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The readme included in the archive contains this text, and more information.

Um... hey there.

I'm a new user here but I have been using the Serenes Forest website for years as a guest. The reason I've created a profile is because I want to share with you a project I've been working on for about two years.

**Boring and useless background rambling info starts here, feel free to skip the lecture class**

So to explain it a little more, Path of Radiance has been my all-time favourite Fire Emblem game ever since its release back in 05. I was fifteen years old back then and I remember when my grandpa bought it for me on New Year's Eve. It wasn't like him to buy video games as presents for us, to be honest, and I remember putting it aside, because I was more into my Wind Waker game than this one. Then months later, I decided to give a try, playing through the prologue and still not that hooked. Only by the time I played through Greil's death did the game truly started to shine for me. And by the time I finished it much later (We didn't have Internet so I had to play through this blind) the game truly was my favourite of them all.

The story itself was what got me to finish it. The gameplay was great and the graphics too but for my teenager's mind it was the story that got me captivated.

So long story short, after losing my Gamecube as a young adult, and trying out other Fire Emblem games like Shadow Dragon, Awakening and Fates, I admitted to myself I sorely missed the impeccable storytelling and narrative of Path of Radiance. I'm not saying the other titles weren't good. But speaking for myself they lacked the captivating narrative of Path of Radiance. Chapters were short, and you jumped right into combat and sometimes it felt totally out of context because it was rather sudden. This was all very confusing to me.

After a while I managed to build a PC for my personal use and I tried Radiant Dwan on Dolphin emulator. It was a blast to see familiar characters once more and to see what happened after the fabled Mad King's War. But after finishing it, I still craved for Path of Radiance's storytelling. So I got the rom and started the game once more.

At that moment I thought to myself 'hey there are Gameshark codes and other region roms of this game. So why not try to harness all that and make a folder of saves in order to experience the full game, story, gameplay and all?'

Thus this project started. I wanted to create a ultimate save, but all of it separated into numerous files, so that I can enjoy the full experience. So I played around with Gameshark codes, the Debug Mode, the Japanese and Pal roms, and for two years, I started to make this project a reality.

Some of the early stages of this project can be partially downloaded at Gamefaqs. I was the one who uploaded the saves from the account Romantyke. You may go and take a look if you wish it. Be warned that they are still early version and thus not as complete as the ones I will share here today.

Sorry for the yawn inducing long story. So let's get on with this.

**End of my endless boring rambling**

This project contains a grand total of 377 GCI files, and all of them are compatible solely with the American version of the game.

I have taken the time to name each and every one of them carefully, and to ensure they appear in perfectly chronological order. I was forced to test and retest and replay the game numerous times to make sure everything is in there.

For your convenience, I have included a Readme in the archive. There is some valuable info in there. Feel free to check it out.

Let me share with you the essentials.

- The Playtime is set to the maximum of 99:59:59

- Each and every single unit has got maxed out stats, the best skills set, a full range of items and weapons, maxed out weapon rank, and maxed out weight and movement. All Supports are set to A.

- All of the units have been given Ashnard and the Black Knight's hidden skill of invulnerability. This means that you are basically immortal -- unless you are hit by a dragon's breath. They are the only ones who can actually damage you. But not to worry. You can withstand their strength quite easily, and that is if they can manage not to miss too. I know I could use Mantle instead, but the limit of 'visible' skills got very janky after adding that one. I wanted an even skill set of 75 for each and every one of my units. That'll be my perfectionist side.

- I have given overpowered hidden statistic to the units. They are all given Reyson's Chant skill, and they can all sing to four square at once, the same way Reyson can do that when he is actually transformed. This can be useful in many situations.

- They also all have been given Reinforce. You may not use that skill until Chapter 18 but I have decided to grant that skill to everyone to make battles interesting.

- I do not like the need for the Knight's Ring on my walkers. So I granted every single unit the ability to move after an action, just like mounted units can do. With their maxed 20 movement, this make them all far more productive.

- I hated the idea of the Laguz Band and the Demi Band. A real Laguz in battle ought to remain transformed and not suffer any stat reductions. So I have hacked the Laguz to remain transformed at ALL TIMES, and suffer no stat reduction, just like a Feral One. They do not need any item. This does includes Reyson as well. He looks way better as a Heron anyway.

- We have a good number of available mages throughout the story. But some of them are limited to knives. I simply cannot have that. So I hacked all of the available mages, and gave them the ability to use BOTH staves and knives. I did not give them knives in their inventory, however. But they can still use one if you chose to give one to them. The use of staves is kind of not needed with those overpowered units but I wanted a perfect and even roster, so that'll be the heading of my manifesto. As for their magic ranks, I have maxed out all of them. It can be useful for taking out enemies with specific magic weaknesses, like thunder against dragons.

- Remember Mist and Elincia's power? A normal silver blade, and the fabled Amiti are not bad. But for those two, we already know they can be far more fatal using the Runesword. Their Magic stat is far greater than their Strength stat. I still gave a Vague Vatti for Mist, and the Amiti for Elincia, for continuity purposes. But the Runesword is right there ready to serve them. Then you can watch both of them turn into killing machines of war. Enemies in this game have terrible Resistance.

- Starting Chapter 28, I have manipulated the game to make it think you have recruited all the units you can get by then. It means you get both Ena and Nasir in Chapter 28, and you get all three Laguz Royals in thee endgame. Just like everyone else, I have overpowered and tweaked them, so that they can serve you right as you start the battle with them deployed.

- All units have been given their Occult skill. For Ashnard in the Trial Maps, I have given him Aether instead of Stun. Worry not -- I have tested it with him and it works perfectly well, either on map or on animation.

- The story is the most important part of my game. So I had to include all 204 Support convos in some way. Of course, there is the 5 convo per person limit. Now, that won't do with me. If you want to enjoy the entire story, that will have to be tweaked. Thus, you may relax. I have manipulated the entire game to ensure you have access to each and every one of all of the support convos. To follow the story without continuity errors, I have carefully perused on the Support Chart on the Serenes Forest website, and made sure each convos happen at the chapter it is supposed to appear first. This will make the game story far more big to play. The supports were absent from Radiant Dawn, and this was a huge dealbreaker for me. Path of Radiance shines to me because of its story -- and its supports.

- Playing around with the regions, I have managed to load each and every map as a Maniac Mode battle. So even if the game save is American, your suspend save will load the map the very same way as it appears in a Maniac Mode game. The only difference is the enemy reinforcements. They will load Easy Mode enemies. But appart from that, the battles are initially purely part of Maniac Mode. The reason I did this is that easier modes will look to boring when you fight with all of your overpowered army deployed at once. At least there is a little more challenge -- and coolness.

- I have managed to use tools to decrypt, unrar, manipulate and hack the game's data to allow the deployment of ALL of your army into each and every chapter's suspend save. For example, on Chapter 10, the chapter when your army starts to get too big to allow them all, you will have all the other units deployed. As the game advances, your deployed army will grow and become bigger as you get more allies. Conversely, in the Endgame, all 46 units are deployed on the final battle map. This trick too me months to manipulate and was the most complicated one. 
**Sadly, because I took care of those saves first, I have lost memory on how I managed this exploit. So I am sorry, if you ask me how I did it, I will not be able to tell you. I should have written a memo. That was my mistake. But still, I leave you with the ooportunity to try this out. You will really like it. It makes battles much cooler.**

- The Epilogue save game is very special. It has all Units maxed out, and all Trial Maps unlocked. The Bonus Units also are available -- and I have overpowered them all as well for your convenience. You may also go through the story itself. But be warned. Once the credits turn to your game scores, the game will hang and crash. I do not believe that the game was made to be able to show those hacked scores. Trust me on that. I don't think that 9999 wins and 9999 battles for all units, and all units deployed, and maxed out playtime for all chapters and more and more was going to be displayed without the game getting upset and crashing. But I couldn't care less about those, really.

- Each and every single save is conveniently divided as separate moments and key events within each and every chapter.

- The Chapter name solely, to mark it as its beginning.
- The Base name for Base Convos.
- The Supports of each chapter in numerical order.
- The After Base, which is once you are ready to leave the base and continue with the chapter
- The ADV name, for the saves happening in the battle preparation screen.
- The Suspend name, for the enjoyment of the ultimate experience of each battle. All of them have your whole roster of units deployed, a Maniac Mode initial data, and nothing else touched.
- The End name, which happen right before the end of the battle. In some instances, you have a few choices. You may select end to finish off the poisoned unit supposed to be defeated, or choose Arrive or Seize, or end the turn after a defense battle. I have made sure that the conversation after each battle is according to the best situation, to experience the story in its entirety.
- STG1, STG2, STG3 and STG4 for Chapter 17 purposes, of course.
- For Chapter 27, you will find two Suspend saves and two End saves. Two for the main fight. Two for the fight against the Black Knight.

- The End saves are pretty self-explanatory. They are Suspend saves but with the battle nearing its end. Depending on each of them, you can simply end the turn, and the enemy will automatically die through poison. In other ones, you'll need to either arrive or seize. In Chapter 18, just finish off Shinon. In defense chapters, again, just end your turn to proceed.

- Your Game's Settings in Dolphin will have to be specific. After hacking the game into allowing the deployment of my entire army, my suspend saves went absolutely berserk and full of bugs. But no worries. The fix is very simple. Here are the settings to use.

-Disable 'Speed Up Disk Transfer'

If you do not set that particular setting, the game will not work properly in some cases. It will either hang, or crash, or bugs will happen. Of course, the game will not be running as fast without this setting enabled, but it's still perfectly playable. The bugs will not trigger with this setting disabled. Ever. You can be assured of that.

- There does seem to be a problem with the wyvern colour palette on emulation. In some chapters, the battle animation will not load the proper colour for enemy wyvern riders. It seems to be a tenacious bug, for I never managed to get rid of it. Even the most recent versions of the emulator still have got this graphical bug. It doesn't break the game, however, which is a good thing. But I can tell you that it's not caused by this save pack.

I think that is all.  I have been very OCD with this project but when I want my stuff to be perfect, I will make it perfect. And that's the final result.

It is time for me to share that work with the web. This is a gift.

*Programs and Cheat Websites Used*

- Gamehacking
- Gamefaqs
- Action Replay
- BS free Codes
- The Cutting Room Floor
- GC-Forever
- Github
- GC Iso Decrypter
- GC Iso Editor
- Yune Fire Emblem
-  HxD Hex Editor
- Hex to Dec Calculator
- NTSC-U  Path of Radiance Iso
- PAL Path of Radiance Iso
- JPN Path of Radiance Iso


If there is anything I should be made aware of, please do tell me. Otherwise, please enjoy.


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