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Alright...I have WAAAAAAAY to much time on my hands.

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Alright, before the inevitable SSB4, I think we could do with a side series.

I was thinking a Strategy-RPG, Somewhat a mix of Fire Emblem and Super Mario RPG.

It would be a turn based strategy game like Fire Emblem, you deploy whatever number of characters you move them around the map and battle the enemies but the battles that occur when two units meet on the map would be standard RPG form, only with Action Commands and what-not, Every character would have their own stat sheets, and everyone has individual weapons and specials.

Also, like FE, Death is Permanent. (Although character's with story purpose just retreat)

The story would involve some dick wad scientist using a magic machine to draw people with strong quintessence (Fire Emblem again, maybe I play that game to much) into earth from other dimensions, causing most of the SSB cast to be teleported to earth, The first half of the story (15 Maps) involves three Otakus helping the SSB cast defeat the scientist prick and return home, the second part (10-12 Maps) is discovering that while they we're gone, the long defeated Subspace Army has taken over the many worlds for lack of heroes. The third and Final Part (20+ Maps) revolve around journeying to subspace and defeating their new leader, SAKURAI!!!!!!!

The roster would be a deep 50+ Characters (The original amount Brawl was gunna have lawl)

New Characters join almost every chapter, some are recruitable NPCs, Some join through Story Events, some are recruitable Enemies. (Like Fire emblem Douchebags XD)


Main Characters

Main Character (Nameable, Original to the game) [Game Over at Death]

Shane (Original to the game) [Retreat at Death]

Maria (Original to the game) [Retreat at Death]


Mario Characters



DK (Recruitable Enemy)


Dementio (Recruitable Enemy)




Midna (Recruitable Enemy)

Mikue (Majora's Mask)




Spire (Recruitable Enemy)

Dark Samus

Star Fox







Meta Knight (Recruitable Enemy)

Blade Knight

Knuckle Joe

Fire Emblem



Roy (Recruitable Enemy)









Captain Falcon

Samurai Goroh

Dai Goroh






Mewtwo (Recruitable Enemy)



Saki (Sin and Punishment)

Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes) (Recruitable Enemy)

ROB (Recruitable Enemy)

Isaac (Golden Sun)

Hero (Custom Robo)

Ray 01

Ice Climbers




Shadow (Recruitable Enemy)


(NOTE: All MGS Related Character's are their MGS4 Versions)


Raiden (Recruitable Enemy)

Other 3rd Party


Siegfried (Soul Calibur)

Cloud (FF7) (Recruitable Enemy)

Lloyd Irving (Tales)

Geno (SMRPG)

NPCs (Shop Owners, Combat Allies, Story Characters, Summons)




Diddy Kong


Illia (Twilight Princess)

Toon Link

Old Man (Zelda 1)


Chozo Statue (Super Metroid)

Tiff (Kirby Anime)

Soren (Fire Emblem 9)

Ninian (Fire Emblem 7)

Lechasis (Fire Emblem 4)

Dr. Andonuts

Mr. Saturn

May (Pokemonz)

Ash (Pokemonz)

Blaziken (Pokemonz)

Mew (Pokemonz)

Mr. Game and Watch (Game and Watch)

Baloon Fighter

Airen (Sin and Punishment)

Metal Ape (Custom Robo)

Marcia (Custom Robo)

Duckhunt Dog (Duck Hunt)

Amy (Sonic)

Tails (Sonic)

Silver (Sonic)

Shade (Sonic)

Otacon (Metal Gear)

Meryl (Metal Gear)

Grey Fox (Metal Gear)

Roll (Megaman)

Protoman (Megaman)

Talim (Soul Calibur)

Voldo (Soul Calibur)

Giradot (Chronicles of the Sword)

Locke Cole (Final Fantasy)

Black Mage (Final Fantasy)

Sora (Kingdom Hearts)

Captain N (Captain N)

The Battle System

When two units meet on the map screen, a battle initiates.

The battle system is standard RPG Form, You can attack with a Standard or Special moves, Standard damage is Strength/Magic Stat+Weapon Power-Target Defense=Damage

Special Moves bypass Stats, and deal set damage, Set damage is often low but can be combo-ed, and often has Status Effects attached.

The Speed would work something like Sonic Chronicles, Let's say Link attacks a Primid.

If Link has greater Speed then the Primid, he get's to make his Move first.

If the Link has Double the Speed of the Primid, he get's to take two moves before the Primid takes one.

If Link has Triple the Primid's Speed, then he get's three moves.

If he has Four Times the Primid's Speed, then he get's four moves, and so on and so forth.

Weapons are available for purchase in shops, located on most maps, Weapons come in many types and are often character specific.

Shops also sell Healing Items, Stat Boosters and Skills.


Health: How many hit before this unit Dies/Retreats.

Max Health: The Maximum amount of Health a unit can have.

Smash: Basically, MP or PP, When you use a special mose your Smash goes down.

Max Smash: The Maximum amount of Smash Power one unit can have.

Strength: Effects the battle formula. (Physical Units only)

Magic: Effects the battle formula. (Magic users only)

Speed: Decides how many moves you get in your round.

Defense: Effects the battle formula. (Physical Units only)

Resistance: Effects the battle formula. (Magic users only

Dexterity: The higher this stat, the more powerful weapons you can wield.

Weapon Rank: Determines what amount of weapons the unit can uses.

So, anyone like my ideas?

Anyone got a better one?

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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That's awesome. I'd buy that. For the speed, are the characters really going to have 3x, 4x, etc. the speed of the enemies? Twice is ok but how slow do those enemies have to be for the characters to have triple/quadruple speed?

For stats, there should be defense and resistance (for standard attacks) and weapon ranks. For example, Samus has to reach a certain level in beam and missiles before she can use stronger ones. Then when characters reach higher levels, they can use new weapons.

Some moves can attack from range to avoid being countered but they're usually weaker than direct moves.

What about smash attacks? Those are usually slower but more powerful than standard attacks. Maybe smash attacks could have a weight stat or something similar that decreases AS if the user's strength isn't high enough (kinda like in FE).

The currency could be coins, gold, rupees, etc.

For characters, Luigi, Diddy Kong, Peach and Wario should all be playable. They're all unique enough to have their own movesets. If it's too many Mario characters (which it probably is) maybe they could be unlocked after beating the game. Dai Goroh shouldn't be playable cause a lot of people probably don't know who he is and I think a few other F-Zero characters deserve a spot. Pico, Jody Summer, Dr. Stewart, Mighty Gazelle, or even Black Shadow.

It's a nice idea. Nintendo would have a huge hit on their hands.

Edited by KSFF2150
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That's awesome. I'd buy that. For the speed, are the characters really going to have 3x, 4x, etc. the speed of the enemies? Twice is ok but how slow do those enemies have to be for the characters to have triple/quadruple speed?

The enemies that have slow enough speed to be Tripled/Quadrupled are few and far between late game atleast.

For stats, there should be defense and resistance (for standard attacks) and weapon ranks. For example, Samus has to reach a certain level in beam and missiles before she can use stronger ones. Then when characters reach higher levels, they can use new weapons.

All suggestions I added.

Some moves can attack from range to avoid being countered but they're usually weaker than direct moves.

Uhh...I don't think you get how the battle system works.

The Map Screen works like FE/Advance Wars, but the actual fighting is like SMRPG.

What about smash attacks? Those are usually slower but more powerful than standard attacks. Maybe smash attacks could have a weight stat or something similar that decreases AS if the user's strength isn't high enough (kinda like in FE).

Smash Attacks we're covered in the first post.

The currency could be coins, gold, rupees, etc.


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I wouldn't buy it. This is Smash Brothers, not Kingdom Farts.

Except Kingdom Hearts isn't an SRPG like Fire Emblem. Hell, I haven't really played Kingdom Hearts and I know that! (I've played Chain of Memories, sure, but I haven't laid a finger on the PS2 versions.)

Anyways, I would so dig this, except why would Travis Touchdown, Cloud, and Siegfried be in such a game? IIRC, they're all third party characters, and other than Cloud they're not too well known. (Especially Travis!) Megaman, sure, I can see, but not those other three. It would also probably create a slight copyright problem, as Nintendo would basically have to apply for permission from five different companies (Konami, Sega, Capcom, Namco, and Ubisoft) And also, I thought it was spelled 'roster?

Maybe there could be a currency exchange system where a certain number of rupees equals this amount of coins, this amount of coins equals this amount of gold, etc.

But yeah, Nintendo definitely should make a game like this.

Edited by Herr Wozzeck
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The enemies that have slow enough speed to be Tripled/Quadrupled are few and far between late game atleast.

All suggestions I added.

Uhh...I don't think you get how the battle system works.

The Map Screen works like FE/Advance Wars, but the actual fighting is like SMRPG.

Smash Attacks we're covered in the first post.


So would there be timed attacks where you press the attack button at the right moment to do more damage? It sounds like an awesome system. Sorry, I missed the smash attacks on the first post.

How about skill points? They'd be like badge points from Paper Mario and would determine how many skills a character can equip. Maybe after every level up, you can choose to increase HP, smash points or skill points by a set amount like in SMRPG and Paper Mario.

Edited by KSFF2150
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Anyways, I would so dig this, except why would Travis Touchdown, Cloud, and Siegfried be in such a game? IIRC, they're all third party characters, and other than Cloud they're not too well known. (Especially Travis!) Megaman, sure, I can see, but not those other three. It would also probably create a slight copyright problem, as Nintendo would basically have to apply for permission from five different companies (Konami, Sega, Capcom, Namco, and Ubisoft) And also, I thought it was spelled 'roster?

1. I thought Travis was first party =\

2. Sega and Konami already gave permission for Brawl, so I think it's a safe bet they'd allow it again...

3. Namco and Capcom are known for doing Crossovers, I didn't think this would be to diffrent from the VS or X series.

How about skill points? They'd be like badge points from Paper Mario and would determine how many skills a character can equip. Maybe after every level up, you can choose to increase HP, smash points or skill points by a set amount like in SMRPG and Paper Mario.

They're called Smash Points actually lawl, and they work like FP in Paper Mario and MP or PP from most other RPG's.

TL;DR but where's Geno?

Didn't think of him, I'll add.

No tales :/ Phayl

Again, Didn't think of Tales I'll add.

NOTE: I'm only adding Geno and Lloyd due to their being from Namco and Square, making it easy to negotiate the rights for them if the other Namc/Square characters we're already being negotiated.

Edited by Toa Lord Sothe
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