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FE14 ROM Hack || Fire Emblem Fates Defied (Revelation Rewrite Concept)


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This started as a self-indulgent fic where I put Cynthia in Fates that spiraled into something more. At this point, I’ve brainstormed classes, created some characters, and come up with a new plot for Revelation. The storyline goes a little like this:

  • Cynthia/Sumiko gets portaled into Hoshido and she eventually becomes a Kinshi Knight under Hinoka’s command (was looking for trio, thinks she’s in the wrong place)
  • When Corrin chooses neither side, Hinoka sends Sumiko to watch after Corrin from a distance
  • Sumiko follows them into the Bottomless Canyon and ends up stranded there
  • Using skills from childhood, she survives the largely empty lands until she’s found by Jai (Vallite OC) who takes her home with him to the capital
  • It turns out he and his mother, Pai, are spies for a resistance army that want to free the land from Anankos
  • She spends some time with them in the capital before getting caught as an outsider
  • The three make an epic escape to the resistance
  • Here, Cynthia/Sumiko gains the Bombadier class (Tome/Yumi, flying)
  • Jai (Mystic Fighter, Rod/Club, Infantry) and Pai (Sabateur, Lance/Dagger, Flying) are on patrol when they see Scarlett fall
  • Jai heals Scarlett with Wane Festival and the two resistance members meet Corrin
  • Cynthia/Sumiko come in on the next map
  • Ananya (Mystic Elephant, Tome/Lance, Elephant), the resistance leader, and her second (War Elephant, Lance/Club, Elephant) join on the next
  • Lilith (Manakete, Dragonstone) is saved and playable

I have growths, base stats, and max stats for each class I listed and a dozen more class ideas without. While I know it will be difficult, I also want to try to find a way to add unique skills for each of the classes. I already have the following for Bombardier:

  • Stoop [5]: unit moves forward one space to attack, moves back after
  • Superior Range [15]: If outside of enemy’s range, hit +20, crit +10, damage +5

Long story short, I've downloaded Paragon and have found myself a little out of my depth but very excited. The idea isn't completely fleshed out, but I'd love to get some input/opinions from people who feel more strongly about Revelation gameplay and such. (I would also be really thrilled if Cynthia/Sumiko was integrated in the other routes too, but that's not strictly necessary for the project concept.

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