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That's pretty funny.

This is related; Can Lara become a dancer without talking to Pahn?

I don't think so, it's an event promotion.

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I don't think so, it's an event promotion.

From what I've heard this can happen:

Lara's a theif, she uses a knights proof and become a theif fighter

Lara's a theif fighter, she uses a knights proof and becomes a dancer

Lara's a dancer, she uses a knights proof and becomes a theif fighter

If that's true what I want to know is:

Can she steal as dancer?

Can she dance as theif fighter?

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From what I've heard this can happen:

Lara's a theif, she uses a knights proof and become a theif fighter

Lara's a theif fighter, she uses a knights proof and becomes a dancer

Lara's a dancer, she uses a knights proof and becomes a theif fighter

If that's true what I want to know is:

Can she steal as dancer?

Can she dance as theif fighter?

Yes and nope.

I think that what really happens is:Lara uses Knight's Proof as a Thief->Rogue.

Lara talks to Pahn as either thief or Rogue->Dancer

Dancer Lara uses Knight Proof->Rogue.

Still, you would not want her for anything other than Dancer.

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Yes and nope.

I think that what really happens is:Lara uses Knight's Proof as a Thief->Rogue.

Lara talks to Pahn as either thief or Rogue->Dancer

Dancer Lara uses Knight Proof->Rogue.

Still, you would not want her for anything other than Dancer.

So can she steal as a dancer and dance after she promotes to a rogue from dancers?

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So can she steal as a dancer and dance after she promotes to a rogue from dancers?

She cant steal as a dancer, but she can't dance as a rogue.

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She cant steal as a dancer, but she can't dance as a rogue.

OK then.

If stealing had battle animations a dancer stealing would look funny.

If she could dance as a rogue that would also look funny.

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OK then.

If stealing had battle animations a dancer stealing would look funny.

If she could dance as a rogue that would also look funny.

Would look akward.

But thinking now, if she did danced as a rogue, her posicion would be higher on tier lists.

Dancing+Stealing+Opening doors&chests= Middle-High at least(unless she really does that all as a dancer)

Edited by Skasha
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Would look akward.

But thinking now, if she did danced as a rogue, her posicion would be higher on tier lists.

Dancing+Stealing+Opening doors&chests= Middle-High at least(unless she really does that all as a dancer)

Yeah then she'd be a great unit; she's have all the capablilitys of a theif and dancer.

If she was also part assaian she'd be even better.

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Yeah then she'd be a great unit; she's have all the capablilitys of a theif and dancer.

If she was also part assaian she'd be even better.

Shame that her attack is horrible.

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Assasains don't need attack they just need high critical rate.

FE5 does not even have Assassins afaik. And still, they need ATK, to capitalize on the criticals.

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FE5 does not even have Assassins afaik. And still, they need ATK, to capitalize on the criticals.

I know I just said she'd be even better.

Attack helps but if they have enough critical percentage they can just assasinate and not even need attack.

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About the color or the armors, I don't know if this has been said before but it really bothered me that in FE9 Daein had red armors and in FE10 Begnion now had red armors, I understand that it's for game purpose that the enemy army is always red but still I would have liked it better if they sticked with the original armor colors.

Didn't Zelgius have red armor in PoR?

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I know I just said she'd be even better.

Attack helps but if they have enough critical percentage they can just assasinate and not even need attack.

Oh, the silencer.

Bah, I dunno, Lara sucks a lot.

Rifis would be a good assassin.

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So would Chad and Julian.

That reminded me of something:

Why a class named assassin? Everyone there kill people('cept priests), so technically, they are assassins. Silencer would be better, due to the skill.

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Why a class named assassin? Everyone there kill people('cept priests), so technically, they are assassins. Silencer would be better, due to the skill.

They could be called assasin because they kill people for a price.

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They could be called assasin because they kill people for a price.

Then it would be Mercenary. Or even Hired Gun for the lols.

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Mercenarys are hired fighters or soldiers, assasains are hired to kill nobles.

Eh, you're right.

But Assassin is way too brand for a name.

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Hitman would be generic, assasain is more specific.

Assassin is someone that assassinates people, if you take it literally. In the game, everyone kills everyone, comitting assassination, you see? That's why it's generic :P

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Assassin is someone that assassinates people, if you take it literally. In the game, everyone kills everyone, comitting assassination, you see? That's why it's generic :P

Hitmen would kill common people assasains kill nobles.

A new class could be hitman and it promotes to assasain.

Theives would become rogues.

Edited by luigi bros
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