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Emblem of Ash - the Fire Emblem Tabletop Roleplaying Game


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I... um, I think this is where I would best post this. But hello! I wanted to reach out and ask if anyone would be interested in a Fire Emblem-inspired tabletop roleplaying game (TTRPG). It would be streamlined where it can be, since the math of Fire Emblem is done via a computer whereas a pen-and-paper RPG would have to be done by, well... people. And I don't know about you, but I wouldn't enjoy subtracting my Hit from Avo every single attack, especially at higher-tier play. 

So... would anyone be interested in such a game? If you are, that's great! I'd love some ideas about streamlining the math of Fire Emblem to make the game move faster, and lessen the mental burden on both players and the GM.

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I think I'd like to hear your ideas on potential mechanics before giving any feedback myself. It's definitely not an unintriguing idea, I always felt that a FE table top war game along the lines of Warhammer would absolutely slap.

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