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You can use it as long as it isn't influenced by platinum Move Tutors.

I think...

Actually...I think it's still uber without influence from Platinum Move Tutors. (That is, if you're referring to the fact that he can learn Outrage, which he already could in D/P.)

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Nope, no garchomp at all as of what I know. >.> Guess i will get back to training <.< Luckily Garchomp was the next thing i was going to train, but now that i know this i will find something new. thank god my friend came over so i wouldn't already be training it when i found out he is uber.

Edited by Noremac
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Wait...so we can't bring Garchomp? It's an uber? That thing is so easy to take out! It's great and all. but I don't consider it an uber at all, or anything near one. :/

Not Yachechomp. If you use Yachechomp, it will probably always take you at least two Pokemon to counter it, or in General Spoon's words: Yachechomp is guaranteed to always KO one of your Pokemon.

Edited by Fireman
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Nope, no garchomp at all as of what I know. >.> Guess i will get back to training <.< Luckily Garchomp was the next thing i was going to train, but now that i know this i will find something new. thank god my friend came over so i wouldn't already be training it when i found out he is uber.

But WHY is it considered uber? It's so easy to kill!! Just because it's "unstoppable" I know I spelled that wrong... cuz it can learn Outrage? Tyranitar and Dragonite can learn Outrage. And they're FAR better Through my experiences.... Would that make Tyranitar and/or Dragonite uber as well?

EDIT: Damn, sorry Fireman. I posted too late. Sorry...^^'

So we can still have Garchomp? Just so Yache berry?

Even with a berry though, ice still kills it in one hit through my experiences...

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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I found a quote that may explain why he's an uber other than just Yachechomp:

They say he's uber because of his relatively high stats (mainly HP, Attack & Speed) as well as how unpredictable it is. You never know if it's a scarfchomp, yachechomp, or chain chomp and when you do, you'll most likely lose a poke finding out. It usually takes two pokes to counter Garchomp. Even if you have a good wall, it wouldn't be a good switch in once Garchomp sets up swords dance. When sand veil is in play, Garchomp can take more hits if it does take affect. You need a good amount of sp atk EVs in order to KO Garchomp with Ice Beam and A LOT for HP Ice, Ice Fang/Punch/Shard can do a lot too, but the only poke that can OHKO and be faster is weavile which you'll need to always carry around if you want to counter a Garchomp. Even if you have Weavile, you'd still need to sacrifice a poke in order to ensure a safe switch-in because it won't be taking a hit from Garchomp unless it sashes.
Weavile's awesome. Edited by Fireman
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*goes to make a team consisting of 6 weaviles*

*goes to remind Noremac he can't use it in the tourney*

But them his low hp and defense would be a problem........

Not if you can kill your opponent really fast.

Edited by Fireman
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I found a quote that may explain why he's an uber other than just Yachechomp:

Weavile's awesome.

Ah. So no Garchomp at all? Sorry Hueghes...=( I still don't consider it uber. But that's just me. =l

And yes. I need to finish training mine. (I named it Fireman. It's a part of meh Serenes Team) XD

EDIT: WAIT! About items. Is Soul Dew allowed? In official tournaments it isn't...neither is Wobbaffet + Leftovers... . I want to make sure..

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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Also, if wobbufett is uber, is wynaut s well?

I need to think of names for my team.... so far i have a luxray named lil piel and a marowak named bonerific.....

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Also, if wobbufett is uber, is wynaut s well?

I need to think of names for my team.... so far i have a luxray named lil piel and a marowak named bonerific.....

Wynaut's not uber. The only reason I would see why it wouldn't be uber while Wobbuffet is is because Wobbuffet can take a hit while Wynaut....:lol:

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Ah. So no Garchomp at all? Sorry Hueghes...=( I still don't consider it uber. But that's just me. =l

And yes. I need to finish training mine. (I named it Fireman. It's a part of meh Serenes Team) XD

EDIT: WAIT! About items. Is Soul Dew allowed? In official tournaments it isn't...neither is Wobbaffet + Leftovers... . I want to make sure..

Well, you can still give the Soul Dew to one of your Pokemon if you want. Just not Latios or Latias seeing as how they're uber. ;)

Edited by Fireman
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Well, you can still give the Soul Dew to one of your Pokemon if you want. Just not Latios or Latias seeing as how they're banned. ;)


Ack, sorry. I don't remember seeing them on this list a page or so back...Sorry...I'm used to The Official Tournament rules. :(

What about Wobba+Leftovers?

Edited by Princess Kilvas
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