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H5 Tier list topic


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I believe that Minerva scored a place currently below Navarre
No, Julian went below her, who used to be near Navarre.

Actually, I remember Gordon & Riff being lower in that tier, but don't remember below who. I know this because that is likely why Minerva was higher.

Paola below some dudes, since that's probably where she'll end up being in the future anyway.

Edited by Chainey
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Hmm... Need to change the tier list to a quote and font size. That's the reason why I've been misjudging tier sizes since I am used to the old font.

EDIT: Much better.

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Bord definitely was not within the lower-low mid area.

I do recall Roshea went above Etzel, though I may be wrong on this one.

Thought as much.

Roshea went above Maria, but I am not against the lion knight rising higher. Personally I think he could get to lower mid, but that's just me.

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Well, I'll have to come up with a reasonable argument, obviously.
You may as well give up. Roshea will never be mid tier.


And I will ignore any attempts to put him there.

Well it was a start, but that's where you put him.
Maria took a huge because I know that's where she's going to be in the future. She joins with an E Rank in staves, competing with several thousand of your Cleric inventions that are around earlier than she is, and is not even going to have the same future they have.

There is no reason for me to rise her below Roshea, I know she's only going to be there again in the future, if not even lower.

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You may as well give up. Roshea will never be mid tier.


And I will ignore any attempts to put him there.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Maria took a huge because I know that's where she's going to be in the future. She joins with an E Rank in staves, competing with several thousand of your Cleric inventions that are around earlier than she is, and is not even going to have the same future they have.

There is no reason for me to rise her below Roshea, I know she's only going to be there again in the future, if not even lower.

Then to better put it, he was below Boa

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Really? I thought you pushed for him to be higher than that.

If that's where he was before, then alright.

I did, but that's where you put him. Personally, and so it seems you think so too, he could go above Boa. If you want fairness, I can say he's never going above Bord.

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Oi...About Horace. Great midgame tank and all, but with Darros, Zag and Wolf around, ain't his importance a tad...drowned out? I mean come on, 4 tank armors? A bit much, don't ya think?

At this point, I think we should stop considering his usefulness as a general (though it's certainly still an option), and start considering his relative awesomeness as a Hero.

Base stats as a Hero

HP: 26, Str: 13, Skill: 19, Speed: 16, Luck: 7, Def: 9

HP: 60%, Str: 20%, Skill: 40%, Speed: 30%, Luck: 15%, Def: 10%

It's amazing how similar his growths are to Echidna. In fact, some of his stats are a bit identical to Echidna. Differences that axes were nowhere near as hax in FE6 as they were in this one. He might have to build up axe rank, but he's got plenty of time, and he's MORE than capable of keeping a steady offense. Though he might be a tad fragile...He needs to be like level 11 to start taking more than one silver shot before the next one kills him.

I know this next bit is gonna be a bit lol, but if you can manage to get him to level 20 by the time braves show up, he's at least doubling the 17AS paladins.

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Oi...About Horace. Great midgame tank and all, but with Darros, Zag and Wolf around, ain't his importance a tad...drowned out? I mean come on, 4 tank armors? A bit much, don't ya think?

Seems like re-posting the rules would be top priority. Searching "Tier" on GFAQs might bring up something.

General Horace > Hero Horace.

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Oi...About Horace. Great midgame tank and all, but with Darros, Zag and Wolf around, ain't his importance a tad...drowned out? I mean come on, 4 tank armors? A bit much, don't ya think?
We could say that about most of the characters. If we had this mindset, about 75% of the characters you wanted to rise wouldn't have.

And Horace was already considered as other classes by Colonel M, I believe.

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Ok ok, but you have to admit he has the ability to do both pretty well...Well what the hell am I thinking? This isn't rising him anyways.

Blughah! This list is too solid, can't think of any other possible changes Aside from Minerva above Navarre

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While we're making changes...

I made two copies of the tier list on the front page.

One tier list is the one we have now...

And the other will be with online shop factored in.

Have fun.

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