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How Do You Play?


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In my first playthrough of any FE game, I just rush, rush, rush. I don't care if any of my units die, and I don't look at any walkthroughs/guides.

In my second playthrough, I try to get as many supports and pairings as possible, but I don't care about the characters.

In my third + playthroughs, everything has to be PERFECT. I don't let any units die, I try to get as many supports/pairings as possible, and I need to get every character/item/gaiden in the game.

I do this for ALL FEs and keep replaying them until I get most of the content unlocked. :]]

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usually i just play through first time just using whoever seems good and continue that way to get through the game...

2nd playthrough and onward, i try out different things using different units and getting all the story content and extras..

theres always ATLEAST one paladin in my team at all times...

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usually i just play through first time just using whoever seems good and continue that way to get through the game...

2nd playthrough and onward, i try out different things using different units and getting all the story content and extras..

theres always ATLEAST one paladin in my team at all times...

Yeah, I usually have at least 1 paladin and 2 fliers on my team at all times.

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Since the very first time I played Fire Emblem I have never let a unit die, I restart the chapter if someone dies on me. That's why I can't play games like Pikmin or Lemmings.... I just can't watch those poor things die :(

Anyway, I play cautiosly rushing, in surviving chapters I always want to go kill the boss, so I am always having some difficulties with these chapters. (Though they aren't that difficult unless you ar in HHM)

Although my team is constantly changing because of the supports I wanna get so I never get bored.

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Here's how I always play:

If there is no time/turn rush, then I simply lure enemies in and finish them off one by one or whatever.

If there is a time rush, I use some units with good/high defense and just have them running into enemy territory.

If this is like the umpteenth time I've restarted the chapter, I will definitely rush the enemy...

Guidelines while playing:

Try to have my lower level units get more experience.

Have my unpromoted healers heal other units even at every unnecessary opportunity.

Let no one die.

Edited by Fireman
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Arena abuse, boss abuse, savestate abuse, bonus experience abuse...

Do you see a pattern there?

In terms of party composition, I try and allocate 2 or more sages and swordmasters in my party (particularly true in FE5 - lol Shiva/Trewd/Mareeta/Linoan/Sara/Asvel/Sety) - although that isn't always possible in the later chapters, as I like to be able to employ as many legendary weapons as possible (axes are frequently negligenced, tho). I seldom use those weapons themselves, however...

I don't like losing units, though. Even useless ones I'm never going to use (like Treck). I let units die for pairing purposes (hi Sylvia).

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I usually get an idea of which characters I want to use before I start playing. Once I have an idea of who I want to, I just go with the flow so to speak. I always try to advance as quickly as possible when I actually play.

EDIT: Outside of very special circumstances, I never, ever abuse bosses or arenas. It's too boring.

Edited by Musashi
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I try my best to raise weak characters even if they're not that good. I also dislike using uber characters for some strange reason, unless they're characters that were hard to raise or get to that stage (Astrid, Fiona, Nino). Depending on the characters I have, I'll either rush the whole place or play incredibly defensively.

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I attack the enemies.

I attack the enemies and the boss.

I attack the enemies and seize the gate.

I attack the enemies and move someone on the shiny spot.

I attack the enemies and move everyone on the red arrow.

I keep pressing 'End Turn' until all turns are finished.

Yep, pretty much it. :o

Edited by Swordsalmon
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In general, I generally play defensively, just because I hate having to restart chapters from the beginning. This is especially the case if it's my first time through a game or I haven't played the chapters in question for a long time, just because I know that IS loves to pull reinforcements at the worst possible time in the most opportune locations for the enemy.

Otherwise, depending on the game and difficulty, I can easily be prone to rushing units, especially tank units to pull a large group of foes towards me. Once that's done, then everyone else runs in and sweeps up, hopefully. Regardless of my speed, I'll try to get most turn limit Gaidens and the like and I generally try to level my characters in a "uniform" manner, so I don't get people running around that are 7 levels higher, simply by fighting (characters joining that far behind are not included).

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I attack the enemies.

I attack the enemies and the boss.

I attack the enemies and seize the gate.

I attack the enemies and move someone on the shiny spot.

I attack the enemies and move everyone on the red arrow.

I keep pressing 'End Turn' until all turns are finished.

Yep, pretty much it. :o

Wow I should try this someday!

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It depends on the map and how the enemies are spread out. I'll rush the chapter if I feel like my characters are strong enough to kill without dying themselves. Otherwise, I'll play a little defensively then slowly get more aggressive as the chapter rolls along.

I try to kill every enemy on the map before I complete it.

I play as every character at least once then I just use my fave characters cause it's hard for me to play as characters I don't really care about.

I usually bait enemies with strong characters then have the weaker ones kill them on the player phase.

I try to kill as many units as I can on the enemy phase. I set my characters up against as many enemies as I think they can handle without dying.

I use one or two healers to keep my characters close to max health as often as possible.

If a character dies, I usually restart cause I don't like anyone dying on me. If I'm too far into the chapter, I might consider continuing without them unless it's one of my fave characters.

Edited by KSFF2150
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First playthrough: I take my sweet time, abuse the hell out of everything, train a weaker character or two and use whoever I like.

Second playthrough: I do things efficiently.

I like fast units that can deal a lot of damage. Strong swordmasters, fast sages, good snipers etc. It's no wonder FE4 is my favourite FE. I'll have a tank or two, but I prefer paladins and wyvern lords with high def over genenals. I play agressively and generals don't fit that style. Depending on the game I might use one though. If there are a ton of warp staves to abuse (hello FE:SD!) or defend-this-survive-that chapters I don't mind using a less mobile unit.

Nobody dies. I reset if somebody dies.

However, I approached Shadow Dragon an entirely different way. The first time I got to play it was for a review. I had one session, so I had to rush to see as much of the game as fast possible. So when I got my own copy, I rushed through the first chapters, but took it easy in the second half of the game (even took the time to train Est). My third serious PT is one for an online team. SD is also the game that made me murder useless units to get to gaiden chapters. Last night I dreamt I was killing my own redundant units, because I didn't want to give the enemy my precious Exp....

Edited by Tamara
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global strategy

offensive, indeed I'm not well trained for radiant dawn hard mode; usually using whoever I like despite being a broken powerhouse or not, resetting if anyone dies, even if I do not plan to use it, making useless support conversations

pretty much this, still I think I'll change the resetting-if-anyone-dies part when shadow dragon will (if it will) arrive

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I take the level extremely slowly and arena abuse (gets me a horrible tactics rank). If theres a time limit I rush but it isn't my pefered playstyle. I also keep every one alive and go to every gaiden chapter (exept in Shadow Dragon where I do a special playthrough for gaiden chapters). I try to never use the Jeigan character unless their growths are OK like Seth and Titania.

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