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Mekkah vs Red Fox of Fire


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In Part 1, both Brom and Tanith are doing amazing. Because they're not in the Dawn Brigade. However, Brom is doing better, because he's working the lands and doing something useful, while Tanith is probably bitching at her Begnion Peg Squad for not lifting their lances high enough or something.

2-1, we have Brom and Nephenee stopping the dumbass rebels. Nephenee brought some stupid lance that kills her AS and Avo, and dies to everything in two hits, so Brom is your best unit here by a mile, even when Heather joins. Nephenee dying = game over, and we wouldn't want that.

2-2 is a different environment. Nephenee still gets her ass kicked defense-wise, but now Brom is accompanied by Nealuchi, Lucia, Mordecai, Lethe, etc while doing it. However, if you wish to play efficiently, you may want to save up your Laguz stones to transfer them to part 3, either for cash or to allow the Laguz to transform there. Ulki, Janaff, Ranulf and Reyson are all amazing units, especially if they have free transform stones. So if you do this, Brom is pretty much your best defensive unit, which is extremely valuable in a map that is clouded in Fog of War.

Next for Brom is 2-F, and it happens to be a map where Brom slides in perfectly - a defense map. Unless we're divebombing Haar upon Ludveck right away (bad idea - so much for all the obtaining EXP and items), he will be a living human shield that stops things from getting past your chokepoints.

Then Brom packs his stuff together with Heather and Nephenee to bring things to the Greil Mercenaries. I suppose this is as good of a time as any to mention that he and Neph are pretty much the best users of the huge amount of BEXP that the CRKs receive, as every other one of them is either a Laguz or returns only in 3-11, while they get to make use of it from 3-2 and on. Of course, this is by no means guaranteed to happen, but it's a very good option and it pretty much makes Brom auto-win when it does.

In the Greil Mercs, Brom faces some stiffer competition than in Part 2, but nonetheless he is a positive contribution. Particulary in 3-5, the second defense mission he gets to be part of. Finally, after nearly two entire parts of pwn, Tanith joins. She has less hp/def than Brom, cannot use terrain and a weakness to (cross)bows, and in trade all she has is a 22 avo lead. Fun. And this is comparing her to Brom at _base level_, and without the likely B/A Nephenee that he ought to have now. Suck.

For the ease of comparing, we'll just put Brom and Tanith at equal levels for now. 14 levels for Brom for 10 maps seems more than reasonable.

16 Brom - B Nephenee

Steel Axe - 36-37 atk, 20 AS -- 68 avo, 45 hp, 30 def, 13-14 res

16 Tanith

Steel Lance - 30 atk, 23 AS -- 68 avo, 35 hp, 19 def, 20 res

Well, looks like Tanith loses even when she is around. 3 AS and 6-7 res versus 6-7 atk, 10 hp and 11 def? I know who I would take.

Tanith obviously has her flierness to brag about, but she can't use that to full potential due to being that much more frail. Her weakness to crossbows, for example, is terrifying. A standard Crossbow OHKOs her instantly, which is terrible. A Steel Longbow has 36 mt on her, so even a hypothetical Sniper/Bow Knight with 2 Str would 2HKO her (they do far more than that, though, for obvious reasons).

Slowly we roll into Part 4 with both at third tier. Tanith is forced to go with Micaiah, while Brom gets to choose, and likely stays with Ike and his friends, if only because that way he gets to say "neener neener neener" for having three authority stars on his side versus Micaiah's zero.

This leaves us with endgame, clearly the least significant, since they're so unlikely to go into the tower to begin with. Ten slots leftover, seven of which we can cram royals, Shinon and some kind of Trueblade in, and the other three can be filled with superior users of both Urvan and Wishblade, and obviously you'll want some staves in the form of Elincia, maybe Mist. And then there's people like Stefan and Volke who come pretty much endgame ready, and the support partners of people you just sent in.


Part 2 - Brom

Part 3 - Brom

Part 4 - Brom

Final - Probably neither

Winner? Brom.

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In Part 1, both Brom and Tanith are doing amazing. Because they're not in the Dawn Brigade. However, Brom is doing better, because he's working the lands and doing something useful, while Tanith is probably bitching at her Begnion Peg Squad for not lifting their lances high enough or something.

That "bitching" is getting more allies ready for battle. When the sequel for this game comes and we see ownage pegasus knights, we'll know who trained them. That's right, Tanith.

Also, check this out. Brom doesn't get a chance to look so badass.

2-1, we have Brom and Nephenee stopping the dumbass rebels. Nephenee brought some stupid lance that kills her AS and Avo, and dies to everything in two hits, so Brom is your best unit here by a mile, even when Heather joins. Nephenee dying = game over, and we wouldn't want that.

2 hits? I think not. With the exception of the boss (from whom Brom is being 3-rounded also without a level up) she's being 3-4 rounded at worst. She has 6 less defense and 6 more resistance, meaning she's the one headed south to recruit Heather, as Brom would be murdered by the fire mage. In fact, Nephenee is even better for the boss because of Wrath. She heals, gets attacked, Wrath activates, dead boss, moving on.

2-2 is a different environment. Nephenee still gets her ass kicked defense-wise, but now Brom is accompanied by Nealuchi, Lucia, Mordecai, Lethe, etc while doing it. However, if you wish to play efficiently, you may want to save up your Laguz stones to transfer them to part 3, either for cash or to allow the Laguz to transform there. Ulki, Janaff, Ranulf and Reyson are all amazing units, especially if they have free transform stones. So if you do this, Brom is pretty much your best defensive unit, which is extremely valuable in a map that is clouded in Fog of War

By the time Laguz come in part 3, Kyza brings another laguz stone, Ilyana might have brought some Olivi Grass, and Aimee is selling more Olivi Grass. There's no need to save one use for this chapter so Mordecai can be the ultimate in tanking. And Lucia is generally better at front-lining because of her base 73 avoid, meaning she'll face mostly <20% hit chances. Even Nephenee has a Javelin to pick off enemies from afar. Brom has no range. Lethe and Nealuchi? They aren't doing much until they can transform. Lethe'll be there in 2-3 turns depending on if you use Olivi Grass, and a bit longer for Nealuchi. Their advantage is that, like Lucia, they are doubling and dodging quite a lot. Brom is still fairly good for tanking, I must admit, but not really "your best defensive unit."

Next for Brom is 2-F, and it happens to be a map where Brom slides in perfectly - a defense map. Unless we're divebombing Haar upon Ludveck right away (bad idea - so much for all the obtaining EXP and items), he will be a living human shield that stops things from getting past your chokepoints.

Mordecai and Haar are doing that tanking much better. Higher movement, defense, HP, etc. and only two main chokepoints for a while. Hell, even Elincia can tank pretty well as soon as the bow threats are gone to clear up a lot of enemies with Amiti. And beware of that Hammer on the right side; it's like the programmers added it just for Brom. He doesn't take shots from Sages too well either.

Then Brom packs his stuff together with Heather and Nephenee to bring things to the Greil Mercenaries. I suppose this is as good of a time as any to mention that he and Neph are pretty much the best users of the huge amount of BEXP that the CRKs receive, as every other one of them is either a Laguz or returns only in 3-11, while they get to make use of it from 3-2 and on. Of course, this is by no means guaranteed to happen, but it's a very good option and it pretty much makes Brom auto-win when it does.

Do you mean using it on 2-E? Sorry, but neither Brom, Nephenee, Haar, nor Heather have capped enough stats to make great use of BEXP yet. In fact, they shouldn't have anything capped, meaning BEXP would hurt them in the long run and help only slightly now.

In the Greil Mercs, Brom faces some stiffer competition than in Part 2, but nonetheless he is a positive contribution.

O rly!? The only units I can see him doing positively better then right now are Rolf, Ilyana and possibly Nephenee, and that's only if they haven't levelled up enough. He doesn't double anything with his fail 16-17 AS, so he loses offensively to those that are (Ike, Titania, Oscar, Shinon, Mia) and doesn't do as much damage as the likes of Haar, Boyd, Gatrie, and Soren, the former 2 of which use the same weapons but with higher strength, the latter of whom hits Resistance, which is almost always lower on enemies (and has Adept for a chance of doubling anyway). He isn't even healing or stealing like Mist, Rhys, and Heather. He has terrible movement, tied for worst on the team with Rhys and Gatrie (who's a hell of a lot better anyway because of level lead and better growths), and it's a pretty big, open map that even has some swamps to hinder him. And that's just 3-2.

Come 3-3 now. He still has the same disadvantages he had on the last chapter, now coupled with the fact that low movement really hurts since those Senators come fast and people need to get up there quickly to stop them from escaping so Heather can steal from them. He's falling behind. By the time he catched up, a lot of the enemies are probably dead.

3-4. lolMountain that he can't climb up unless he's right next to the ledge. The fail here is pretty self-explanatory.

Particulary in 3-5, the second defense mission he gets to be part of.

3-5? Okay, now he's got some use, since it's a defense chapter with a lot of holes to cover. Though, not as good as it sounds. Characters like Gatrie and Boyd are probably starting to double now, characters like Ike have massive avoid from earth supports, and the same people still have great tanking ability (Haar, Gatrie, Titania, Oscar, Boyd, etc.) Hell, even Rolf and Nephenee are getting up statistically and starting to pwn him offensively, since both double and Rolf especially now has some good Strength. Brom hasn't shined since part 2, and it was minimal there. I'll skip his last couple of chapters before Tanith's join for now.

Finally, after nearly two entire parts of pwn, Tanith joins.

More like 1 part of semi-pwn, 1 part of lag.

She has less hp/def than Brom, cannot use terrain and a weakness to (cross)bows, and in trade all she has is a 22 avo lead. Fun. And this is comparing her to Brom at _base level_, and without the likely B/A Nephenee that he ought to have now. Suck.

This is her joining chapter. Know what she can do? Cover those potholes so characters like Brom can cross safely. Know what else she can do? Double Paladins and Generals, something Brom still can't do. In fact, with a Speed transfer (62% chance, not too out there) she can also be doubling Sages and Dragonmasters. Four of this chapters Snipers are on Onagers, so there's only realistically one Sniper for her to worry about. The boss has a Crossbow, but she shouldn't be fighting him anyway, and he doesn't move. There's a Warrior with a Crossbow I believe, but Haar got rid of him on, like, turn 2. Don't let me forget the Dragonmaster with a Hammer that's out to get Brom.

Also, you know those annoying Bishops? Tanith is perfect for running in, killing one, then stepping back on a pothole to let others cross. That utility is invaluable here since the enemies are covering up any regular entryways with Light Runes.

Also, as for his support, I think he can fairly get Nephenee for +2 attack, +2 defense, +8 avoid, and +8 accuracy. They don't match anything, but it's the best he can get and it works for Nephenee as well.

While on the subject of supports, check out Tanith's affinity. It's Earth, the best in the game. Now, she doesn't have a support yet, but everyone wants her. Hell, some people would even be willing to drop a support for her, but when the time comes I think she'll want to support Calill.

For the ease of comparing, we'll just put Brom and Tanith at equal levels for now. 14 levels for Brom for 10 maps seems more than reasonable.

16 Brom - B Nephenee

Steel Axe - 36-37 atk, 20 AS -- 68 avo, 45 hp, 30 def, 13-14 res

16 Tanith

Steel Lance - 30 atk, 23 AS -- 68 avo, 35 hp, 19 def, 20 res

Well, looks like Tanith loses even when she is around. 3 AS and 6-7 res versus 6-7 atk, 10 hp and 11 def? I know who I would take.

I could argue that he should be a little lower because of not doubling a single enemy except that one guy in 2-1, but 1-2 levels lower would hardly make a difference anyway. I already addressed the advantage her AS gives, and you failed to mention her +3 move lead and Canto. On another note, you say you would take Brom, but Tanith is forced anyway. :o That's right, she isn't even competing for a unit slot.

Tanith obviously has her flierness to brag about, but she can't use that to full potential due to being that much more frail. Her weakness to crossbows, for example, is terrifying. A standard Crossbow OHKOs her instantly, which is terrible. A Steel Longbow has 36 mt on her, so even a hypothetical Sniper/Bow Knight with 2 Str would 2HKO her (they do far more than that, though, for obvious reasons).

Then it's a pretty good thing she doesn't face too many. Only 1 or 2 in her joining chapter, none in 3-E, 1 in 4-P, a few in 4-3, and virtually nothing to worry about in the Endgame. Come part 4 she hardly even has to worry because by then she at least has a C support and can run around in the desert. If you want a truly frail flier, look for Marcia, Nealuchi, and Vika. And Sigrun with her shitty speed.

Slowly we roll into Part 4 with both at third tier. Tanith is forced to go with Micaiah, while Brom gets to choose, and likely stays with Ike and his friends, if only because that way he gets to say "neener neener neener" for having three authority stars on his side versus Micaiah's zero.

So Tanith is gonig to go to a weaker team to help out. Cool. Even if the choice was there, she'd probably go there for the desert and being able to cross the terrain in 4-P. Brom has nothing special to offer to his team, and he would suck ass on Micaiah's team or Tibarn's team. Hell, he's not even great on Ike's team because of ledges in 4-4 that he hates and a Sleep staff.

This leaves us with endgame, clearly the least significant, since they're so unlikely to go into the tower to begin with. Ten slots leftover, seven of which we can cram royals, Shinon and some kind of Trueblade in, and the other three can be filled with superior users of both Urvan and Wishblade, and obviously you'll want some staves in the form of Elincia, maybe Mist. And then there's people like Stefan and Volke who come pretty much endgame ready, and the support partners of people you just sent in.

Perhaps neither is going, but Tanith is a much better choice anyway, undeniably. She is in one of the best endgame classes because of a better speed cap, has a full support set in right now with the best endgame Archsage, Calill, and has access to one of the best SS weapons, the Wishblade, which is > Urvan. There may be better choices than her, but she is a much better choice than Brom.


Part 2 - Brom by default

Part 3 - Tanith for actually helping when she's around

Part 4 - Tanith for the above reason

Final - Tanith, obviously

Winner? Tanith.


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