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Special Heroes: Flush Summer

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

I mean, are there Heroes units who released after a certain point (read: when all 5-stars on seasonal banners started getting prf weapons) who ever got screwed over or demoted?

There’s the couple of times where a Heroes character was the backpack of a Harmonized Hero. 

Most notably, they had Freyja (16th in CYL8) take the backseat to Karla (281st in CYL8) of all characters. Because of that, Freyja now actually has one less standalone alt than Nerthuz does.

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

There’s the couple of times where a Heroes character was the backpack of a Harmonized Hero. 

Most notably, they had Freyja (16th in CYL8) take the backseat to Karla (281st in CYL8) of all characters. Because of that, Freyja now actually has one less standalone alt than Nerthuz does.

Lol, I totally forgot that Spring Karla+Freyja exists

But I suppose being a backpack is a whole different issue and anyone can technically get backpack'd, so not quite the same thing as what I meant.

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9 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Four dancers, two of which most players will never get at this point anyways, with stat lines like these: 


Just based on how hopelessly behind these guys are (and only one of them has a Prf weapon.....which happens to be hilariously underpowered and on the refine ban list), Awakening definitely could use a dancer who doesn't spontaneously combust if literally any modern unit so much as looks at them funny.

Having high stats is definitely nice, especially for Galeforce Dancers/Singers, but they do not need combat performance. Old Dancers/Singers might not have the stats, but they still got the slots to run modern skills. Personally, I value skill slots a little more than stats since providing support is their main job.

5 hours ago, ARMADS!!! said:

One more reason to be pissed at the lack of Elphin.

I want all Dancers/Singers to be in the game. I want all games to have at least three Dancers/Singers. Makes it easier to tackle PvE content, and gives people more options in PvP content too.

My dream unit would be a Dancer/Singer with Galeforce on all their skill slots.

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18 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

Tropical Conch is "南国のほら貝" (nangoku no horagai), "Conch of the Tropics".

Beast is "絶体化身" (zettai keshin), "Guaranteed Transformation". This is the name of the Beast skill series, but without the secondary effects.

Now that I'm awake and not busy with other things, I've added Vaike's weapon and the new Sacred Seal to the translation notes.


Still too lazy to actually read any of the exclusive weapon skill effects from the trailer, though.

I'm not really convinced of the usefulness of the new Odd Wave 4 skills. Odd Def Wave 4 is at least interesting in that it grants Tempo if your Def is within 5 points of your opponent's or higher, which is otherwise incredibly hard to get on most units.

Odd Spd Wave 4 is a bit less interesting since it grants Null Follow-Up instead of Tempo, which is not as difficult of an effect to get, but it looks entirely like an excuse to not give units Null Follow-Up on their weapon to force them to run this instead of a stronger C skill. Yeah, 6 points of in-combat Spd on a C skill is cool, but that really only means you're 3 points faster on odd-numbered turns in exchange for being 3 points slower on even-numbered turns, and you additionally lose 9 points of another stat.

Seems cool on Young Boyd, though.

Olivia's and Vaike's new weapons look like they could be actually good. Olivia's basically has a tier-4 Odd Atk/Spd Wave (with Odd Spd Wave 4's secondary effect), and Vaike's has a tier-4 Odd Atk/Def Wave (with Odd Def Wave 4's secondary effect). Unlike the C skills, the weapons at least grant an additional +5 to both stats on all turns so that they're at least competitive with other options on even-numbered turns.

The only problem with Olivia's weapon is that it's a colorless tome, and there are literally only 2 other colorless tome units in the game that don't already have an exclusive weapon. I'm expecting this effect to eventually be given to a standard-pool weapon. The problems with Vaike's weapon are that it requires Grails and competes with the stupidly strong Axe of Devotion and Arcane Thrima.


5 hours ago, Othin said:

"Beast Sacred Seal" is pretty non-descriptive, but apparently the Japanese name is Absolute Transformation, so it's probably just removing the transformation condition.

It is indeed the guaranteed transformation effect with none of the secondary effects from the regular B skills. Based on the fact that the Sacred Seal name in the announcement has no number, it looks like it'll be a single-tier skill that grants the effect with no condition (equivalent to the tier-3 version of the regular B skills).


As far as its usability is concerned, there aren't all that many cases where I think it will actually be useful.

The most obvious use for it is as a budget option for when you don't have access to the actual Beast skills due to their poor distribution. However, if you have access to the Beast skills in the B slot, there are a lot fewer cases where running something else is better.

Phys. Null Follow + Beast is only better than Beast Agility 4 on slow units since Beast Agility 4 requires a Spd comparison. On fast units, Beast Agility 4 is better since it opens up the Sacred Seal slot to run a Spd-boosting skill instead. And non-infantry simply don't have access to an alternative to Beast Agility 4 anyways.

Beast Follow-Up and Beast N Trace are currently outclassed due to the fact that they lack a tier-4 version to compete with their alternatives, and so running the Beast Sacred Seal is typically going to be better for the time being if you don't mind spending resources on their alternatives, which are also hard to get. That may change when the tier-4 versions are released, but it depends on what effects are added, as skills like Brash Assault 4 and S/D Near Trace 4 are really strong, and the few beast armors that exist obviously have access to powerful Fighter skills (or Armored Wall).

Otherwise, the only times I can see the Beast Sacred Seal being used is when you want to guarantee the unit's transformation effect and run a skill that there isn't a Beast version of, like Sabotage 4, Bulwark 4, Special Spiral 4, Potent 4, or Laguz Friend 4.

Of course, you're still dealing the the fact that you're giving up the Sacred Seal slot for just the transformation effect. Cavalry have a strong enough transformation effect that you do want to make sure the unit is always transformed, and some units have effects on weapons or exclusive skills that depend on being transformed.

However, fliers have the issue that Aerial Maneuvers and Rein Snap make transforming less necessary if you're running one of them. Infantry get Tempo and bonus damage on Special activation, which is good, but not always necessary enough to warrant losing the Sacred Seal slot (and infantry have decent mobility options to just transform normally a lot of the time). Armors only need to transform if you're running an anti-ranged build.

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I am actually happy with Beast seal (even though being just called "Beast" is kinda weird... It could be "Beast Absolute" or "Beast Boost"... anything like that).

I wonder what B skill I could run on my Fomortiis now... at least until they release Beast Follow-Up 4 (which I kinda expect to be with Níðhöggr when she releases, unless she gets a prf B skill). I could run Special Spiral 4, to get the DR piercing effect... Weaving Fighter would also be good, but I don't have that fodder and neither plan to summon on the AHR bottom 8. For now, I will keep Vengeful Fighter 4 on him that he got from Young Hector when I got Beacon.

Edited by Diovani Bressan
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So...this is kind of how I thought about the TT+'s story. It's great that IS is acknowledging that Hrid is a part of the family, and it's nice that they all get to hang out together. ... However, certain attitudes up to this point (including the Nifl princesses hanging out with their goddess being the whole focus of a previous story) prompted this in my head... (It's not meant to be taken very seriously. I only barely tapped into what's in character for them, and it's not a prediction, either. I'm sure that how this will go canonically is that Hrid will get to meet Nifl.)

Hrid: Do you think Lady Nifl will like me?

Gunnthra: Ummm she kind of likes being alone...

Fjorm: I think that how she acts doesn't match how she really feels, though!

Hrid: I'll just relax and see if we cross paths, then!

Later, off camera...

Gunnthra: Fjorm, stop giving him hope.

Fjorm: What do you mean? Last year, we all had so much fun together!

Gunnthra: Lady Nifl only likes girls. There has been rumors that a higher power has been the reason behind the male population being so low, and she may actually be a contributor to that. Thus far, Hrid is the only man to have not died by the end of certain really important, pivotal, historic events which affects this world's destiny, in which individuals such as we become involved in.

Fjorm: But what about Prince Alfonse?

Gunnthra: You know Lif, right?

Fjorm: Oh... But, do you mean Lady Nifl's behind that...?

Gunnthra: It's impossible to say for sure, but even if she isn't responsible directly, who knows how this higher power would affect a goddess?

Fjorm: Do you think it's because of the higher power that she only likes girls?

Gunnthra: It is likely.

Hrid: Hello, Fjorm and Gunnthra! I brought frozen treats! What are you two talking about?

Ylgr: I'm helping to carry them!

Fjorm: Ah, uh, that's great, Ylgr! Good job!

Gunnthra: We were just...glad to all be together as a family.

Hrid: So am I.


Nifl: .... Why the heck am I at the beach?

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You know, I'm shocked Olivia didn't get a summer alt sooner. 

That begin said, I vividly remember her conversation with Lissa in the Awakening Summer DLC being offered a swimsuit of string and now wishes there was some sort of resemblance to such (with however possible in the ESRB ratings) 

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