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What Should You Be Doing Right Now?


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What other things should you be doing right now? I know there must be something that most of you are putting off to hang out here. There's never nothing else to do.

For me it's homework. I've got some Spanish I need to do, but am putting off until right before bed.

Edited by Ragnell
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I should be finishing a composition that I'm writing for a competition. Not like there's much I can do about it now, though, as my printer is still in my dorm and the deadline isn't until mid-February anyway...

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I should be studying for a test tomorow, Im worried though but I just can't seem to begin, even though I don't have anything else to do.... at least not anything important. OMG what if I fail??? Im gonna blame all of you guys for distracting me from my responsabilities waaaaa [/freaking]

Alright so... I gotta study... that means find something else to distract myself and not study.

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