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Serenes Forest Quiz Night!

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So what the fuck is your problem?
Nothing. What makes you think I have a problem?

Damn right you dont have a problem.

Well, I'm glad that was settled!

Damn right you are glad.


How long after the Big Bang was the Quark Epoch?

I know this one, its rather easy, when your mother was gangbanged, that is when.

Ennnnggh. Incorrect Answer, the correct answer is one picosecond! On to question 2!

What happened in the first second of the universe, and ushered in the Lepton Epoch?

The world's top retard was born: you. :D

Sorry, that is not the correct answer. The real answer is: Neutrinos ceased to interact with other particles.

NEXT QUESTION: What is Big Bang nucleosynthesis, and when did it happen?

Look, you silly weasel, leave me alone or face the consequences.

Incorrect answer, that's 3 strikes in a row! The questions aren't too hard, no need to threaten me!

Next Question:

In what epoch did gravity separate from electronuclear force? Since you've gotten 3 questions wrong, here's a hint: the era is named after the smallest observable unit of time.

I dont wanna go as far as stop you from pming me, but stop calling me a retard.

Pm me again and I will know you have a problem with me, and I'm gonna tell Vincent or Jyosua about your constant harrasment.

I think you are mistaken. I have, in fact, not called you retarded a single time. Nevertheless, your answer to this question is incorrect. The correct answer was: The Planck Era.

Next Question:

Was the reionization longer or shorter than the Hadron Epoch?

Sir, I must inform you that if you do not answer the next question within 5 minutes I will assume that you have forfeited.

What you need to do is rally the troops. We are at war...FEE vs SF XD

Meep. Incorrect answer. The correct answer was "longer". That is all for today.

That's right folks, tonight's episode was a flop, a dismal 0/5... Tune in next time for the exciting Physical Properties of Helium!

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So what the fuck is your problem?

Nothing. What makes you think I have a problem?

Damn right you dont have a problem.

Well, I'm glad that was settled!

Damn right you are glad.


How long after the Big Bang was the Quark Epoch?

Smarterchild or Void De La Extreme?

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