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Y'all can call me Peace, I'm a Midwestern American girl who loves writing and fell in love with Fire Emblem shortly after maining Lucina and Robin in Super Smash Bros for the WiiU. I didn't get any of the games until Three Houses and the English translation of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light were released on the Switch, and I have to be careful about taking my turn with the family switch, so I haven't actually completed even one of the games. However, I recently bought a Gameboy Advance and all of the actual FE games for the Gameboy that I could find, along with a fan translation of Binding Blade, so here's hoping! If anyone wants to give me some tips on how to do strategy, Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light was not the best choice for this first time player.

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Welcome to the Forest, PeaceOut!

Indeed, Shadow Dragon is not the best to begin if you have no experience.
Quite the predicament since it's the 1st entry in the series?

I would recommend you to try your hands on FE7 (Fire Emblem The Blazing Blade) or FE8 (Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones) to start out on your journey.
Three Houses isn't a bad choice either to start.

My tips :
Take advantage of Gameplay (Weapon Triangle, Terrain, Items, Skills etc...)
Manage your Inventory (you can hoard stuff but the game gives you items and money you should use)
Check the Ennemy's Range (do not let a unit in range if it's not to your advantage)
Check the Ennemy's Inventory (they might have a ranged weapon that you aren't aware of)
Check the Ennemy's Stats/Skills (don't get surprised if they activate a Skill)

Those were my tips and most of it is "information is key". Serenes Forest is a treasure trove of data about FE so feel free to browse it.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!


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Hello PeaceOut! Welcome to the forest!

 You can usually find what's the strategy to beat each chapter on the FE wiki page dedicated to the particular chapters you're trying to beat, or on the site "Fire Emblem War of Dragons" (this site has individual pages for each chapter too, more detailed strategies and gives tips to avoid getting screwed on the future chapters but without ever spoiling it), and if you're stuck somewhere you can always create a new topic here asking for tips. The Serenes Forest site has a page for how the calculations (such as how damage, double attacks, Critical attacks, evasion, critical evasion, effective damage, triangle attack bonuses, etc) work for each title, I always check these pages before starting a new FE game since there's always something (even if small) that changes and I recommend you to do the same.

In terms of strategy I can't add much to what Ycine said, what I can say is: learn how to manage your resources (and money) but also don't forget to use the good items sometimes, and build supports when you can cause the support bonuses are a lot more valuable than they may seem. Also never feel pressured into playing the games in the most "optimal" way just cause some people tell you to, use the bad units if you like them, take the obviously worse promotion options if you think it's cooler, get that support chain that gives worse bonuses if you enjoy the pairing, choose the worst character/weapon/item/route (when you have the option of only picking one) if you want it, obviously nothing wrong in taking advice on which choice is best but if you're really biased for the least optimal option and think it's more fun then do it anyway.

 I agree that FE1 isn't the best one to start too, and that you should pick FE7(aka Blazing Blade) or 8 (Sacred Stones). I'll recommend Blazing Blade since that's where I started from (so yeah... A bit of bias), it was the first FE to be released outside of Japan so it was made to be the introduction into the series to people who didn't know it, also the story is a bit more corny than the other begginer friendly titles in some says so if you play it first you won't feel disappointed with it later but will feel like the others are a sort of an upgrade in writing instead.

  Anyway, hope you have fun, and don't feel bad about asking anything even if you think it's stupid or obvious! All the luck and enjoy the games.

Edited by ARMADS!!!
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