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Est does 0x2 damage to armors. Oops.

So does Arran, unless you feel Arran could take him on even with Silver. Look at his Str, the difference is literally 2 Str between him and Est.

Let's just forget these are few and far between, and that neither have business against them. You seriously gonna make armors a deciding point?

Edited by Robo Ky
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My point is that IT'S NOT A SIXTEEN ROUND KO.

He's doing way more than 3 damage per hit. Armors only hover around a dozen Defense.

I don't care who is winning this. Stop being so damn wrong.

Edited by Brawl Sheeda
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Because Lance using classes offer the highest amount of damage possible for Arran for Horse Slayers, while he is forced to use Steels for some time if he goes Sniper.

Not that it matters, since we don't need statistical comparisons to know he'll do better as Sniper.

Even then though, I found that Steels are similar in Mt to Javelins, so it's likely still not going to be a 16RKO against Armors.

Edited by Brawl Sheeda
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My point is that IT'S NOT A SIXTEEN ROUND KO.

He's doing way more than 3 damage per hit. Armors only hover around a dozen Defense.

I don't care who is winning this. Stop being so damn wrong.

8+13=21, by now they got around 13 def. 21-13=8x2=16=2=32<37. Even with silver, he's still 3RKOing, of which they are 2RKOing him in return. I still wouldn't put him anywhere near them regardless. Even if they had 11 defense...

I don't see why Sniper was never used in any of the above comparisions...

Because 2 more damage than Est is not impressing anybody.

Edited by Robo Ky
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8+13=21, by now they got around 13 def. 21=13=8x2=16=2=32<37. Even with silver, he's still 3RKOing, of which they are 2RKOing him in return. I still wouldn't put him anywhere near them regardless. Even if they had 11 defense...
3RKO =/= 16RKO. I'm glad you conceded.
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8+13=21, by now they got around 13 def. 21=13=8x2=16=2=32<37. Even with silver, he's still 3RKOing, of which they are 2RKOing him in return. I still wouldn't put him anywhere near them regardless. Even if they had 11 defense...
3RKO =/= 16RKO. I'm glad you conceded.

He's STILL in the negative -_-;;

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I don't freaking care. I just made a post showing Arran's performance against Armors, and then you guys make the most ridiculous claim that he's somehow doing 3 damage per hit against them.

I made that post to be read, not ignored and followed up by baseless assumptions.

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Because Lance using classes offer the highest amount of damage possible for Arran for Horse Slayers, while he is forced to use Steels for some time if he goes Sniper.

Not that it matters, since we don't need statistical comparisons to know he'll do better as Sniper.

Even then though, I found that Steels are similar in Mt to Javelins, so it's likely still not going to be a 16RKO against Armors.

Sniper has several other advantages, though... You know the 16 AS guys like the Sniper and Draco that double him? 13 AS lets him crawl out of that, and gives effective boost back to the flier...He could crawl into Sniper should the situation call for it.

Because 2 more damage than Est is not impressing anybody.

Arran's was previously at the bottom of fucking bottom tier.

I think we're well aware he doesn't impress anybody.

Edited by Miyamoto Powers
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Because Lance using classes offer the highest amount of damage possible for Arran for Horse Slayers, while he is forced to use Steels for some time if he goes Sniper.

Not that it matters, since we don't need statistical comparisons to know he'll do better as Sniper.

Even then though, I found that Steels are similar in Mt to Javelins, so it's likely still not going to be a 16RKO against Armors.

Sniper has several other advantages, though... You know the 16 AS guys like the Sniper and Draco that double him? 13 AS lets him crawl out of that, and gives effective boost back to the flier...He could crawl into Sniper should the situation call for it.

Yeah. This is one of those things that comparisons aren't really necessary to show, since Est has no way to compare. EDIT: Okay, I admit. This is just an excuse for my laziness.

Oh, and @Grandjackal: The damage gap is actually 3. I need to edit my post to reflect this though.

Edited by Brawl Sheeda
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Can she gain enough to surpass Arran?

I mean, you can gain something from robbing Fort Knox, but good luck actually pulling it off. And look, Est just gained a level. Now you have to go through the babying required to give her a kill without her dying again, and that level up may not be enough for her to start getting kills on her own yet, etc...

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9 levels prior for her to still level fast, she has this.

30 HP, 13 Str, 13 Skill, 19 Speed (doubling paladins), 15 Luck, 10 Def. 1 more level, she can survive a brave assault.

Arran can't possibly meet these standards, and she's STILL leveling faster.

Difference is with her lowered level, this is 2 extra levels rather than 4. This is from my post about 2 pages ago. Right now I'm on the Camus chapter, and I'm pretty close to it. Kills get her boatloads, the ridersbane kills in 18, and the mercs in 19 give her an easier time.

Edited by Robo Ky
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Acknowledge that taking counters results in death (much like my post shows), meaning that she can't simply attack anything hoping for a kill. Yes, she'll gain a level from killing, but she won't be getting many kills due to how things are stacked so much against her. 9 is a lot in this case.

And even if she does get a level up, enemies will only get stronger the next chapter. Then Braves come and it only becomes increasingly difficult to score a level up.

I'm sorry, but nine levels is way too much.

This doesn't mean that there isn't a chance for Arran to drop below her. There is still the Triangle Attack, though I don't think most feel that it's significant enough to matter, and I myself am not willing to hype it. Heck, even with the Triangle Attack we can't assume Est is getting all of the EXP, and has to share it with her sisters.

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Acknowledge that taking counters results in death (much like my post shows), meaning that she can't simply attack anything hoping for a kill. Yes, she'll gain a level from killing, but she won't be getting many kills due to how things are stacked so much against her. 9 is a lot in this case.

And even if she does get a level up, enemies will only get stronger the next chapter. Then Braves come and it only becomes increasingly difficult to score a level up.

I'm sorry, but nine levels is way too much.

Yes, Arran is doing so much better (as you...proved he basically wasn't way back when).

You also seem to imply that somehow, Arran is simply able to kill thins by running up to them and smacking them in the face. This is absolute garbage tier. Neither are getting anything without favoritism. Here's what we get with favoring them.

Est-Improvement and Kills


If 9 levels is too much, fine. 7 should be a bit easier, it still would only take two levels after promotion.

Also, level 10 going draco.

25 HP, 15.9 speed (thus, very likely to be 16), 13 Def

Able to survive a Sword Brave naturally, and able to survive a 27 ATK brave assault if we equip her with axes (27-2-13=12, 12x2=24<25). As a Sniper, she's able to not only avoid being doubled by horsemen, she can withstand their 23 ATK assaults with her 29 HP and 10 Def. Arran needs 6 levels to pull this off.

On top of this, she would likely have B lances, of which she'd have 25 ATK with her 12 Str, along with ridersbane. By the time we get to the braves, she's actually capable of doing better. What's Arran got on her now?

Edited by Robo Ky
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