic. Its animation is rainbow light magic, with a dark tint, so maybe dark? Its odd. Moral of the story: Probably is dark magic but idk.

Monster/Special: Evil Eye, Scarlet Eye, Shadowshot, Stone (Monster Flavor), Demon Light, Vortex, Fire Tail, Wind Tail, Thunder Tail, Judge (Light), Judge (Physical), Demon Surge, Ocular Beam, Oculous

Let me know if you have any suggestions, thoughts or if I missed anything. Some names might be translated differently nowadays, but I used whatever was on the Serenes Forest pages for each game and combined them if they looked similar and had similar names.

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Posted (edited)

Glower is basically Luna. It's used by the end game Sorcerers in New Mystery of the Emblem. In Old Mystery they used Hel.

Edited by Jotari
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5 hours ago, Palasid said:

Scrolls: Rat Spirit, Ox Spirit, Tiger Spirit, Rabbit Spirit, Dragon Spirit, Calamity Gate, Snake Spirit, Horse Spirit, Sheep Spirit, Paper, Malevolent Text, Monkey Spirit, Bird Spirit, Ink Painting, Izana’s Scroll

I would just let these have their own category, since they're different enough stylistically from the tomes we're used to.

5 hours ago, Palasid said:

Unlisted/Anima: Starlight, Moonlight, Sagittae, Agnea’s Arrow, Surge, Elsurge, Nova , Tiramistorm

I've always viewed Starlight as Light magic, given its name, aesthetic, and advantage over the Dark Imhullu. This was also where Aura began - unspecified at first, but clearly Light in retrospect. Moonlight is 

Agnea's Arrow, I see as a Fire spell. The flavor text describes it as "a sweltering flame that reduces all to ash".

The "Surge" line come across as an attempt to build a new lineage of... uh, energy magic? Dimensional transfiguration? Not sure, really. But the concept of "really strong and accurate spell, only works at melee" is a cool one that I hope they bring back.

"Tiramistorm"? Shoulda been "Tiramisunami". Regardless, I'm just now learning about a delectible subclass of edible weapons. Perhaps I abandoned Elyos too soon, hm?

3 hours ago, Jotari said:

Glower is basically Luna. It's used by the end game Sorcerers in New Mystery of the Emblem. In Old Mystery they used Hel.

Hel 🤝 Luna

Not giving a shit about the target's Resistance stat.

6 hours ago, Palasid said:

Ginnunganap is the most complex because only Sorceror’s (Fates Dark Magic users) can use it… but not because its Dark magic. Its animation is rainbow light magic, with a dark tint, so maybe dark? Its odd. Moral of the story: Probably is dark magic but idk.

How to test this theorem: get a Witch (via DLC) up to S-rank magic, and unequip Shadowgift. Can they use Ginnungagap? If so, it's not Dark Magic in Fateslandia. Fates seems to have a few of these "dim" tomes - aesthetically Dark, but not mechanically so.

Kinda crazy that Nohr, possibly the most goth country in series history, only has one formal Dark tome. They shoulda just ported over Awakening's options (with self-debuffs instead of limited uses) and called it a day.

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I feel like Starlight, Sagittae and Agnea's Arrow could fall under a sort-of "Heaven" magic, being not-quite light spells all rooted in the stars. For anyone who thinks that's weird, keep in mind Tellius had Light and Heaven as separate affinities.

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3 hours ago, X-Naut said:

I feel like Starlight, Sagittae and Agnea's Arrow could fall under a sort-of "Heaven" magic, being not-quite light spells all rooted in the stars. For anyone who thinks that's weird, keep in mind Tellius had Light and Heaven as separate affinities.

Good point, I had not considered this. I like this.

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On 5/22/2024 at 6:17 PM, Jotari said:

Glower is basically Luna. It's used by the end game Sorcerers in New Mystery of the Emblem. In Old Mystery they used Hel.

Thank you! Is it close enough to consider it just another version of Luna? Or Just similar?

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On 5/24/2024 at 10:25 AM, Palasid said:

Thank you! Is it close enough to consider it just another version of Luna? Or Just similar?

It has a Might of 10, where Luna consistently has a Might of 0, so I would class them differently. Glower is a more powerful version of Luna.

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