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Favourite Final Boss Monsters.

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22 members have voted

  1. 1. <_<

    • Fire Dragon
    • Idoun
    • Fomortiis

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Loptous is the monster and personality you see in Yurius.

No way. Have you seen the affection he has for Ishtar? He loves her, and in FE5, he's like "I'll buy you a silk dress" and so on.

I think that he is the reincarnation of Loputousu and Galle, but he has some of his own personality too even though Loputousu has a major influence.

We need a member called Ishtar..

Edited by Julius
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No way. Have you seen the affection he has for Ishtar? He loves her, and in FE5, he's like "I'll buy you a silk dress" and so on.

I think that he is the reincarnation of Loputousu and Galle, but he has some of his own personality too even though Loputousu has a major influence.

We need a member called Ishtar..

Yurius is one fucked up personality actually. He was a sweet child before he got possessed.

After that Loptous accident when his mind got corrupted by darkness, it was Ishtar who always stayed beside him. I think it's really possible for Yurius to retain his love for Ishtar, after all the things she done for him.

Actually I'm willing to change my name to Ishtar if you want. :D

Yes Azel. I'm cheating on you.

You have nothing to base that on.

Don't worry. It just a fanfic I tell you.

Edited by Tiltyu
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After that Loptous accident when his mind got corrupted by darkness, it was Ishtar who always stayed beside him. I think it's really possible for Yurius to retain his love for Ishtar, after all the things she done for him.

Yeah, Julius isn't that much of a monster unlike what Carion says.

Actually I'm willing to change my name to Ishtar if you want.

You can if you want to.

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You really want to become my enemy huh!?

Before he got possessed Yurius is a sweet child. :(

Not really. It's just he's one bad guy that I like.

I mean, on FE5 he's like:

"Ishtar, do you have anything against our inhuman child hunting?"


"Okey then. There are some pretty flowers on the garden, do you wanna see them?"


He's bad but he's good.although I don't feel that bad for killing him

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Not really. It's just he's one bad guy that I like.

I mean, on FE5 he's like:

"Ishtar, do you have anything against our inhuman child hunting?"


"Okey then. There are some pretty flowers on the garden, do you wanna see them?"


He's bad but he's good.although I don't feel that bad for killing him

Yeah, that was really weird.

Ishtar avatar, I say.

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So, yeah, he's not 100% monster guy, but those things he has for Ishtar are sometimes creepy.

He loves her and all, but he says those things on such unnapropriate times, you know.

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Shush, or I'll move the date forward to January.

I'll hate you for it. ;_;

Ishtar avatar, I say.


So, yeah, he's not 100% monster guy, but those things he has for Ishtar are sometimes creepy.

He loves her and all, but he says those things on such unnapropriate times, you know.

That's what you called twisted love. :mellow:

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I think . . .I am the only one here who didn't felt sorry for killing Julius? I mean, yeah he was mind fucked by Lopoutusu, but for some reason, I just loved to hate Julius. I mean, he was so mind fucked to the point that I was happy to kill him.

Medius was an eh for me. I hated him for fuckin' with Hardin's emotions and causing him to go emo.

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I think . . .I am the only one here who didn't felt sorry for killing Julius? I mean, yeah he was mind fucked by Lopoutusu, but for some reason, I just loved to hate Julius. I mean, he was so mind fucked to the point that I was happy to kill him.
You, sir, are my enemy now. >=E

Can you blame someone who became a fucked up person after he got possessed by a freaking DARK God? :mellow:

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Can you blame someone who became a fucked up person after he got possessed by a freaking DARK God? :mellow:

Yep, because it's funny to watch people suffer in pain and kill them for the joy of it all!

No, not really. I mean, it wasn't his fault. I just hated Lopotusu for fuckin' with the world through Julius.

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I picked the fire dragon. It's a pretty difficult battle without healers, Luna, and Athos. Fomortiis is insanely easy but I like how he looks. I haven't played FE6.

Idoun sucks more than the other two, gameplay-wise. But she has the best character development (like the fire dragon had any).

My vote goes to Idoun just because of her development.

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I thought Medeus was more interesting than Idoun because he was in control of himself and actually had a decent reason for wanting to obliterate humanity. Idoun was just a tool.

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