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If you fill their entire inventory, all the chests are basically their inventories, plus a Javelin. I'm not sure what happens when you don't fill up their inventories.

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I believe they end in some of those treasure chests in chapter 4.

Yes. The treasure chests in that chapter are your equipment, so make sure of opening them all.

If you fill their entire inventory, all the chests are basically their inventories, plus a Javelin. I'm not sure what happens when you don't fill up their inventories.

I know there's Fergus's rapier, at the very least.

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If you fill their entire inventory, all the chests are basically their inventories, plus a Javelin. I'm not sure what happens when you don't fill up their inventories.

I recall finding a rapier (may have been before that chapter but I'm not sure...). I figure if you don't fill up their inventory, those chests would have replacements.

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I recall finding a rapier (may have been before that chapter but I'm not sure...). I figure if you don't fill up their inventory, those chests would have replacements.

Actually, there are only a couple fixed items there, like Karin's Javelin and Fergus's Rapier. If Lifis and Leaf have too few stuff in their inventories, there will be less chests. (That also means you'll be able to finish the chapter faster.)

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IIRC, if some1 leaves with a weapon/Item, they come back with it.

Speaking of which..don't forget to take Eyvel's Fire Sword before finishing Chapter 3. Will actually be helpful in case Leaf's Light Sword breaks before Safy joins you in Chapter 7.

Edited by Lenneth
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It's good to have even if you've been saving the Light Sword. Fergus can totally clean house with it in 4x and 5 provided he has B swords (takes some brawling, but not much). You can never have enough ranged swords.

Am I the only one who never got a Rapier in Ch4, or am I just forgetting it every time? The inventories of Leaf and Lifis add up to 14, and that means 2 chests left, one of which is a Javelin. So in theory it should be there.

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I got the Rapier. Fergus broke it pretty fast.

I gave my elite manual to Karin, since my pegs usually fall behind, and I end up kicking myself when I don't have a peg to use.

Yeah, she seems to be hard to train..having a low Str growth 30%.

Give her the Baldo, Fala and Hezel scrolls. The growth rate should raise that to 50%. Forget the Noba scroll as you get that too late (Chapter 18). Also scrolls neglect critical hits.

Edited by Laylea
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Yeah, she seems to be hard to train..having a low Str growth 30%.

She's not that hard to train.

By chapter 6 you can have most of your guys(if not all of them) in level 12, easily.

Karin lacks ATK, but she makes it up with her SPD.

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She hardly makes up for it. Almost everyone can get decent enough Spd quite early, in fact most people can have 20 Spd with a bit of Sety scrolling around promotion level if not earlier. And Karin's offense problem is compounded with the fact that her Bld sucks as badly as her Str. With a universal Spd cap of 20, that really hurts her. Huzzah for not being able to top 15 AS when using a Steel Sword pretty much all game long.

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She hardly makes up for it. Almost everyone can get decent enough Spd quite early, in fact most people can have 20 Spd with a bit of Sety scrolling around promotion level if not earlier. And Karin's offense problem is compounded with the fact that her Bld sucks as badly as her Str. With a universal Spd cap of 20, that really hurts her. Huzzah for not being able to top 15 AS when using a Steel Sword pretty much all game long.

Then I just went lucky, as she was nearly untouchable.

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