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Reinforcements in 12x


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Yes, but recruit Pahn and keep him alive to be 100% sure (though I think it'd help if you savestated to test if Trewd joins if Pahn dies or doesn't join).

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Yes, but recruit Pahn and keep him alive to be 100% sure (though I think it'd help if you savestated to test if Trewd joins if Pahn dies or doesn't join).

I'm pretty sure you need to recruit Pahn to recruit Trewd, no matter the method.

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Warp staves are really convenient to have.


I have two uses of the repair stave left, and Salem broke his sleep staff last chapter. What should I do then?

Also, what happens when Tina fills her inventory?

Okay, so it looks like it'll take Trewd 3 turns to escape. Thank god I could care less about the charge manual. So right now I think I will use my warp staff like this.

Turn 1: Warp Lara to Pahn, recruit him, steal Tina's Thief staff.

Turn 2: Warp someone to block the exit by the defense ring chest.

Turn 3: Warp Othin to block and capture Trewd.

Question. Can enemies escape anyplace other than the top two exits?

That dancer is going to dance for Trewd, isn't it?

Also, will I absoultly need a use of the repair staff later in the game?

If I kill enemy thieves/archers, but not dancers, the dancer reinforements wil stilll come, right?

Wait, shouldn't I steal both of Tina's staves?

Is this place a whorehouse or something?

Edited by Delmud
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I have two uses of the repair stave left, and Salem broke his sleep staff last chapter. What should I do then?

Can you fix staves with hammerme? And, even if you can, wouldn't it be better to save it for personal weapons?

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Bottom right somewhere, they will attempt to flee through the stairs in the top right, so block them to prevent them from leaving.

And yes, I think it might just be a whorehouse.

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I have two uses of the repair stave left, and Salem broke his sleep staff last chapter. What should I do then?

Also, what happens when Tina fills her inventory?

Okay, so it looks like it'll take Trewd 3 turns to escape. Thank god I could care less about the charge manual. So right now I think I will use my warp staff like this.

Turn 1: Warp Lara to Pahn, recruit him, steal Tina's Thief staff.

Turn 2: Warp someone to block the exit by the defense ring chest.

Turn 3: Warp Othin to block and capture Trewd.

Question. Can enemies escape anyplace other than the top two exits?

That dancer is going to dance for Trewd, isn't it?

Also, will I absoultly need a use of the repair staff later in the game?

If I kill enemy thieves/archers, but not dancers, the dancer reinforements wil stilll come, right?

Wait, shouldn't I steal both of Tina's staves?

You don't need Sleep Staff.

I think when her inventory is full, she stops using Thief Staff.

Don't worry about the Charge Manual. The moment you recruit Pahn, all the thieves will run like crazy, ignoring the chests.

Yes, there is a third exit. It's in the right, a little to the top. A high movement person can reach it quickly so you won't need to waste any Warp Staff.

If Trude attempts to escape through the right, then yes, the dancer will dance for him. But if the exit to the right is blocked, then the dancer won't dance.

I haven't gone that far myself. If you act super-conservative, you may never need it. Make sure you don't use too much of those * ranked weapons, particularly Grafcalibur. In any case, as a staff fanatic, I prefer to waste Hammerne on more Warp Staves.

I don't know anything about the reinforcements, sorry.

Because you don't need to steal Unlock. She doesn't use Unlock (I never saw her use it) so you could just leave it with her. She'll join you anyway and you'll have the Unlock (which only she can use)

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So far, I don't see why this is supposed to be so bad. What's going to happen?

Thieves steal your treasure and ran away, Tina steals your equipment[/s] from afar, it's FoW, and shits.

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Thieves steal your treasure and ran away, Tina steals your equipment[/s] from afar, it's FoW, and shits.

I just warped Lara to Pahn and recruited him, and had him steal Tina's thief staff. The thieves just ran away on their turn without bothering to get treasure. And Othin captured Trewd. :unsure:

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I just warped Lara to Pahn and recruited him, and had him steal Tina's thief staff. The thieves just ran away on their turn without bothering to get treasure. :unsure:

Because that's the easiest way.

If you took the hard way, the map would be hell.

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Like I did on my first playthrough.

Tina nicked Leaf's Light Sword among other things and broke her Thief Staff so I never got to use it, and I didn't get any treasure apart from the Armorslayer.

Warp staff is godly in 12x. Really godly.

<3 Safy.

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