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Either the guards are too stupid to tell differences between someone with facial hair or no facial hair, didn't noticed the facial hair on Frey, or they thought Marth magically grew facial hair very quickly.

And most of those are very unlikely since their king is with them. How can you go wrong when you have your king there, hm?

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Astol is a drunk thief with pink hair. Matthew is a thief, and Serra has pink hair. You don't think that maybe...

Astol has pink hair?

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Tormod, Bastian and Lucius have the same affinity as the magic they specialize in. Micaiah has dark affiinity and uses light magic.

In FE7 and FE10, short spears have less hit and less mt than spears. FE10 short axes have less hit and mt than Tomahawks.

Edited by KSFF2150
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Looks pink to me.

This is pink, and Astol's hair is a bit more dark than that.

Also, he's a little too old to be Serra and Matthew's son.

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This is pink, and Astol's hair is a bit more dark than that.

Also, he's a little too old to be Serra and Matthew's son.

Oh yeah. I should check his supports...all I remember is that he's an drunkard and something about Igrene.

Edited by Delmud
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Hero Bow/Sword > Master Bow/Sword

Lance is Luck+10 vs 1-2 range so it's debatable though.

Master Axe is better than the Brave Axe in every way however. 1-2 range and higher MT iirc

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Hero Bow/Sword > Master Bow/Sword

Lance is Luck+10 vs 1-2 range so it's debatable though.

Master Axe is better than the Brave Axe in every way however. 1-2 range and higher MT iirc

Master Lance is better since it's not a personal weapon. XD

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Hero Bow/Sword > Master Bow/Sword

Lance is Luck+10 vs 1-2 range so it's debatable though.

Master Axe is better than the Brave Axe in every way however. 1-2 range and higher MT iirc

I said usually, bi@tch

But, now that you mentioned, what is in those Brave Weapons that they can attack more?

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But, now that you mentioned, what is in those Brave Weapons that they can attack more?

That's a good point.

They could just give the wielder the courage (that's why it's called "brave") to attack again.

Edited by luigi bros
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That's a good point.

They could just give the wielder the courage (that's why it's called "brave") to attack again.

Heh, everyone should get brave by wielding that Sword, it's HUGE.

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Heh, everyone should get brave by wielding that Sword, it's HUGE.

That's why it could help them, they see they can use the sword and if they can do that they strike more often.

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Still, the size of the Brave Sword is quite the wtf moment.

Isn't it?

That's why it could help them, they see they can use the sword and if they can do that they strike more often.

But it seems heavy as hell too. I would understand the FE4 Hero Sword, but FE5 Towards....

Actually, since it's called a Hero Sword in all the preGBA games, I'll bet it makes them feel heroic. Same basic concept and outcome, but a very different feeling, I'm guessing.

So they were used by heroes in the past?

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