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Do you find someone's race a turn-off?

General Spoon

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As much as I loooooooove me some racism, it's already been addressed.

I prefer Caucasians( I kinda like "pale" people. All of my girlfriends have been white) and Indian. Next are Latino, Asians, and Native Americans. Lastly comes African skin tones. Lots of people find this strange, seeing as I'm black...

For the most part, skin color isn't super important, it just changes some preferences. I'm not really into black girls with red hair and freckles, but give me a white girl like that and i'll be at their control.

@Death: I would never do an animal(life-threatening situations barred). Chances point to me not having sex with a male willingly, though there have been a few times where a guy has made my heart thump. Only fictional people tho.

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I don't think my post was ignorant. More like a bit stereotypical. Unfortunately, I don't know how to word what I'm feeling about it without getting too racist and blunt.

My apologies. I'll rephrase:

In my opinion, your stereotyping of individuals based on their race from unfortunate circumstances is totally ignorant, and makes no sense.

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And in my opinion, my reasons for stereotyping does make sense.

Ignorant opinions from a simple mind, I say. Quickly now, go watch Cops and see the black men resisting arrest over speeding while there are men awaiting court for stealing millions of dollars from companies who are treated like sultans never being covered in the media, it just doesn't play on any negative racial stereotypes well enough to make good TV.

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Aww, am I aggravating you? Does my posts annoy you?

That's too bad.

That qualifies as trolling. Intentionally aggravating or annoying members. I advise you restrain yourself from doing it before it gets you into trouble.

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I posted that my opinion is based on personal experience, not the media.

You should read more carefully.

Basing opinions of an entire group of people based on a select few, I wouldn't say is much better than basing it on the media...

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Your personal experience doesn't mean shit. For a human mind to actually believe a stereotype based on personal experience the stereotype must generally be presented beforehand and then reinforced by some out of area force, in this case television and the like.

That or you are just a plain old ignorant racist, as opposed to a confused uninformed, closed minded racist.

More clear to you now?

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I never said it was. It was just that some members are hinting I got my view from the media.

You did say you felt it made sense that you would do such a thing, so you tried to justify stereotyping. Therefore it leads us to believe that you do think it's a good thing.

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My personal experience does mean something. It's my opinion. It might not mean anything to you or the rest of the people, but it does mean something to me.

It's the way it is. Most black people always harass me. It doesn't mean I hate them. It means that I do not trust them.

Simple as that. I'm a bit racist, so what? I'm not the only one.

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My personal experience does mean something. It's my opinion. It might not mean anything to you or the rest of the people, but it does mean something to me.

It's the way it is. Most black people always harass me. It doesn't mean I hate them. It means that I do not trust them.

Simple as that. I'm a bit racist, so what? I'm not the only one.

I can guarantee white people have bothered or harassed you before.

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My personal experience does mean something. It's my opinion. It might not mean anything to you or the rest of the people, but it does mean something to me.

It's the way it is. Most black people always harass me. It doesn't mean I hate them. It means that I do not trust them.

Simple as that. I'm a bit racist, so what? I'm not the only one.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're a fucking racist.

And I agree with what Cynthia said, there is even a white person harassing you right now.

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I made it clear that I'm a bit racist. Right there. Last line of my last post. Can you see it?

Right now, I can say that nobody is harassing me. I'm a home with my family. How can you even prove that there's somebody bothering me?

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I made it clear that I'm a bit racist. Right there. Last line of my last post. Can you see it?

Right now, I can say that nobody is harassing me. I'm a home with my family. How can you even prove that there's somebody bothering me?

Well it appears as though Death is insinuating he is harassing you.

And harassing is attempting to bother, doesn't matter if someone actually bothers you. If they are trying to harass you, they are harassing you, regardless of success.

I have severe doubt that you distrust white people when they harass you.

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Enough, you three. Yuli, I advise that you refrain from posting messages that are trolling and/or flamebaiting in nature. Cynthia and Death, if there's a problem with a post, let the staff handle it. You're not staff here, so I suggest you stop taking things into your own hands. Furthermore, I suggest that both of you watch your own posts, because neither of you are exactly clean when it comes to that aspect either (and, this thread isn't the first time that I've seen it).

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If racism was in any way against the rules here I would have.

Edit; Would have left it to the staff, that is.

Anyways, topic contribution time. Come to think of it, Hispanics with an olive skin tone are not my thing.

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He's not really harassing me. I thought we're only have a discussion?

Yes, I'll admit that some white people, and other people from other races, have bothered me before, but not that as many times.

Edit: Posted too slow again.

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