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Metroid Fusion should be remade in 3-D

General Spoon

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Well, they should make a sequel to Metroid Fusion, Prime style, IMO. Of course, after they make the 2.5 Super Metroid remake.

Edited by Skasha
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Yeah, I mean, what the hell ever happened to Metroid Dread? Fusion was my first and favorite Metroid.

It was probably fan-made, just like Sonic HD.

But Nintendo has to realize that anything Super Metroid related would be instant money.

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I don't think that if it was being fan-made, it wouldn't get referenced. Like it did in Metroid Prime 3. (Get referenced that is.)

I know that, maybe Nintendo got in the DNF mood, you know.

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Yeah, I mean, what the hell ever happened to Metroid Dread? Fusion was my first and favorite Metroid.

Just going to pull a "same here." Metroid Fusion was the first game in the series I played, and after playing almost all the other titles, it still remains my favorite.

This does not mean I think it should be redone in 3-D. I'd rather see the series continue, since as it stands, the storyline of Metroid hasn't advanced since Fusion.

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Huh. I was gonna come in here and cry "Lies, slander", but I've cooled down a bit. That said, bear in mind that Metroid was my first Metroid, and that Zero Mission is my favorite.

While the Prime series has its unique blend of awesome, it's not entirely comparable to the 2D series. The type of exploration, and navigation is tighter, and more well defined. Did they ever manage to get Shinesparking into a 3D Metroid? Wall-jumping? My experience with Echoes was incomplete, and I have yet to play Prime III, period, but my gut tells me the answer is "no". This alone would be reason enough to veto an attempt to leave 2D Metroids behind and migrate entirely to 3D, as the sorts of flexibility the Shinespark, or the Walljump, affords is unparalleled.

Fusion doesn't need to be remade period, 2D or 3D (unlike the original Metroid which did stand from considerable improvement with Zero Mission), being recent enough, and solid enough, and the only gripe being a lack of sequence breaking opportunities (which is a considerable one, mind you, but not a fatal one). Additionally, you fail to present a compelling case with one fan-art alone.

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IIRC, it was origanlly fanart, but Nintendo liked it so much they decided it was official art.

That's generally not how it works.

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Wall Jumping was in Prime 2 though I can't remember shinesparking since it was so long since I played it. Haven't finished Prime III yet.

But Nintendo has to realize that anything Super Metroid related would be instant money.

Not really. Metroid was never one of Nintendo's big money franchises.

I'd rather have a remake of Metroid II:Return of Samus.

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Not really. Metroid was never one of Nintendo's big money franchises.

I'd rather have a remake of Metroid II:Return of Samus.

It would result in big money, though.

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Too bad a remake or sequel wasn't made...

The rumored DS title, Metroid Dread, was thought to take place after Fusion. Though, save for the vague mention of "Project Dread" in Corruption, the game seems to have dispappeared off the map entirely.

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