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I have a lot of questions...

Not Changed by VASM :(

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1. I'm not looking to do any massive stat or formula edits, I just want to be able to change text, insert mugs, edit and add classes, lock and unlock Prf items. Can you suggest a program that will fit my needs? (Note: I'm doing an FE7 hack so whatever it is it has to be able to hack FE7, and it also has to be Mac compatible, my PC is far to slow to even attempt something like this on that.)

2. If I was to do a FE7 Hack, what is the maximum/minimum chapter amount? (I don't intend to edit maps so I can assume 30 or so)

3. Is there anyway to merge Lyn mode with Eli/Hector, so that you don't have to have the time jump/party change?

4. Are their any rules for Sprite/Mug insertion (Other then the Height/Width limit for Mugs)

Example: Would This battle sprite be legal?

5. After I've hacked my ROM, how do I make it a patch? Do I even hack the ROM? or do I make it a patch first?

6. What the hell is a patch anyway?

7. I'm a complete hacking n00b so use terms I can understand.

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4. Yes. Battle sprites and face sprites may only contain 15 colors (+1 for the background). Most other things that can be inserted will need to follow this rule, but there are some exceptions (IIRC, the Battle Template has separate palettes for some of the areas, so you can technically end up with more than 15 colors overall). Also, colors must all have RGB values that are multiples of 8 (0, 8, 16, ... , 248). Battle sprites must also fit within the frame limits of the animations that are being replaced (unless something's changed recently). So, for the Cloud battle sprite, it might be possible to insert (since I don't know the Mercenary frame boundaries), but it's probably not likely, based solely on the still frame (the sword looks too far forward) and the critical frames (the sword swinging in front of the face probably would break the frames, plus there seem to be more frames for that critical than the Mercenary has to begin with...).

5. You use your requisite tool (Hex Editor, Nightmare, etc. (whatever gets recommended to you)) to make changes to the ROM. Then, you create a patch afterwards. (I'm guessing there's some kind of "export" command that creates one.)

6. A patch basically contains the data that was changed on the "base" software so that it can be applied to everyone else's same software. (Think regular patches for software programs, like Microsoft Word, etc.)

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4. Yes. Battle sprites and face sprites may only contain 15 colors (+1 for the background). Most other things that can be inserted will need to follow this rule, but there are some exceptions (IIRC, the Battle Template has separate palettes for some of the areas, so you can technically end up with more than 15 colors overall). Also, colors must all have RGB values that are multiples of 8 (0, 8, 16, ... , 248). Battle sprites must also fit within the frame limits of the animations that are being replaced (unless something's changed recently). So, for the Cloud battle sprite, it might be possible to insert (since I don't know the Mercenary frame boundaries), but it's probably not likely, based solely on the still frame (the sword looks too far forward) and the critical frames (the sword swinging in front of the face probably would break the frames, plus there seem to be more frames for that critical than the Mercenary has to begin with...).

5. You use your requisite tool (Hex Editor, Nightmare, etc. (whatever gets recommended to you)) to make changes to the ROM. Then, you create a patch afterwards. (I'm guessing there's some kind of "export" command that creates one.)

6. A patch basically contains the data that was changed on the "base" software so that it can be applied to everyone else's same software. (Think regular patches for software programs, like Microsoft Word, etc.)

Thanks Lord Glenn.

Real quick though, when you say one for background you mean like the solid color behind the sprite or something like that am I right?

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