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Destiny Hero

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Get the fuck off your computer and go to the liberally and take out a few books about your subjects and get the fuck off of SF and don't fail at your projects!

Don't ya got Winter Break? THat's like 2 1/2 weeks to do your project!

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this entire thread is probably a major lie you're using to improve your post count, Destiny Zero.

....except that this is in FftF where post count doesn't go up.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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It's funny 'cos he likes it dubbed. The Naruto voice actors are horrible. Believe it, bitch.

Also, American schooling sucks. You guys have 1 more hour of school a day than we do, and we still get better results.

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Well, you got your Christmas break earlier than most people.

Really? I usually get it around this time..

or used to. I am in Uni so I finish exams and then get the break.

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Yeah, 8th grade is fun all right....

Did you put this off since, like, September? I've been in Honors Classes since they've been offered (G&T in Elementary School, Enriched classes in Middle School, Honors classes in High School [so far], etc. etc.) and I've never had any type of homework like this. The worst I've had to do was a 12 page report on a week long trip the school went on. ~_~

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And the one WITH the Internet is the longest and most important.

Yes, I am going to ride my bike through a snowstorm to look for books from 1000 years ago at a town library. Genius.

Or you could not assume that the books are 1000 years old and just do as we say. If the frostbite takes your hands, good riddance.

Yeah, 8th grade is fun all right....

Wow, and I thought I was a bad procrastinator... :blink:

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Oh, the truth hurts eh? The American school system does suck; its standards are quite laughable.

The truth doesn't hurt me in the slightest, considering I attribute my admission to the best university in the world as a product of my American secondary education. But if you're basing your opinion on your own failures within the school system, I guess that's just as valid as me forming an opinion off my own success.

Fuck "standards". National standards are what fuck up schooling, trying to turn an education into a "skills-building" workshop similar to technical school (hello, Europe), rather than an exercise in critical thinking and qualitative judgement. The point of school isn't to memorize dates or formats for expository essays, it's to teach you to be a productive citizen who makes qualitative judgements based off evidence, not believe something "because someone told me so."

Just for demonstration, The State of World History Standards, a corporation set up for evaluating how schools comply to standards, gives my state (Vermont) an F as a grade (IE worst), because Vermont doesn't make students take a standardized test in social studies (which considering the vastly contentious nature of history, would be retarded). However, in terms of quality in education, Vermont has by multiple accounts the best overall education system in America (indirect factors include: high teacher-student ratios, low dropout rates, high % of student age kids actually in school, high per-student-expenditures, high teacher salaries, etc). So maybe being a Vermont student has skewed my judgement over the American school system, but excuse me if I don't hold "standards" of education in the highest regard.

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Also, American schooling sucks. You guys have 1 more hour of school a day than we do, and we still get better results.
Oh, the truth hurts eh? The American school system does suck; its standards are quite laughable.

If you want to improve American school standard, just shut down all the pubic schools in the inner-city. Or offer courses like "History of Hip-Hop" or "Intro to FL Studio" or other things so inner-city children feel that they actually did something with their education lives.

Yeah, America's school system is nothing more than bullshit that don't even contain what you want to do with your life. It's a joke, really. They force shit down student throats like they were cocks and expect them to suck it up.

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Broad, baseless opinions will get you no where. And I beg to differ.

I've been to an American school before, on a semi-exchange student trip. I fell asleep in almost every class. That never happens :(

We dont have school on saturdays though...

Neither do I.

Note: I wasn't trying to pick a fight anyway @_@

Edited by Wander
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Just for demonstration, The State of World History Standards, a corporation set up for evaluating how schools comply to standards, gives my state (Vermont) an F as a grade (IE worst), because Vermont doesn't make students take a standardized test in social studies (which considering the vastly contentious nature of history, would be retarded). However, in terms of quality in education, Vermont has by multiple accounts the best overall education system in America (indirect factors include: high teacher-student ratios, low dropout rates, high % of student age kids actually in school, high per-student-expenditures, high teacher salaries, etc). So maybe being a Vermont student has skewed my judgement over the American school system, but excuse me if I don't hold "standards" of education in the highest regard.

Hm, I wonder what they graded Florida as...

Yeah, I can see your point here. But honestly, it's school districts like the Miami-Dade County Public Schools that are the laughing stock of the nation. Hell, that particular school system doesn't even teach you the regular stuff anyways; most of what you're taught is this unbelievably stupid standardized test that people can pass anyway if they're just taught the regular curriculum. And plus, they insist on wasting money on these retarded programs like installing phones into the bathrooms so students can complain and stuff, such that when they wind up in times such as these (where the economy sucks balls), then they have no money anywhere and the whole school system goes to hell. Seriously, go throw stones at the superintendent of the schools in Miami-Dade County; he's a dumbass.

And how would I know this? The only reason I escaped being a complete idiot is because I got into a school that thankfully took education seriously (and this is sad considering that it was a school with an arts magnet...).

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It's funny 'cos he likes it dubbed. The Naruto voice actors are horrible. Believe it, bitch.

I counter with Dattebayo, Dattebayo and Dattebayo. Why 3 times? That is how much more the Japanese verison says the annoying catchphrase...yet nobody complains about that for some reason...

All I can say about education systems is it can ironic at times. The secondary school I went to managed to become a technology spiecialist which I thought was a laugh as during the times when they were applying for this their technology was best described as...poor. From what I recall most of their computer network was using Windows 3.1 until about 2001 :lol:

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....except that this is in FftF where post count doesn't go up.

okay i forgot!

and i think someone should close this thread.

Edited by SunMoonSky
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this entire thread is probably a major lie you're using to improve your post count, Destiny Zero.

...but if you really have that much homework, then i'd hate to be you.

I don't care about my post count, and I really do have that much homework.

Get the fuck off your computer and go to the liberally and take out a few books about your subjects and get the fuck off of SF and don't fail at your projects!

Don't ya got Winter Break? THat's like 2 1/2 weeks to do your project!

Yes, I have winter break, but that's AFTER the project is due.

Or you could not assume that the books are 1000 years old and just do as we say.

If it's not from 1000 years ago, it's not a primary source unless the writer traveled back in time, which nobody can do.

And jeepus, this thread was taken over.

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