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Bye bye


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hotel 91, Chinatown, New York, and the loooong nights. Me and Masu need to leave you soon :( Too bad we didn't have more to drink :/

Edited by Rei
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It was all good, and Masu and I were alone on Friday Night, then a friend from New Jersey came Saturday and stayed over. It was good fun.

How were the games, I mean sex, I mean, hey look over there


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I guess that was a go for it. With the post content, knowing the way members are here, you would have to be mentally retarded to not know people were going to be all "gazp, dirty!". But then to actually get uppity about some majority joke thing when I am sure you knew what you were doing.. well that just makes you a bit more than an attention whore or a drama whore, plus you fail at both.

Also, K me all you want, super cool kid. *thumbs up*

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hmm? I was just saying bye to NY and what we did there. Nothing sexual there :/

You're telling a city which does not care in the slightest for you goodbye, and posting it on a forum completely irrelevant to the subject to draw everyone's attention, knowing that they, most of them in the height of puberty, will respond in such a way that you'll be the center of it all.

How easy.

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