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40GB PS3 play PS2 games?


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I hear there is a software in the PS store that lets you play PS2 games.

Is this true?

I downloaded said softwear, but I have no PS2 games so I can't test it XD

If this works I plan to but MVC2 and 3rd strike ^_^

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Try it instead of asking others dammit. Just rent a game and try it out. If it does end up working though I'll just hurry and recommend the .Hack games.

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Yeah that is what I heard. 40GB and 60GB PS3 don't have the requirements to play PS2 games. There is a new PS3 model I believe that is 120GB...I heard you can play PS2 games on that.

Though this information is purely based on memory. I may need to check.

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As far as I can see, the last mention of the possibility of a 120GB PS3 was back in January/February of last year. I do believe that the 160GB was what was eventually released, not a 120GB model. Also, given the fact that Sony removed the components that could run or emulate PS2 games in order to start turning profits, I doubt they'd put them back in just so people can play PS2 games (and would end up losing more money in the process).

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The software you downloaded is likely the update which enables PlayStation 2 games to recognize the PlayStation 3's hard drive. It allows for compatibility with games such as Final Fantasy XI, but only if your PlayStation 3 already supports PlayStation 2 titles. Assuming you downloaded what I think you downloaded, the update won't be of any benefit to you because you have a 40gb model.

Edited by Wist
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The software you downloaded is likely the update which enables PlayStation 2 games to recognize the PlayStation 3's hard drive. It allows for compatibility with games such as Final Fantasy XI, but only if your PlayStation 3 already supports PlayStation 2 titles. Assuming you downloaded what I think you downloaded, the update won't be of any benefit to you because you have a 40gb model.

**Kills self

I wanna play MVC2!!!!!!

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