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Rating: Everyone
Genres: Romance, Angst/Hurt/Comfort, Tragedy
Warnings: Major Character Death/Death Mentioned
Characters: Guinivere, Melady, Zephiel (Mentioned), Galle (Mentioned)
Relationships: Melady/Guinivere, Past Gale/Melady, Guinivere & Zephiel
Summary: They could never bring back the dead. So, the Queen of Bern makes a request to her most loyal knight.
Links: Archive of Our Own | Fanfiction.net


To many, she was a fearless knight. She could charge into battle with the strength of a thousand men. Just her and wyvern preyed over the malicious hearts that went against her beloved queen. Any order Guinivere of Bern commanded, she followed. Melady's loyalty was unmatched beyond the rest of the court.

Queen Guinivere was slowly picking up the broken remains of a now ruined Bern, left by a husk of a man she once called brother. The biting words of the aristocracy marked that they would never accept her as their queen. She appeared too pure to enter the dirty politics that ravaged Bern, or that she was an inefficient leader. Sweet Guinivere could never match Zephiel in terms of strength, but what could the arrogant elite know about her? She faced her own challenges, she wasn't a fragile flower.

Fighting against her brother was never in her dreams. It was a living nightmare because Guinivere hoped for an everlasting, peaceful rule with Zephiel. He was kind and gentle with her when they were children. Endless times of frolicking the castle grounds and playing with each other. Even if their father played favorites, Zephiel was hers.

Time was cruel, whisking away those days. As they grew older, Zephiel started to spout hateful words about humanity. The then young princess sensed her heart breaking. It was so out of character for her dear brother to stir hate. She remembered his beliefs clearly, playing over and over like a broken record. Dragons would bring peace to the world, they were the rightful rulers of this land. Humans were scum, absolute monsters that thrived on war and conflict. The only answer for them was death.

Guinivere knew by then, her brother was gone.

At times after exhausting talks with the court, she would lock herself in her room. Guinivere would throw the key to the floor and jump into her bed. She would sob, longing for those innocent days with Zephiel as children.

She would never see his face again.

A simple tap on the door prompted Guinivere to lift her head up from the pillow.

"My lady, may I come in?"

The voice was all too familiar.

"Yes, you may enter… Melady."

So came in her distinguished knight of the royal guard, ready for further command. Whatever her majesty desired, she would abide by it. The glassy mist in Guinivere's eyes remained as her tears stained the pillow. Melady's sharp intuition was in good timing, she sat at the foot of the bed.

"My queen, you have been crying."

Guinivere sat up, drying her eyes with a handkerchief. "I am sorry you have to see me like this."

"No, your majesty. Understand, I could never be bothered by it."

"You are too kind, Melady. Your talent shines over my kingdom, you are truly everything I could ask for in a retainer."

"Thank you, but tell me, is everything all right?" A calm whisper.

Guinivere shook her head.

"Have those aristocratic fools been spouting garbage again at the court?"

She didn't answer that. Instead, she hitched out words, "I… just miss him."

It had been a year since Zephiel's death. The grief never seemed to go away.

Much like Melady's own, for a man she once loved. Honor over love, Galle was too devoted to General Murdock. Until at the battlefield, when the maltet pierced over his chest. He fell out of his injured wyvern that had been plagued with arrows. Drops of blood hit the wyvern's saddle as he went down. Melady read his lips of parting words from her widened eyes.

"I love you."

"We can never bring the dead back, my lady," she whispered. She could never forgive Galle for leaving their future lost in time, but she understood.

"I know. Which is why I... I cannot afford another loss," Guinivere said softly, reaching to touch her knight with her palm. Her fingertips brushed a hair strand away. "May... I ask a favor?"

Melady nodded as the queen stroked her face.

"My dear Melady, you must continue to stay by my side, forever. Please, whatever trials life may bring us, you mustn't die. I don't think I could bear another loss. Please, promise me that."

Melady closed her eyes. In spite of everything that happened, there was a comforting warmth. With her beloved queen's forehead touching her own, it was an oath she would swear to protect.

"As you wish, your majesty."



A/N: Posting another FE fanfic because why not.

I love Melady, not only was she a beast in my FE6 playthrough, but her relationship with Guinivere is so sweet. Thus, this piece was born. Feedback is much appreciated. Thank you for reading!


Edited by Railgun
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Ooh, I like it! Both the idea of portraying Guinevere's rule after defeating Zephiel, and for her relationship with Miledy. One minor note - I believe "Majesty" ought to be capitalized, when used as a title. But hey, no big deal either way.

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On 8/15/2024 at 12:11 AM, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

Ooh, I like it! Both the idea of portraying Guinevere's rule after defeating Zephiel, and for her relationship with Miledy. One minor note - I believe "Majesty" ought to be capitalized, when used as a title. But hey, no big deal either way.

Thank you so much for the comment and feedback! I appreciate it! Also, sorry for the late reply, I'm not on here often.

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