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If You Could Change an Ending?


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If you could change one game ending in the series (that means the final battle, the events just before it, and the aftermath of the war) which game would it be and why? For those who don't know what that means...

There will be spoilers for all the FE games!

I would personally change the ending to FE8. Lyon dying was too predictable. The Demon King should have been resurrected without Lyon's sacrifice, and he should have joined your army.

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If I could, I'd make Lloyd and Linus along with all the BF members playable. That would be awesome.

This, although that would be quite a lot of bounty hunters searching for remnants later. I also would have had Ephidel come out of the dragon's gate with the Fire Dragon so that we can whoop his ass at the end of the game.

I'd also edit Sephiran's monologue at the end of PoR so that his role in starting the Mad King's War as it's revealed in RD is a much more successful 'holy shit' moment.

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I would save Alvis and Yurius. :mellow:

I would let these die, but probably save Ishtar. And the whole ending sequence of FE4, that was the only part of the game I didn't like. Not sure of any way to improve it, though : /

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I would never mess with the perfection that is Fire Emblem : D

  • Soren would be a man and tell Ike to GTFO in PoR.
  • Immense editing of chapter five in Seisen no Keifu. :(
  • Playable Alvis in chapter ten with bonus talks with EVERYONE.
  • Make it so that substitutes had a well deserved role in Thracia 766 <_<
  • Pairings that actually make sense throughout the series.
  • Lyon dying more graciously
  • Knoll having a better purpose (or not playable at all; tactician ftw)

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  • Make it so that substitutes had a well deserved role in Thracia 766 <_<

You know that Thracia already have 30 or more characters, don't you? You want to add more?

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Take out worthless units like Xavier and Ronan and switch obvious characters like Nanna and etc. <_<

Nanna is already there. And so is Delmud and Sety.

If you were to import the subs or children to Thracia (Leaf's army), then what will happen to Selis' army?

Edited by Fury
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Pairings that actually make sense throughout the series.

nonsense is the best sense -but I would prefer single options that work well instead of so many possible endings...either way I end up sticking with what I like even if I don't use one of them so much, like ErkxPrsicilla for example *rarely uses Erk beyond getting this support then backs Priscilla with Raven and Lucius (who always get their own A support :lol:)*-

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I'd change FE10's endgame so you're not forced to bring anyone into the tower. They give you 70 something characters and you're only allowed to choose 10 plus a heron. WTF is that? 16 characters of your choice plus a heron would be pretty cool. I'd also increase the Black Knight's speed so Ike can't double attack him and make the hammer not do extra damage. Also make anyone be able to kill Ashera. It's against Ike's character to take all the glory.

Or there could've been an alternate endgame after beating the game. I think it would've been cool if you could play as everyone that you left outside the tower and take on countless Disciples of Order members. Maybe Ashera could ressurect some of the main bosses from the game and you'd have to fight them again. They gave us a lot of characters in that game and it would've been nice to play with a bunch of them in the final chapter. I think it would be pretty epic.

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Guest FreelancerSealBoy

I'd have brought Leila back for one thing. That guy brings Ninian back to life, couldn't he have done the same for her?

I probably would've also given Ike a better ending, or at least a reason why he left. He never struck me as the guy who'd just be whoosh he's gone.

Edited by FreelancerSealBoy
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Immense editing of chapter five in Seisen no Keifu.

Whaddaya mean Azel?

I probably would've also given Ike a better ending, or at least a reason why he left. He never struck me as the guy who'd just be whoosh he's gone.

This. But at least it's not specific about when he leaves (it said he left as soon as peace and stability was gained between the laguz and beorc).

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Immense editing of chapter five in Seisen no Keifu.

Whaddaya mean Azel?

Very individualized endings for each character rather than: We have no information of what happened to these peeps, they might be dead, or they might be alive whoooa!

Then again, not knowing was good too. Deu was too young though he could have earned some kind of cameo, he was younger than Shannan! D:

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[*]Soren would be a man and tell Ike to GTFO in PoR.

I thought Soren was Ike's best friend? I'd rather not tell my best friend who's been the only person kind enough to me throughout my life to fuck off, thank you very much. ;)

[*]Lyon dying more graciously

I would've kept him alive, actually...

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