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I'm pretty sure the differences only show in-battle.

I'll have to experiment now.

EDIT: No, it does show up in the combat screen.

EDIT 2: Not getting bonuses from both Marth and Ogma, but rather just one bonus. Going to page Vincent ASM about this.

Who, Barst and Cord? They should still be getting bonuses among eachother right? It's not working even in battle.

The cavs support Marth and he supports back, how is it one bonus?


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I suspect that support bonuses don't actually stack, and the support page on Serenes Forest says nothing about it.

That could be the case. If that's the case, then at least terrain will have a use outside of helping out early and generally being insulting later.

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According to VincentASM, supports *do* stack, but he hasn't tested them with Marth.

*banging head against a wall* something's wrong here x.x

Well what-the-hell-ever. Lessee....

I'm going to guess Shiida's in freaking high tier for the assload of people she supports and her speed with the wing spear?

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I'm going to guess Shiida's in freaking high tier for the assload of people she supports and her speed with the wing spear?
Not her supports, but the wing spear and speed.

She's barely even taking EXP from having utility either.

Edited by Chainey
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The evidence is killing me.

what evidence is required? This is common knowledge. Ogma is only even close to where he is for his epic earlygame. Then he starts falling from Clint Eastwood/Michael Keaton/God/whatever tier at the top implying epic ooberness to like, upper mid.

I think Vyland is this low for similar reasons as Ward is in FE6: availability is nice only if you don't suck. If you do, then you are being a detriment for a long time.

then I guess Hardain needs to go to like, low mid or low. He's only ever wtfpwning Vyland at jointime.

also, comparing Ward to Vyland is...well, I won't even go there.


6/0 Vyland: 23 HP, 6 str, 8 AS, 8 def

base Linde: 18 HP, 2 mag, 7 spd, 3 def

....Right. Vyland is winning durability by a ridiclious amount. Linde wins offense at the time being only for Aura. Once that's gone, which will be fairly soon since she's reliant on it NOT to do epic fail damage and it only has 25 uses...

10/0 Vyland: 25 HP, 8 str, 10 AS, 8 def

6/0 Linde [...and tbh I question this]: 20 HP, 4 mag, 8 AS, 3 def

...This went from major offense vs major durability and major move leads to just a minor offense lead.

Vyland with Javelin: ...with weapon rank factored in, probably 16 atk

Linde with Blizza: 11 atk, 12 if she has C magic which I doubt

vs 7 def 0 (1) res archers:

Vyland: 9 dmg

Linde: 10 (11) dmg

...you know, they actually roughly tie since Vyland is going to melee an archer.

vs 9 (10) def 0 (1) res cav:

Vyland: 6 dmg

Linde: 10 (11) dmg

...but Vyland has ridersbane

vs 8 def 4 res Sniper:

Vyland: 8 dmg

Linde: 7 dmg

..lawl. Vyland wins damage even with javelin.

armors...well, yeah, she wins by a margin there. But Vyland has armorslayer, and Linde doesn't even DOUBLE the armors, and they have 37-41 HP, meaning she roughly FOUR ROUNDS THEM.

what, you wanted proof?

with Blizza her AS goes down to 6. armors have 4 (5) AS. There's no way that compensates for not eating counters. Some of them even have javelins, nullifying her one advantage.

Theives with 3 def:

Vyland: 14 dmg

Linde: 11 dmg

...Know something? I'd go as far to say that Vyland wins offense now, too. This situation went from debatable to raep as soon as Aura wore out.

I'm going to guess Shiida's in freaking high tier for the assload of people she supports and her speed with the wing spear?

and epic earlygame

Edited by Sweet Tooth
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Vyland BS

Yeeeaaaahh, that's great and all, but someone missed two things.

1. Vyland doesn't start with this weapon rank for EITHER of those slayer weapons he'd love to have, especially at his start when he royally sucks balls Hardin's specifically . He's getting stomped right out the door, and will take him a bit to get better. It takes him a while to pick up, but his situation is weird. His whole offense is based on his great speed and slayer weapons. With a D in lances and an E in swords. He needs to work for the ridersbane, but he has to REALLY work for an armorslayer. His durability isn't too great either. He won't eat quad brave attacks later, but he's still taking quite some damage, along with how bad he is until he gets his weapon rank up to use those ridersbanes and ESPECIALLY armorslayers.

Linde on the other hand has a right to cop out to healer because she has actual magic. She levels quicker this way anyways to get to where she needs quicker and more importantly not exposing her to danger, since that's her worst aspect anyways. "BUT AURA-" Like Merric with Excalibur?

and epic earlygame

Can't argue with that though, she's damned helpful.

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. Vyland doesn't start with this weapon rank for EITHER of those slayer weapons he'd love to have,

he's got 10 chapters

that's plenty of time. Armorslayer may be pushing it but you saw how bad Linde was doing against them anyway.

His durability isn't too great either.

it beats the living piss out of Linde's

"BUT AURA-" Like Merric with Excalibur?


are you....

You really....

Did you seriously just....

Are you honestly implying Merric is even half as dependent on his personal weapon as Linde is?

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he's got 10 chapters

that's plenty of time. Armorslayer may be pushing it but you saw how bad Linde was doing against them anyway.

it beats the living piss out of Linde's


are you....

You really....

Did you seriously just....

Are you honestly implying Merric is even half as dependent on his personal weapon as Linde is?

We all know he goes healer, and that's my point. Neither need their tomes, so she doesn't care going offense until she has the speed. She levels faster and easier as a healer, so...Seriously, I'd be dumb to think Maric depends on Excalibur. Linde only really needs it later on when she has greater magic.

On the other hand, Vyland is dependent on slayer weapons. Her defense blows with great offense(later) and healing(always a nice thing, can still do so at promotion). His offense blows and depends on slayer weapons, being better than most with them but having no easy way to get them as he gets his ass kicked early on.

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On the other hand, Vyland is dependent on slayer weapons.

then it's a damn good thing they just became buyable, plus we get the silver card in this chapter so

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then it's a damn good thing they just became buyable, plus we get the silver card in this chapter so

You mean the Jiol chapter? Well I'm glad we waited that long for it, considering Vyland has been laughable the whole ride so far...

On the other hand, Linde can just be using heal staves to keep your party bolstered with Merric in the mean time, steadily building up that magic and speed...She doesn't grow into Merric of course, but that's why she's in Low.

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considering Vyland has been laughable the whole ride so far...

Elice, Boa, even freaking Ricard is above him. You don't think that's overdoing it just a LITTLE?

even Matthis is

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Elice, Boa, even freaking Ricard is above him. You don't think that's overdoing it just a LITTLE?

even Matthis is

Elice, Boa and Ricard is a bit overdoing it (seriously, how is rickard not close to bottom of the list?), but Linde at least has something benefiting to her. Vyland is dependent on weapons he not only has to wait for before they're widely available, but needs to build the weapon rank to even use one (the armorslayer he STILL might not be able to use by then, not to mention using swords whenever would make his already bad offense even worse). Linde at least comes to heal and actually benefits from the fast leveling with her existing growths in magic and growing decent speed. The weapons also don't allow him good offense on units not on horses too (and later armors, after painfully building up his sword rank from a pitiful E AND with his bad strength).

Matthis...someone explained it to me earlier, it had something to do with a better start and being a Dragon knight with his tankiness allows him to avoid being quad hit by the enemy for a while so he's absorbing quite a bit of damage. Vyland's lategame is better than him, but Matthis is doing better the rest. They could explain it better though.

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Vyland > Linde is a clear win in my eyes. Having to depend on Horseslayers > having to depend on Aura.

I'm much more interested in Vyland vs. Machis.

EDIT: I forgot about Cleric Linde, but I'll keep Vyland above her for now until we know how well Cleric Linde actually works.

Edited by Chainey
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what evidence is required? This is common knowledge. Ogma is only even close to where he is for his epic earlygame. Then he starts falling from Clint Eastwood/Michael Keaton/God/whatever tier at the top implying epic ooberness to like, upper mid.

Common knowledge or not, you simply made a completely random claim that wasn't backed up in the slightest. Don't claim something without backing up your point with evidence.

Edited by Tino
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Vyland > Linde is a clear win in my eyes. Having to depend on Horseslayers > having to depend on Aura.

I'm much more interested in Vyland vs. Machis.

EDIT: I forgot about Cleric Linde, but I'll keep Vyland above her for now until we know how well Cleric Linde actually works.

...Did we suddenly forget about her going healer? His terribad earlygame? The fact she actually has speed as a bishop? The fact she has offense on other things not riding a pony or not clad in heavy armor?

Looking at her now actually, I see her speed is 5% better as a bishop and would prefer going sage, but it's only a point more in magic. Still, no one else can use Aura anyways except for...Lena...after getting the rank up that high...but it's the faster leveling Linda would be thinking about.

EDIT: Woops, didn't notice the EDIT. Ignore the bitching about forgetting the whole healer thing.

Edited by Grandjackal
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Common knowledge or not, you simply made a completely random claim that wasn't backed up in the slightest.

Ogma is pwnage earlygame. Latergame, not so much. Things that are obvious shouldn't need explanation, or proof.

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Yes, they do. You're debating. Your arguments are valid once you've actually backed them up. Or if another person proves your random claim wrong, then your arguments are suddenly invalid. In other words, your claim means nothing until you actually back it up with evidence.

Also, Doga is totally the best unit in the game.

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Ogma is pwnage earlygame. Latergame, not so much. Things that are obvious shouldn't need explanation, or proof.

I think he's saying he'd like numbers.

Chapter 14


35 (36) HP

27 (2 atk

103 (104) hit

10 (11) AS

9 (10) def

0 (1) res

Ogma as a fighter with a couple earlygame merc levels at...level 15?

HP: 37, Strength: 13, Skill: 7.6, Speed: 11.5, Luck: 7.4, Defense: 5.8, Maybe a...C in axes?

Not doubling, the enemy is doing 22 damage to him, and he ain't doing much in return...


37 HP

27 atk silver lance, 26 horseslayer, 25 jav

103 (104) hit all

4 (5) AS

12 def

1 res

Doubling, but still eating one hell of a counter, might even get hit with a jav without retaliating weakly with a hand-axe.

Thief 7:

28 HP

21 atk

109 hit

17 AS

3 def

Wow, talk about heavy damage return with doubling.

Boss: Jiol

48 HP

30 atk

103 hit

9 AS

16 def

3 res

Lol, can't double Jiol.

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