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On chapter 15, when Leaf talks to the bishop, does he make ALL of your guys escape, or just Leaf?

Everyone escapes. The same applies to leaving through one of the two blue exits. The only difference is that the bishop gives you a Restore Staff.

Does Amalda have to survive this chapter to be recruited later?

The Amalda in this chapter had the dumbest AI I ever saw (using Vulneraries for losing only 2 HP???). I don't think it's even possible for her to die. Also, she can't be recruited if you take the Lunar Route (east)

Also, when Ralph started talking, I thought he was just some random villager.

Same here.

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I don't think it's even possible for her to die.

She does not die!

I wait for shanam to show up, and usually by then she has lost her vulneries, and her master sword as was holding off all the bandits with a broken sword and 1 hp. The game makes it impossible for her to die.

Ralph on the other hand can die.

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She does not die!

I wait for shanam to show up, and usually by then she has lost her vulneries, and her master sword as was holding off all the bandits with a broken sword and 1 hp. The game makes it impossible for her to die.

Ralph on the other hand can die.

That certainly explains why she's always trying to get into the range of the boss who has a Halberd that OHKOs her. I'm guessing her RNG is rigged like CH 1-3 Eyvel.

Also, I think Ch 23's


also has rigged RNG since every single attack I use misses on


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I hope I remember to kill off Olwen this chapter (15).

Take a look at my scroll-abused Olwen:


Eyrios can have the same stats with the proper scrolls but his inability to use DaimThunder and Holy Sword makes him completely inferior to Olwen imo. Especially Holy Sword. That's my favorite weapon in FE5. I wouldn't recommend killing Olwen off for him.

Alright, something's up. I'm preparing for chapter 16A, and there's this doofus general among the enemies called Nicarf who has no weapons.

Nevermind, he left.

He's the boss of Ch 17A

Can Brigands cross rivers?

No, brigands cannot cross rivers. However, pirates can. Pirate reinforcements will come later in this chapter. You still have plenty of time to recruit Sleuf though so don't worry too much about it.

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Dime (daim) thunder is 12 WT. Even if Olwen gets 20 speed, she is still going to be doubled.

I'd rather have Eyrios double the normal way.

Holy sword does not make up for her inferior stats and is received much later.

(Eyrios has A in sword AND thunder)

He also joins with BOLTING (thunderstorm)

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Dime (daim) thunder is 12 WT. Even if Olwen gets 20 speed, she is still going to be doubled.

That depends on the enemy. Besides, I doubt the enemy survives two hits of DaimThunder anyway unless it's a big boss like the final boss

I'd rather have Eyrios double the normal way.

Olwen gets Thunder A pretty fast so she is free to use Thoron or whatever tome you plan on giving Eyrios. Nobody's forcing you to equip Olwen with DaimThunder.

Holy sword does not make up for her inferior stats and is received much later.

Scroll-abusing solves the inferior stat problems. Holy Sword has 17 Mt, Auto-Continue, 30 Crit (I think), Res+10 and grants Prayer skill. Although you receive it late, I fail to see why this isn't an awesome weapon.

(Eyrios has A in sword AND thunder)

Olwen can get A in Thunder pretty fast and she doesn't need to use any A-rank sword. In fact, she doesn't need any sword other than Holy Sword.

He also joins with BOLTING (thunderstorm)

There are plenty of Boltings in the game and enemies that are equipped with Bolting are easy to capture since they get doubled a lot.

Olwen also has a PCC of 4 while Eyrios has a PCC of 0. Thoron criticals a lot when Olwen activates Pursuit.

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That depends on the enemy. Besides, I doubt the enemy survives two hits of DaimThunder anyway unless it's a big boss like the final boss

Olwen starts with 10 speed. That means she has 0 AS. Any enemy with 4 speed will double, and probably kill her.

Her growth in speed (50) is nice, but will take several level up to get to at least having and AS at all.

Olwen gets Thunder A pretty fast so she is free to use Thoron or whatever tome you plan on giving Eyrios. Nobody's forcing you to equip Olwen with DaimThunder.

Thorons have short usage (10) and you do not get as many of them in Olwen's route. On the contrary; you get a bucketload of them on Eyrios' route.

Exactly, so the Daim thunder "advantage" is gone.

Scroll-abusing solves the inferior stat problems. Holy Sword has 17 Mt, Auto-Continue, 30 Crit (I think), Res+10 and grants Prayer skill. Although you receive it late, I fail to see why this isn't an awesome weapon.

Scroll abusing (although practacally everyone does it, including me) cannot count in favour to Olwen because I could do the same with Eyrios.

Holy sword is a nice weapon, but eyrios has a A in swords, so he can use sleep, master, hero (even better), silver, and kill swords as soon as you get him.

I consider it better to have use of any non-prf weapon for the whole game then to have holy sword from chapter 22 onwards.

Olwen can get A in Thunder pretty fast and she doesn't need to use any A-rank sword. In fact, she doesn't need any sword other than Holy Sword.

You do not have to worry about weapon ranks with Eyrios. Swords are very useful; use a sleep sword to dismount enemy units to capture or steal from, use a master (or better a hero sword) to finish enemy before counter, use kill sword for awesome critical, use silver for power, and so on. It counts alot.

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Exactly, so the Daim thunder "advantage" is gone.

Nobody force you to use Daim Thunder, but it is her BEST weapon, so why don't you use it? And you get 2 Daim Thunder tomes after all (if not 3...).

Edited by Arthur
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She gets doubled with it until about level 10!

you are better of with Eyrios, he can double the real way. Magic OR swords, it your choice.

Give ambush to eyrios as well. Since he can use master or hero, he will defeat them before they can counter.

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She gets doubled with it until about level 10!

you are better of with Eyrios, he can double the real way. Magic OR swords, it your choice.

Give ambush to eyrios as well. Since he can use master or hero, he will defeat them before they can counter.

If I give him ambush, then who should get wrath?

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Dean maybe?

Or fin.

Or maybe Eyrios instead of ambush. Eyrios rather bad pcc is made up with wrath. Actually, that is a better idea.

Give eyrios wrath, and someone with a hero weapon (fin maybe) ambush.

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She gets doubled with it until about level 10!

She can kill just well with Daim Thunder, and you have scrolls don't you? Use it.

And she usually kill the enemy first before they counter attack, well...in my case...not so sure about yours. Maybe you don't raise her at all.

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Accuracy mean anything?

she has 8 skill, and daim thunder has 70 hit. Enemies evade probably cancel her hit, so she has about 75 hit chance. Being VERY generous.

With 1 rns, you cannot rely on that. When she misses, they will double and kill her.

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I think I'm liking Eyrois better. First off, his mugshot doesn't hurt my eyes. Second, he's got a nice skillset. Third, I like his weapon levels. Fourth, recruiting him netted my some nice shit. Fifth, he has existant defenses.

I like Eyrois better.

Also, I should aim to get my thief to 17 build, right? I think that can steal anything but hammers.

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Also, I should aim to get my thief to 17 build, right? I think that can steal anything but hammers.

Yes. Use the Neir scroll.

Hammers are plentiful.

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Why doesn't Eyrois join if Olwen is in your party? Does it have something to do with his hate/love of nobles?

Who should get Awareness?

I will start 17A soon. As soon as I figure out how I will capture the Dark Bishop, visit the church (on the turn I seize), visit the houses with the warp and rescue staves, and capture the bishops next to the boss, and kill the boss, and seize, all before turn 10. I already know I will need a warp staff. Maybe two.

Better idea: Forget the bishop with meteor. Just get the one with the bolting and tron.

Okay, I think I will do something like this:

Turn one: Warp Leaf by boss, dance for Saphy, warp Asvel there too. Kill the boss with Asvel, and capture the bolting bishop with Leaf. Have Sleuf warp Makua over by the warp/recsue houses, and she'll visit one this turn. Dean will advance to the dark bishop, and Karin will follow in order to strip the dark bishop of his weapons after I capture him.

Use savestates to get the ballistae and stuff to agree with Leaf and Asvel.

Turn two: Dean captures the dark bishop, and Karin takes the goodies from it. Makua visits the other warp/rescue house. Asvel takes the goodies from the bishop Leaf is holding. Sleuf will rewarp repeatedly until his movement stars work, and will visit the church. Then Leaf will seize.

Several damn changes. Dean won't be able to reach the dark bishop by turn 2. The bishops are apparently behind little walls/cliffs/whatever, so capturing them is out. Damn.

Alright, the boss died with no problems. The stupid dark bishop is moving, but whatever. He should still be captured and stripped of his staves with plenty of time to spare. Asvel is in no danger at all, since the bishops and ballistae are all targeting Leaf. Who is on the gate. Currently, my biggest problem is that the pegasus knights are surrounding Makua. They're not attacking her, they're just blocking her way to the other village.

I think I'll restart and deploy Tina. That Wind Sword looks nice... Yep, I'm right back where I was before now. And yoink, that wind sword is mine.

Okay, so my plan worked, more or less.


Fuck, this is the chapter with Xavier, isn't it?

Damnit, it is. I think I'll just steal his stuff, kill him, and pretend he wasn't there.

I should train Sara, shouldn't I?


Damnit. I can't kill Xavier after hearing that stupid speach. Damn.

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Sara is easy to train, she has elite. If you are playing elite mode, using a high level staff gives her an entire level. I usually do not promote her, but her staff level and magic can help. (she has insane magic/speed/skill/luck growth) but terrible def/hp.

Xavier is truly a pain. Out of my playthroughs, I only got him twice. If you have dalsin, steal his weapons and do not bother. If you do not have dalsin, you still should not bother because it is just a pain.

If you do not want to kill him, use the sleep swords.

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