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With just two lines, he made you write that hugeass list.

Pfft. I'm just in my random mood, since I'm so bored lately.

He hasn't improved his skill yet. Well...no significant changes from what I see.

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He hasn't improved his skill yet. Well...no significant changes from what I see.

Yeah. The typical 'ask and screw all suggestions over' tactic is still going strong with him. And he still makes stupid claims. So, no, he hasn't improved his skills at all.

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Yeah. The typical 'ask and screw all suggestions over' tactic is still going strong with him. And he still makes stupid claims. So, no, he hasn't improved his skills at all.

I'm talking about trolling skills.

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How are these not normal?

Well, Leonardo has girl hair, and Nolan, well, Nolan's alright. But Eddy's not realistic. He's way too happy, just look at his gay little pose. O.o

Ross, Garcia and Natasha say hello.and that's from the top of my mind from FE8 only

Ross is weird, Natasha's weirder, and Garcia looks like a hairball.

I know what you mean. But I think he's just an idiot, not a troll. I mean, look at the Culbert report. That's why he fails. Miserably.

I heard that, betch.

Edited by Destiny Hero
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Well, Leonardo has girl hair, and Nolan, well, Nolan's alright. But Eddy's not realistic. He's way too happy, just look at his gay little pose. O.o

Leo's hair isn't girl hair. It's not like he stole Leanne's hair.

Nolan is too awesome to be alright.

Edward doesn't even look happy in that mugshot, though... He looks determined.

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Well, Leonardo has girl hair, and Nolan, well, Nolan's alright. But Eddy's not realistic. He's way too happy, just look at his gay little pose. O.o

Eddie doesn't look gay there. Actually, he looks rather serious, if you know what I mean. And we're strictly talking about hair color here, so length of hair is of no importance.

Ross is weird, Natasha's weirder, and Garcia looks like a hairball.


I heard that, betch.

You know, I was defending you there (as in you not being a troll), but since you don't like to see it as such, I hope you're chopped into pieces repeatedly by the same demon in the afterlife, loser!

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You know, I was defending you there (as in you not being a troll), but since you don't like to see it as such, I hope you're chopped into pieces repeatedly by the same demon in the afterlife, loser!

I thought we already compromised that being nice to him is useless... :mellow:

And I think he skipped my list. :'(

Edited by Ishtar
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I thought we already compromised that being nice to him is useless... :mellow:

And I think he skipped my list. :'(

Yeah, well, I left in an insult in the form of a well-placed Dante reference, so I wasn't really planning on being all that nice. ;)

Shame, too; it's a good record for the rest of us.

Edited by Herr Wozzeck
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