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Legendary Heroes in Arena Rotation Changes


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According to FEH's Facebook page, there will be changes to the Arena rotation. Old Legendary Heroes will not be part of the rotation, so only the 10 newest ones will be bonus units.


People on Reddit do not seem to happy about it. If I were still playing the game, I would not be happy about it either. Although I cannot voice my concern since I do not have the app and it does not feel appropriate for me to do so since I am not a player anymore, I can help raise awareness for people who still play to SEND FEEDBACK. Some players invested a lot into their units, and one of those reasons could be because they use them for specific game modes. I would be unhappy if the game made my investment devalued. Additionally, as mentioned by many on Reddit, it makes spending money of Formas, rerun Legendary/Mythic/Emblem Foci, and even new Foci less appealing.

What are you thoughts? Maybe you have a different opinion and maybe even like the change?

And remember to SEND FEEDBACK if you do not like the changes!

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This must be a desperate attempt to get more people to pull on legendary banners which have a history of not doing very good. Well, all this is going to do is result in those banners doing even worse now. At least legendary units had some lasting value as inevitable bonus units, but now any value they have will be fleeting making them even less enticing to pull. I can't help but think one of the real reasons legendary banners tend to not do so well is because they have such horrible odds compared to all other banners along with sparks being locked behind FEH pass; if they want those banners to do better then they should raise the odds and make sparks available to everybody.

Instead they choose to make a move that devalues existing units and makes many resources that people bought like forma souls suddenly lose a ton of value. Great way to throw away the goodwill of the remaining player base. What's to say they won't do something like this with mythic heroes in Aether Raids as well soon? That right there should make everybody weary of "investing" in new stuff. It feels like this game is on its last legs, and it looks like they'll be kicking them right out from under it in an attempt to get even more money out of the few long time players that remain. Hopefully this just helps lead to EoS soon. They say all good things must come to an end and so it would be nice for this to end while it still has even a smidge of good left in it.

And it is obvious they don't give a hoot about feedback, otherwise summoner duels R/S would have long since been removed. lol

Edited by Namero
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32 minutes ago, Namero said:

It feels like this game is on its last legs, and it looks like they'll be kicking them right out from under it in an attempt to get even more money out of the few long time players that remain.

Average lifespan of a gacha game is 2-3 years. We've hit over double that and are (somehow) still kicking. I'd be sad to see an EoS message, but I'd be fine with having had as long with my anime chess PNGs as i've had.

That being said, it could genuinely be a good faith "well using old legendary heroes is a pain in the ass due to power creep, lets lot require them" change, but i am leaning towards it being for "Moar Moneys"

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Honestly, I’m surprised enough people still care about competing in Arena and AR (and all the power creep that comes with that) to make a big fuss about this.

I’m not saying that the outrage is unwarranted or that you shouldn’t send feedback if you heavily invested in any of the old Legendaries, but personally this changes nothing for me.

Though, this does explain why IS has been super willing to use Legendaries for Hall of Forms lately and why certain Legendaries (namely Marth, Azura and M!Byleth) are an entire year away from their next re-run.

1 hour ago, Namero said:

This must be a desperate attempt to get more people to pull on legendary banners which have a history of not doing very good.

Yeah, I guess this means those changes they made to Heroic Ordeals back when Mythic Loki released didn’t produce the results IS was hoping for.

So naturally, IS chose to double down rather than consider changing course.

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All I'm going to say is that if they want people to pull more for the new shiny legendary heroes, then give non-FEH pass users a spark on the stupid thing.

I'm not inclined to invest in a banner where I can get totally fucked over and spend a shitload of orbs and still not get my priority unit. Or worse, where I get nothing at all. (I've been saving up for the July mythic banner for some time, and I passed 40 pulls with absolutely nothing before Heithrun and Azura finally broke my pity rate, and I never got m!Alear or Eikthyrnir whom I wanted the most.) So, if they want to push us to pull for the new legendary heroes and they're not happy people aren't pulling more for them, give everyone a damn spark.

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This change looks like it's meant to be targeted at players who are already high in the Arena. One of the issues with the Legendary bonus units is that if you're using the Legendary Hero as your only bonus unit (which is what I do), getting the bonus points from getting a kill with the bonus unit is annoyingly difficult with some of the older units unless you invest in them heavily. Legendary Ike was recently the Legendary bonus unit, and I ended up maxing out his Dragonflowers and giving him Laguz Friend 4 to help him actually be useful in combat, which was kind of annoying. I can't imagine how infuriating this would be with someone like Legendary Azura, who isn't a combat unit.

For someone like me who has the orbs to keep up with new releases, this is a net positive since I no longer have to worry about building outdated units, but I can see this being a huge issue for F2P players, who have always had to rely on only their luck when pulling LME banners.


I think they should at the minimum change it so that LME banners give a spark to everyone, especially given how finicky the banner can be with 3 units sharing each color. While it's technically a roll in your favor to get the unit you're looking for within 40 pulls, it's only barely in your favor (about 60% or so counting the fact that you'll get off-color pulls).

Personally, I think they should make it so that LME banners give a spark to everyone and then give Feh Pass players a second spark.

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Just a random thought, but it would be nice if they can just expand the bonus unit pool to like 12 instead of the current 10, and feature two Legendary Heroes, one old and one new. That way, players who invested in old Legendary Heroes are not shafted, and whales who can keep up with new releases do not have suffer playing with outdated units.

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2 hours ago, XRay said:

Just a random thought, but it would be nice if they can just expand the bonus unit pool to like 12 instead of the current 10, and feature two Legendary Heroes, one old and one new. That way, players who invested in old Legendary Heroes are not shafted, and whales who can keep up with new releases do not have suffer playing with outdated units.

That's the same solution I ended up at while thinking over things.

However, given that there are 51 total Legendary Heroes right now, I think whitelisting only the 10 most recent Legendary Heroes to appear in the rotation is a bit too small of a pool. That's literally only 2~3 units per element. At the very least, I think they should have the 4 most recent units of each element in the "new Legendary Heroes" slot rotation.

Additionally, months that have a new Legendary Hero should continue to run the new Legendary Hero as the only Legendary bonus unit for the month in order to still promote pulling for them. The "old Legendary Heroes" slot would just become a regular slot for the seasons in those months.


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Yeahhhhh, there's really no good explanation for this. Whales aren't going to be amused at having to constantly shell out Orbs just to keep up in the PvP modes, and favorite chasers really aren't going to be amused at their Legendary passion projects suddenly being obsolete in the modes where they're meant to show them off.

The paid subscription at least offered some quality-of-life changes to dull the sting, but this? This just worsens the experience all around. I'm not usually one to doompost, but the fact that they're resorting to a plain old money grab has me questioning how much life the game has left in it.

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1 hour ago, Some Jerk said:

Whales aren't going to be amused at having to constantly shell out Orbs just to keep up in the PvP modes,

We already have to pull for the newest Legendary Hero because that unit is guaranteed to be the Arena Legendary bonus unit for the next 4 weeks.

This change is 100% a QoL improvement for whales. There is basically no downside for us.

Now that old Legendary Heroes are out of the rotation, we no longer have to waste resources trying to keep old Legendary Heroes up to date with the latest skills just for a single Arena season. Pulling for merges is also not an issue because you can stay in Tier 21 even with a +0 Legendary bonus unit, so just pulling for the Feh Pass spark is already enough.

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As someone who has been tier 18/19 in arena for the last 2 years this doesn't really matter a ton to me, though I do agree they should have a free spark so that a F2P can get the new legendary.  I gave up on other PvP modes years ago so don't care about mythic units at all.  As a F2P it may end up biting me eventually, but I think I will just live with a non legendary bonus unit since it encourages me to actually build a unit with all the stuff I have hoarded over the years.  

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