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Good Places for the next TWEWY 2


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another sequel unless it had an entirely different cast of characters. And with different characters and a different place, well, then it's not much of a sequel.

Isn't that what Fire Emblem does basically? or Final Fantasy?

Why wouldn't it be much of a sequel? The Story doesn't really have to have any sort of connection to the previous one

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Chinatown in NY... Masu knows EXACTLY where I'm talking about.

that spot we stood in in the center of the city and when we looked around we noticed it looked JUST LIKE the scramble from TWEWY? c'mon even the huge building looked similar

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that spot we stood in in the center of the city and when we looked around we noticed it looked JUST LIKE the scramble from TWEWY? c'mon even the huge building looked similar

Yeah. It had the same amount of streets to exit IIRC, as well as that alley where CF was lol

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Yeah. It had the same amount of streets to exit IIRC, as well as that alley where CF was lol

i know thats awesome XD annd that amazing japanese resturaunt could be that ramen guy's shop i so gotta get those pork noodles LK got this time i go

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