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Slide Puzzles... What a bitch...

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Doing something you don't know how to do


This. Post. Is. AWESOME!!!!!

Resetting the puzzle before I start? Really?

People on here must think I'm a total idiot.

We do, as a matter of fact. But unlike you accusing us of being retarded, we have actual basis for this finding and we're not simply flinging accusations because we're frustrated, spoiled brats.

Why would you suggest that in the first place? If you'd think at all that I'd forget to do that, then.. Then... Ugh!

If I had forgotten to reset it, then I would not be allowed to play video games I'd be so stupid.

We all have memory slips. It's not like anybody divided by zero if you forgot something. (Well, unless that something was really important, but this is a slide puzzle; it's not like it's that important.)

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People on here must think I'm a total idiot

.............Naw, this is too easy

Do what i do, take the pieces out, and put them back in the correct order :D

That's a good life lesson right there. If it's in wrong, take it out and put it in right. You'll feel better instantly :D

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