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Althena disappeared

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I was playing a normal fe4 run up until chapter 9, I recluted Hannibal and sent Seliph to grutia before capturing kapatogdssudh (I don't remember that name). Once there I saw the option "dis" in thr menu of Seliph and not remembering about the lord freeze glitch I pressed it and well yeah, activated the glitch. Despite that I knew a way out of that without resetting the chapter. If Arion reinforcement have appeared and you save and restart Seliph will be on top of one of the enemies and once defeated he will be able to move again. After completing the chapter I eventually realized that despite Finn and Leif were alive and I talked to Althena with Leif, she never came out to speak to Seliph. My guess is that the dismount glitch may trick the game into thinking Seliph is either dead or not recruited thus making Althena event stop. Now I can't restart chapter 9 because I don't have a save file at that point. Since this stupid glitch have caused this dumb stuff I thought "it's fine I'll either use some cheat or save file editing to get her" but I'm really having trouble with that. Is there anyone that might be able to help me? 

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