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Allan's Aokage

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Well, I'd rather have Oswin as my General and I'd prefer for my Lords to not be wimps... and it doesn't help that Wallace's map is a FoW map... so Geitz obviously.

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Geitz because he get a additional HM bonus and worth competing with Bartre because Bartre's starting speed makes him unsuitable at first, thus hurts in through the game play at first. While Geitz however, starts off with a decent speed bonus due to HM bonus.

Wallace will likely be inferior when comparing to Oswin. I consider Oswin to possibly be one of the best General in the FE's GBA due to his high 16 Con which makes him almost carry any weapons in the game and Oswin can double attack unlike Wallace because of his speed growth. More so, getting Wallace forces your lords weak and unable to move on to any chapters in HM, which is not a great move if you as me.

(This topic kinda relates to the Harken and Karel one...)

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Geitz is easily the better unit, which really annoys me, seeing as how Wallace is my second favorite character. Wallace isn't a bad character on his own, but his situation is absolutely terrible.

EDIT: I wouldn't say Wallace forces your Lords to be weak. You can have one lord at level 17 and two at level 16 and still get him. That isn't what I'd call "weak".

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of course it would be silly to consider doing to boss abuse like that plus it could also hurt your Lyn's fund radings mode...
The only reason that would matter is for the type of gem Lyn receives, but that doesn't really make a huge impact.
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Geitz wins in:



3-HHM bonuses

2 and 3 have already been stated soo--


Geitz "hmm, I'm bored...hey look! some people fighting, looks like fun...well these guys are closer, so I think I'll join them..."

when you recruit him "hey Dart. You were always fun to be with, I'm gonna follow you guys around until I get bored..."

Wallace "so yeah, I have no hair...and always get lost"

the choice is clear!

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You could always Lundgren abuse to give Wallace a few extra levels. Is that the "terrible situation" you refer to?

If Lundgren abuse counted for anything, then everyone in Lyn's mode would be good. : / And besides, Lundgren abuse is possibly the most boring thing you could do in Fire Emblem. Oh boy, I get to spend hundreds of turns smacking some loser who recovers at the speed continental drift and gain 10-15 exp. per hit! :rolleyes:

Geitz "hmm, I'm bored...hey look! some people fighting, looks like fun...well these guys are closer, so I think I'll join them..."

when you recruit him "hey Dart. You were always fun to be with, I'm gonna follow you guys around until I get bored..."

Wallace "so yeah, I have no hair...and always get lost"

lolwut? It goes something more like this:

Wallace: "Looks like I'm lost again. Wait, what's this? Some retards are hiding in the fog waiting to ambush someone? You cowards! I'm going to kill you all."

Geitz: "Oh look, people are fighting. I think I'll join the bad guys for no apparent reason and then turn against them when my pirate friend comes and talks to me."

Maybe it's just me, but the former seems far more compelling. : /

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If Lundgren abuse counted for anything, then everyone in Lyn's mode would be good. : / And besides, Lundgren abuse is possibly the most boring thing you could do in Fire Emblem. Oh boy, I get to spend hundreds of turns smacking some loser who recovers at the speed continental drift and gain 10-15 exp. per hit! :rolleyes:

Geitz: "Oh look, people are fighting. I think I'll join the bad guys for no apparent reason and then turn against them when my pirate friend comes and talks to me."

yeah, once I spent 7 hours Lundgren abusing...got Rath to lv 20, had Florina, Kent, and Lyn 17...it was boring...

Betrayal is fun though...he clearly entered from the left side and was like, was you know standing next to the enemy...you don't enter a fight, surrond yourself with men, then decide to turn on them...he betrayed them when he got free and could escape to your side

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Even if you do HHM and go for Wallace, assuming he promoted at level 12, he won't last long. You have to run youself over and save him or he just dies in a few turns. I always went for Geitz myself, just for that killer axe. Is it weird that during Geitz and Dart's conversation that they're not looking at each other?

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